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Stack Developer React Js

United States
May 15, 2024

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Pavan B

Senior Java Full Stack Developer


Professional Summary:

Overall, 9+ years of strong software experience as a Java Full Stack Developer and extensively experienced in Software Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of Object-Oriented Applications and Web based Enterprise Applications using java/J2EE.

Experienced in developing applications using React JS for view rendering and implementing React JS with Redux and Flux to achieve MVC design flow to the application.

Spring boot with Hibernate combination where it has a predefined MVC architecture which made me to run all batch jobs easily and quickly.

Experienced in configuring and deploying applications on different servers such as Apache Tomcat, Web logic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss.

Developed and deployed Micro services-based applications using Spring Boot along with Spring REST.

Developing SOA (Service Oriented Architectures) and Microservice architectures using J2EE web services based on Restful (JAX-RS), SOAP(JAX_WS).

Hands on experience in developing web-based enterprise applications using J2EE technologies such as Servlets, JSP, EJB, JMS and JDBC.

Developed UI using Frontend technology such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Query, Angular 5, Angular 6, Bootstrap, AJAX, Node JS, React JS and XML.

Good knowledge in building real time dashboard applications using Elastic Search, Log stash and Kibana (ELK) to profile and monitor the streaming data of the application.

Have good knowledge on different databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, Oracle 13c/11g, Microsoft SQL Server, NoSQL DB (Mongo DB and Cassandra, Couch DB, Dynamo DB) and good experience in writing stored procedures, functions and triggers, views using PL/SQL scripts and embedded DDL and DML statements in PL/SQL blocks in JDBC, ODBC and in WebLogic server.

Worked with various web-based applications using Model View Controller architecture, and experience in MVC frame works like Spring and Struts.

Good Knowledge in Amazon Web Services (Amazon SQS, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon Simple DB, Amazon EBS, Amazon Lambda and Amazon Cloud Front).

Worked on Java 11 version in deploying the application using Struts framework, used the struts tag library in viewing the JSP pages and Servlets as web implementation controllers.

Implemented exception handling in Java Spring boot for REST API by making use of Exception Handler and Controller Advice annotations.

Hands on experience in implementation of Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) services such as Pivotal Container Service, Pivotal Application Service and Pivotal Functional Service.

Built security functionality for various projects using Spring Security.

Proven proficiency in Terraform, demonstrating advanced skills in infrastructure as code (IaC) for streamlined and efficient Java development projects.

Extensive proficiency in Test-Driven Development frameworks such as JMeter and Karate, showcasing a commitment to ensuring robust and high-quality Java applications.

Good experience using Docker for installing, upgrading, testing, removing and running software applications.

Professional experience in Log4J for extensible logging, debugging and error tracing.

Sound learning on consistent mix and persistent improvement devices like Jenkins, Hudson, Puppet and Bamboo.

Experience in Unix and Shell Scripting which allows the user to interact with OS.

Project level experience in Java based ORM frameworks involving Hibernate, JPA, Spring Data.

Technical skills:

Programming Languages

Java, C, C++, PL/SQL, SQL

JavaScript Frameworks

Angular, jQuery, Node.js, React.js with Redux, Express.js, Handlebar.js, Hapi.js

Java/J2EE Technologies

Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Spring, EJB, JPA, JTA, JDBC, JSP, JSTL, Hibernate.


Struts, Spring, Spring boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring AOP, Spring Core, JSF, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Cloud.

Web Technologies

HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap, XML, JSON.


MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra, Raven DB, Dynamo DB

Web Services



JMS (Java Message Service), IBM MQ, Apache Active MQ, Apache Kafka

Web service Frameworks

Jax-RS, JAX-WS, Apache CXF, Jersey, Axis

Web Application Servers

Apache Tomcat, Oracle Web logic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss


Agile, Waterfall, TTD, SCRUM

Cloud Technologies & DevOps Tools

Azure, AWS, EC2, EBS, S3, Docker, ECS, EBS, EKS, SQS, RDS, S3, Glacier, Lambda, Kubernetes, Ansible

Project Management Tools

JIRA, GitHub.

Testing Frameworks

JUnit, Test Ng, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Spock, Protractor, Selenium, Cucumber

Version Control

SVN, CVS, GIT, Bitbucket

Build & Configuration Tools

Maven, Gradle, ANT, Jenkins, Bamboo, Gulp, Grunt, Web pack, NPM, Bower


Eclipse, Visual Studio, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite, Sublime Text, WinSCP, Putty

Operating Systems

Windows, Linux, and UNIX, Mac OS

Professional Experience:

Client: Northern Trust, Chicago, IL JUNE 2023 – till now

Role: Senior Java Backend Developer


Participated in Agile methodology and Involved in Design, development, Implementation and testing of the enterprise applications.

Analyzed code using Spring Tool Suite and used for providing coding assistance, quick navigation, clever error analysis, and refactoring.

Worked using Spring boot microservices to process the messages into the Kafka cluster setup and implemented Kafka producer and consumer applications on Kafka cluster setup with the help of Zookeeper.

Used Spring MVC to handle/intercept the user requests and used various controllers to delegate the request flow to the back-end tier of the application.

Apache Kafka is used to send message objects to client queues and topics.

Implemented Microservices password rotation in a Spring Boot application, enhancing security measures.

Integrated the solution with CyberArk for centralized credential management, ensuring a robust and secure configuration server

Accomplished Onsite Tech Lead at a senior level, adept at leading and mentoring development teams with diverse skill sets.

Worked on APIs which require authentication to ensure that only authorized users or applications can access them. Common methods include API keys, OAuth, and token-based authentication.

Create new microservices/integration services to enhance applications based on business needs.

Used Application monitoring tools like Dynatrace.

Extensively worked on Spring bean wiring, Spring DAO, Spring AOP modules and implemented Spring AOP in exception handling, which it reduces the development time to handle the exceptions.

Used Azure DevOps for checking in the code to the repository for deployment purpose.

Developed Hibernate entities and performed Object relation mappings and wrote criteria queries for the data retrievals.

Exposed Spring MVC controllers as Rest web services and configured spring security in the application.

Customized Restful web service using spring restful API, sending JSON format data packets between front end and middle tier controller.

Having experience to handle errors that can occur during the API request, including network errors, authentication failures, or unexpected responses.

Involved with testing team to determine dependency towards removing bottlenecks and ensuring smooth testing process. Developed Junit test cases for code quality improvements.

Created REST web services to send data in JSON format to different systems using spring boot.

Worked on Rest Web Services and Node Rest framework for backend services while using MS SQL Server for database services.

Developed Test Cases and unit testing using Junit. Solving QA defects, scheduling fixes, providing support to production application.

Led comprehensive vulnerability scans using Snow Tool, promptly addressing identified issues.

Implemented a flag-based system for targeted fixes, bolstering overall security and preventing potential threats.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Hibernate, Micro Services, Web Sphere Application Server, Spring MVC, Apache Kafka, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Log4J, Junit, Docker, checkmarx, CyberArk, Oracle 12c, Stored Procedures, Azure DevOps, GITHUB.

Client: Ally Financial, Charlotte, NC JAN 2021 – MAY 2023

Role: Senior Java Full Stack Developer


Developed UI application initially using Angular 6.0 and made use of customized components.

Used Rx JS 6 of Angular 9 with the new methods and the new importing style according to the package structure change in Angular 9.

Developed key services for authorization and authentication in Node server, where we used LDAP. Later migrated the authentication from LDAP to Ping Access-SSO (Single Sign On) Application.

Used SQL, PL/SQL in indexes, views, stored procedures, functions and relational database models.

The application development includes analysis, design, coding and testing in Object-Oriented environment and implemented features of Java 11 programming.

Developed and deployed Micro Services based applications using Spring Boot along with Spring Rest and Node JS with Express JS.

Expertise in using pair programming to improve code quality, by having two people review each line of code and also to catch errors.

Developed a custom logging microservice using the technologies Angular 9, Node Js and Oracle DB which can be integrated into the existing application modules to log all the actions performed on the files like Approve, Cancel, Export etc.

Implemented customer side validations using Angular 8.0 and created services on UI for storing and retrieving data from UI to the backend.

Worked on Spring Boot 2.4 which adds support for the JSON Binding API (JSON-B), which allows for easier serialization and deserialization of JSON data.

Worked on developing the services with JSON, XML and RESTful web services.

Worked on Kubernetes cluster as a part of deployment activity. Familiar with Open Shift commands mainly for deployment.

Involved in writing Java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS Services.

Worked on the modernization of a legacy and outsourced UI technologies used were Angular 11, CSS, Node JS, Express JS and AWS (Amazon Web Services).

Hands-on development working with latest JAVA 9 features including Stream API, Functional interfaces, Lambda expressions, Optional and Completable Futures.

Our project involved in Agile Scrum methodology for developing the application with regular standup calls to monitor the status.

Worked with java libraries to access AWS facilities as Simple Storage service, Simple queue service and Dynamo DB.

Implemented spring security features using AOP Interceptors for the authentication.

Implement the web application using Full Stack technologies (Oracle DB, Express, Angular 6, Node.js) along with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and other web technologies.

I was under migration of the project converting angular components and updating router Modules. Implemented the complete set up with configuration file changes from Angular 6 to Angular 8.

Involved in innovation of the current UI to make an implementation under mobile device access using cross platform technologies such as Ionic which helps in improving the business.

Developed the application using Spring framework to provide abstraction between presentation layer and persistence layer.

Migrating existing application into REST based Micro services to provide all the CRUD capabilities using Spring Boot.

Mainly involved in deployment activities CI/CD deployment and familiar with OSE (Open shift origin). Also made changes in Jenkins Files as per the requirement of the pipeline.

Utilized the Lazy loading feature provided by Angular to load the components only when needed. Also compiled the Angular 9 app using ahead of time compilation to reduce the size of files that loads into the browser for better performance.

Strong understanding on client-side application and very good at attaining the architectural design for MVC using directives, promises and pipes.

Developed necessary SQL queries for database transactions.

Implementation of the design wireframe using Angular 8 and creating services and exposing it to the backend which runs on Spring Boot. Here we also have another layer that makes use of NodeJS mainly used for authentication, authorization and session maintenance.

Experience in Spring Boot 2.4 which includes improvements to Reactive JDBC support, such as the ability to use SQL named parameters, prepared statements, and batching.

Performed Design, Development, Test, Validation and Integration of the software.

Migrated the code from Angular 8 to Angular 9 by utilizing new commands provided by angular CLI 9 like ng update, ng add and implemented the multiple project support with angular. Json provided in Angular 9.

Worked on system maintenance and enhancement requests that includes web development.

Created sessions for Login user and setting session timed out for the entire UI application.

Involve in development, design and implementation of the front-end application using HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Bootstrap 6.0.

Used Spring implementation for business model and Hibernate framework for data processing.

Also created yml files for using a swagger API within UI.

Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Micro Services and develop Spring based application with very less configuration.

Developed some test suites for Automation testing using Selenium.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Angular 8/9, NodeJS, Express JS, JWT, OAuth 2.0, JIRA, GITLAB, Jenkins, Jasmine, Mocha, Cucumber, AWS EC2, AWS S3, Splunk, Swagger API, Agile Methodology, Oracle, PL/SQL, ETL, ZUUL Gateway, Mongoose Connector, Oracle, JBoss, Kibana, Elastic search, Logs tash, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Docker, Apache tomcat, Selenium, Spock, Karma, Jasmine, Mockito, Junit, mock MVC, Kubernetes, Dump Analysis, Eureka.

Client: Mayo Clinic, Minneapolis, MN SEP 2017 – JAN 2021

Role: Java Full Stack Developer


Developed Mean Stack application from scratch including Mongo DB server setup and Express-JS server development.

Developed REST services using Node-JS, Express-JS, Body-Parser, Mongoose, Underscore-JS and other node modules to serve the web application with JSON data.

Used Mongoose API in order to access the Mongo DB from Node JS and used Angular CLI and NPM for scaffolding the Angular 5 Application.

Used Continuous delivery / Continuous Integration (CD/CI) tools Docker, Jenkins to deploy this application to AWS.

Involved in requirements gathering and analysis from the existing system. Captured requirements using Use Cases and Sequence Diagrams.

Experience in migrating several data bases from on premise data center to Cassandra.

Worked as a part of Agile Software Development Methodology including Scrum technology.

Worked with HTTP/HTTPS protocols by using Angular 5 components to build micro services in Node JS.

Experience with Test Driven Development using JUnit and Mockito framework

Used Load Runner to regularly test performance life cycles.

Used Express middleware to provide response to HTTP requests and to send status codes to the browser.

Extensively used promises (Success and Error) while making sync communication. Wrote services with Angular 5 to store and retrieve user data from the Mongo DB for the application on devices with the Http service.

Project code build is done using MAVEN tool.

Used Continuous delivery / Continuous Integration (CD/CI) tools Jenkins to deploy this application.

Implemented a metrics collection mechanism for the server by utilizing Apache Kafka to stream server-side events.

Used GIT for Version Control of code for incremental development and day-to-day basis to maintain the code history.

Used Postman to test the API workflow tested on the JSON files which are generated by the NodeJS, ExpressJS.

Adopted Office 365 to setup mail notification upon the success or failure when the backend processes are completed and to send mail notifications regarding any system related problems.

Authenticating Users and to provide the security to RESTful web services using OAUTH2.0

Building cloud Micro services and implemented back-end using Spring Boot.

Working experience in creating Logic Apps to trigger Docker container instances.

AKS Used Kubernetes to create new cluster and container management tool. Configured AKS clusters to Monitor services and used to view pods health and performance.

Created custom directives in Angular 5 for reusable components (directive for browser controls like: disable right click, browser close, and lock screen while transition, multifield form elements, background file uploads etc.).

Tested Angular 6 with Jasmine and karma testing frameworks.

Used JavaScript and jQuery for validating the input given to the user interface

Implement the web application using Stack MEAN technologies (MongoDB, Express, Angular 5, Node.js) along with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, and other web technologies.

Developed several services in Angular 5 and shared them among different components using the dependency injection.

Environment: HTML, CSS, Angular, NodeJS, ExpressJS, JWT, OAuth, JIRA, GITLAB, Jenkins, Jasmine, Mocha, Cucumber, AWS EC2, AWS S3, Splunk, Swagger API, Agile Methodology, Oracle, PL/SQL, ETL, ZUUL Gateway, Ajax, Bootstrap 3.0, Angular 6.0, JSON, OAuth 2.0, JUnit, Mockito, Maven, Kafka, Cassandra, RESTful, SOAP, JIRA, Micro Services, Log4j, Splunk, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Jenkins, LoadRunner and Spring Tool Suite.

Client: Osmosys Software Solutions, India AUG 2015 – APR 2017

Role: Java Developer


Developed application using Struts 2 Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.

Developing Front end pages of applications using Angular 4, Angular 4, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Java 1.8.

Integrating Struts with spring by delegating Struts action management to Spring Framework using proxy. Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection.

Used Spring AOP for cross cutting concerns and IOC for dependency injection.

Used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.

Hibernate framework is used in persistence layer for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database (DB2).

Implemented J2EE design patterns.

Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator, and Singleton.

Used SQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database.

Created REST Micro services APIs using Spring Boot Application.

Used AJAX API for intensive user operations and client-side validations.

Designed and developed the web-tier using Html, JSP’s, Servlets, Struts, and Tiles framework.

Used Http compression and AJAX for faster response time.

Extensively worked with HQL and hibernate criteria queries.

Used Hibernate annotations for Hibernate mapping. Used log4j for logging messages.

Consumed Web Services (SOAP) from third party for send the emails in bulk. This service is used to send the emails to the customers in bulk as a part of Batch process.

Deployed the application on to WebSphere application server. Used RAD as an IDE and extremely worked with the WAS 7.0(WebSphere Application Server).

Environment: JDK, J2EE, Struts, Angular, spring, SOAP Web Service, JAX-WS, RAD, WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7, Hibernate, Maven, DB2 Data Base, JAXB.

Client: Riktam Software India Private Ltd, India JULY 2014 – AUG 2015

Role: Software Engineer


Involved in designing, estimating business requirements, and worked with business team to determine the needs, gather, analyze, and document requirements.

Extensive hands-on experience in Object Oriented Programming Language.

Developed Web Services using Java8, Spring Framework. Wrote test cases using Junit and Mockito.

Involved in design of database tables based on new requirements and on the mappings between legacy and new system.

Hosted and consumed web services using SOAP protocol. Worked on defining schemas and WSDL for the web services.

Extensive experience using Java, J2EE Tools such as GIT, Maven, Bitbucket, Jenkins for CI/CD Pipeline.

Used Session and request variables to hold the data between JSPs and EJBs.

Involved in performance tuning of the batch as well as online applications by writing and optimizing SQL queries.

Environment: JDK, Core Java, JSP, JSON, Servlets, EJB, JAX-WS web services, Oracle Database, Eclipse, Web Sphere, Ant build tool, Log4j for logging, UNIX.


Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Bharath University

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