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Java Developer Project Management

Mississauga, ON, Canada
May 15, 2024

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Tharani 289-***-****


Full Stack Java Developer with 5 years of hands-on experience in Software Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Testing of Object-Oriented Applications and Web-based Enterprise Applications using Java/J2EE technologies.

Proficient in engaging in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with a strong emphasis on requirements gathering and multi-tier application development methodologies including Agile, Scrum, TDD, and Waterfall. Skilled in utilizing bug/issue tracking and project management tools such as JIRA for effective project tracking and management.

Demonstrated expertise in Core Java with in-depth knowledge of advanced concepts including Multithreading, Concurrency, File Handling I/O, Generics, Data Structures, and Collections, along with a comprehensive understanding of Garbage Collection mechanisms. Proficient in leveraging Java 1.8 features such as Parallel Streams, Lambdas, functional interfaces, and filters.

Extensive experience in front-end development using a plethora of technologies including HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, ECMA Script, JavaScript, Typescript, Ajax, jQuery, Redux, AJAX, XML, JSON, and a wide range of Angular versions (2/4/6/7/8/9), ReactJS, and Node JS. Well-versed in various Spring modules such as Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Cloud, and Spring Security.

Skilled in developing and managing N-tier, server-centric J2EE enterprise-class projects using Eclipse IDE, My Eclipse, and comprehensive knowledge of J2SE and J2EE Web application technologies including Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JS, JNDI, EJB, and JMS. Proficient in SQL query writing and Hibernate framework with Spring ORM, and familiar with Non-Relational Databases like MongoDB.

Experienced in Microservices development using Spring Boot, deployed in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), coupled with solid experience in Angular 6/7/8 Routing, UI router, Services, Components, Directives, and Filters. Well-versed in Spring and Struts frameworks, with expertise in implementing Design Patterns (J2EE) like Singleton, Factory, DAO, Session Facade, Front Controller, and Delegate patterns.

Proficient in authentication and authorization mechanisms using Spring Security with LDAP, OAuth2, SAML, and JWT. Experienced in Node.js environment and adept at developing messaging modules using Spring JMS, Apache Kafka, Active MQ, and Rabbit MQ.

Extensive experience in development and deployment of applications using various application servers including JBoss, WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, and Apache Tomcat. Skilled in RDBMS implementation and development using Oracle, MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2, along with expertise in NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, and DynamoDB.

Experienced in developing SOAP-based Web Services using Apache CXF and JAX-WS, with proficiency in building isomorphic applications using React JS, Redux with GraphQL on the server-side.

Knowledgeable in designing fully distributed systems with Restful API and Microservices architectures, along with developing REST Services using JAX-RS like Jersey and Rest Easy.

Expertise in DevOps practices, Release Engineering, and CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, Docker, Bitbucket, Chef, Ansible, ELK Stack, and Kubernetes. Experienced in cloud computing environments, particularly AWS, including EC2, EBS, ELB, S3, VPC, RDS, SQS, CloudWatch, Kinesis, AutoScaling, EMR, ELK, and ElasticSearch.

Proficient in J2EE Testing methodologies, including developing test cases with JUnit, Mockito for Unit testing, and Jasmine, Karma for UI testing, coupled with experience in API testing using Postman and logging using Log4j.

Skilled in scripting deployments to AWS and monitoring infrastructure using tools like AppDynamics and New Relic.

Experienced in version control and configuration management using Git, SVN, and CVS, along with expertise in build automation tools like Ant, Gradle, and Maven. Proficient in deploying applications in AWS as EC2 instances and extensive testing on multiple operating systems including Linux, UNIX, Sun Solaris, and Windows


Java/J2EE Technologies

Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, EJB, AWT, Multi-threading, Microservices

Programming Languages

Java 1.8/11, Core Java, SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++

J2EE Frameworks

Spring MVC, Struts, JSF

Application/Web Servers

WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat

ORM Frameworks

Hibernate, JSF, IBATIS

Web Technologies

JSP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, AJAX, XML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS3, HTML5, Angular JS, Angular2/4/6/7/8/9, Backbone JS, React JS, Node JS, Redux, Flux

Spring Frameworks

Spring IOC, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Cloud

Database Server

Oracle DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra


Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, STS

Web Services


Version Control

GIT, CVS, SVN, Clear case

Build Tools

ANT, Maven, Gradle


Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, TDD


Apache Camel, ESB, cucumber, Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio

Testing & Logging

Junit, Jasmine, JUnit, Log4J, SoapUI, Test NG, Easy mock and Power mock, Karma, Protractor, Mockito, Selenium, Jenkins, Docker

Cloud Tools

Azure, AWS, EC2, S3, RDS, Cloud Watch, ELK, Kubernetes, PCF


Client: BDO Canada, Toronto, ON July 2023 to Present

Role: Sr. Full Stack Java Developer


Developed view-controller components using JSP’s, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, Angular 9, Node.js, and React.js.

Implemented Angular module-wide routing and created forms using Angular data and template-driven forms.

Consumed REST services using Angular HTTP and performed REST HTTP operations for data retrieval and updates.

Created services for REST APIs to facilitate communication between components using Dependency Injection in Angular 9.

Worked on Java 11 concepts including Streams, Functional Interfaces, new Date Time API, and lambda expressions.

Migrated monolithic-based applications to microservice architecture and developed microservices using AWS platform built upon Spring Boot services.

Utilized Core Java with Concurrent API extensively for parallel processing and chunk processing of trade execution data and market data, converting it into JSON and storing it in MongoDB (NoSQL).

Implemented ReactJs for templating to expedite compilation and develop reusable components.

Responsible for creating an instance on Amazon EC2 (AWS) and deploying the application on it.

Utilized Kafka for Publish/Subscribe pattern in applications dealing with messaging.

Employed Spring Boot for building cloud Microservices and developing Spring-based applications with minimal configuration, implementing Swagger for microservices documentation.

Utilized Spring ORM Hibernate Template as the ORM tool to communicate with the database.

Extracted data from the database using SQL Queries, PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers, and packages on Oracle DB.

Created reusable and testable React.js functional and class components using ES6.

Implemented MVC with React components as Views and controllers in Node.js for API development.

Developed Microservices & APIs using Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Spring Boot, and Spring Integration.

Worked with NoSQL database MongoDB to store JSON-like dynamic connections data.

Deployed code onto Git environment and applied hooks to automate the process of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

Created and managed cloud VMs with AWS EC2 Command line clients and AWS management console.

Utilized AWS Services platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and creating EC2 instances.

Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins, and GitHub, and AWS AMIs.

Used chrome-dev-tools, react-dev-tools, and redux dev tools for debugging.

Implemented authentication of the application using Spring Security and OAuth.

Performed REST validations and created REST exception handlers and used Postman to test REST services.

Developed unit test cases using JUnit, Spring to test REST microservices.

Designed and developed REST-based Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Data with JPA (Java Persistence API), and used Swagger to interact with API endpoints of the Microservices.

Used Microservices architecture with Spring Boot, Apache Kafka message broker, deployed to AWS.

Consumed SOAP web services to integrate with legacy applications and facilitate future applications.

Troubleshooted AWS EC2 Status check including System Status checks and Instance Status check alerts.

Implemented Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD) processes using Jenkins along with UNIX shell scripts to automate routine jobs and implemented different microservices and their Docker files.

Managed and maintained Oracle and NoSQL (MongoDB) databases in production domain.

Installed Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) on EC2 to manage the containers created by PCF.

Worked with unit testing of Angular applications using Jasmine and Karma and Spring Boot applications using JUnit, Mockito, and performed end-to-end testing using Protractor.

Worked as part of the Microservices team to develop and deliver Maven projects to deploy on Jenkins CI/CD and involved in managing the Docker containers in Kubernetes.

Created Docker machines in AWS EC2 instances and created Docker containers in Docker Machine running in AWS EC2. Used Apache Maven as a build tool for building the Restful web-service.

Developed Angular Components, Services, and Filters and took part in developing unit tests and integration test cases using Jasmine, Karma. Involved in using JUnit for unit testing and Jira for bug tracking.

Environment: Java 1.8/11, Microservices, Spring Boot, Spring Security, AWS, Hibernate, JAX-B, JAX-RS, SQL, NoSQL (MongoDB), Oracle, GitHub, Kafka, Unix, JUnit, Log4J, React, Angular 8/9, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap, Ajax, JSON, jQuery, Docker, Swagger, Jenkins, SOAP, Maven, WebSphere, PCF, Log4j, JIRA, GIT, Agile.

Client: Voya India, India Jan 2021 to June 2023

Role: Full Stack Java Developer


Developed the application framework using MVC architecture using Spring and Hibernate, leveraging Java 8 and above.

Implemented data abstraction layer using Hibernate ORM with Spring, incorporating Dependency Injection.

Created front-end UI utilizing JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, TypeScript, Node.js, Bootstrap, and Ajax for responsive and dynamic web interfaces.

Utilized Angular 4 Reactive forms for complex form handling and validation employing Form Builder.

Implemented Angular 4 directives, expressions, and routing capabilities for enhanced user experience and bookmarking functionalities.

Leveraged Angular CLI and TypeScript in Angular 4 to create Controllers and Angular components for seamless web page rendering.

Developed Services to consume REST APIs and facilitate communication between components using Angular 4 Dependency Injection.

Designed and developed Microservices business components using Spring Boot, focusing on scalability and modularity.

Deployed Spring Boot Microservices Docker containers on AWS EC2 container service, utilizing AWS admin console for management.

Conducted REST validations, implemented REST exception handlers, and employed Postman for REST service testing.

Implemented fault tolerance using Spring Cloud and Netflix Hystrix for resilient and robust microservices architecture.

Employed the flux architecture in React JS for building client-side web applications with efficient data flow.

Worked with React JS and Redux architecture to maintain application states centrally and manage actions efficiently.

Developed web services for business operations using SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, and Apache CXF for interoperable and standardized communication.

Implemented middle-tier and business layer services using EJB stateless session and entity beans for scalable enterprise applications.

Utilized Cassandra, a NoSQL database management system, for storing user-generated data, upgrading Couchbase and Cassandra clusters as required.

Used Grails and Groovy in developing web applications for rapid development and enhanced productivity.

Employed Git for version control and IntelliJ as the IDE for application development, ensuring code integrity and collaboration.

Configured TOMCAT application server in a multi-cluster environment for efficient resource utilization and high availability.

Developed MySQL procedures and triggers using SQL to implement complex business logic and enhance database performance.

Utilized Docker for virtualized deployment containers and pushed code to EC2 cloud using PCF for seamless deployment and scalability.

Developed RESTful Services with Java using JAX-RS, Jersey, and Spring Boot for building scalable and modular APIs.

Utilized Spring Data JPA as a data access layer for pagination support, dynamic query execution, and integrating custom data access code.

Implemented interactive UI using React JS, leveraging one-way data flow, virtual DOM, and React Native concepts for efficient rendering.

Developed user authentication and authorization using Spring Security and JSON Web Token (JWT), enhancing application security.

Utilized JMS for message communication and integrated AJAX calls using jQuery for enhanced user interaction.

Employed Log4J for logging, capturing runtime exceptions, and monitoring errors for effective troubleshooting and debugging.

Transitioned AWS infrastructure from Elastic Beanstalk to Docker with Kubernetes for enhanced scalability and manageability.

Created unit test cases with Jasmine and Karma for UI testing and JUnit tests for Presentation and Data Access layers for ensuring code quality and reliability.

Leveraged AWS Services platform for uploading data into AWS S3 buckets and creating EC2 instances, ensuring seamless integration and scalability.

Developed and utilized Maven for compiling and building applications, ensuring project structure and dependency management.

Worked with Jenkins CI/CD pipeline for continuous integration and continuous delivery, providing continuous improvement to agile software development lifecycle.

Environment: Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Servlets, Spring, SOAP Web Services, Restful, MySQL, Cassandra, NoSQL, AJAX, Tomcat, Maven, JUNIT, Log4j, JSP, JMS, Spring ORM, Spring Cloud, PCF, Angular4, JSON, Git, Agile.

Client: JSpiders, India Sep 2018 to Dec 2020

Role: Full Stack Java Developer


Developed front-end/user interface utilizing a variety of technologies including HTML, CSS, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Angular 2, JSON, and XML for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.

Deployed Java/J2EE-based applications, ensuring seamless functionality across different platforms.

Developed Spring controller classes for forms, managing URL and view mapping using the Spring MVC Framework, and implemented server-side validation using custom validators.

Created reusable components and services using Typescript to consume REST APIs in Angular 2, enhancing code maintainability and scalability.

Implemented Data Access Objects (DAOs) to access Oracle Server Database using Hibernate as the Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool, ensuring efficient data retrieval and manipulation.

Utilized Spring AOP and Spring IOC Framework for implementing Aspects such as logging, enhancing application modularity and maintainability.

Developed backend components and services using Spring IOC, Spring MVC Framework, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, and Spring Batch, with a focus on security using Spring Security.

Integrated Spring and Hibernate to optimize data access, leveraging Hibernate in Data Access Layer for mapping Java objects to relational databases and executing SQL queries.

Established Database Connectivity using JDBC and Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for DB2, ensuring seamless interaction between application and database.

Implemented routing, modules, and reusable components using Angular, enhancing the maintainability and scalability of the front-end codebase.

Implemented logging functionality using Log4J and SLF4J, ensuring effective monitoring and debugging of the application.

Consumed REST/SOAP Web Services, utilizing Jackson/JAX-B for parsing, ensuring efficient communication between different components of the application.

Installed applications on AWS EC2 instances, configuring storage on S3 buckets, and transitioning AWS infrastructure from Elastic Beanstalk to Docker with Kubernetes for enhanced scalability and manageability.

Developed and consumed SOAP-based web services using JAX-RPC and JAX-WS specifications with WebSphere Implementations, and used Jersey Implementations to build REST web services, ensuring interoperability and efficient communication.

Deployed applications in WebSphere Application Server, utilizing WSAD for development and ensuring seamless deployment and management.

Developed Microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Security, deploying them to AWS cloud, enhancing scalability and modularity of the application architecture.

Utilized JMS to send and receive messages from the MQ, and differentiated messages using Apache Camel, ensuring efficient message processing and routing.

Configured Microservices architecture and integrated it with React JS application, ensuring seamless communication and functionality between different components.

Wrote JUnit test cases for asserting functions and used SoapUI for testing Web Services, ensuring the reliability and correctness of the application.

Deployed applications on JBoss Application Server, utilizing JIRA for tracking bugs and issues in the project, ensuring effective project management and collaboration.

Environment: Java, Spring Boot, React, Hibernate, Microservices, AWS, Spring MVC, Log4J, JSP, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular JS/2, REST, SOAP, JUnit, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, JBoss.


Bachelors in Information Technology from Anna University, India


Core Java (Certified)

MySQL (Certified)

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