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Sr. ios Developer

Washington, VA, 22747
June 20, 2024

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Franklin Mott

Phone: 972-***-****



Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science

Georgia Southwestern

Americus, Georgia


11+ Years of iOS Development

6 Years of Software Development

Professional Profile

•Experience developing mobile applications throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC).

•5 published apps in the iOS App Store with thousands of downloads and helpful reviews.

•Developed mobile app features and functionality using both Objective-C and the latest versions of Swift using Xcode IDE (Integrated Development Environments).

•Good experience with cross platforms like React Native/ Flutter using JavaScript, react, dart

•Expert working with different Architecture like MVC, MVP, MVVM, MVVMC, VIPER, and Clean Architecture.

•Did Project migration from MVC to MVVM and from MVVM to Clean Architecture

•Professional experience in designing and developing user interfaces using React Native, JavaScript, Redux, Flux, and related technologies.

•Worked closely with Android team and familiar with Android development concepts

•Extensive knowledge in creating reusable React Native components and implementing React Native concepts such as Virtual DOM, JSX, and one-way data flow.

•Proficient in implementing cross-platform mobile applications with a focus on React Native, ensuring optimal performance and user experience.

•Experience in implementing Component life cycle architecture, store actions, using in React-Redux app to handle real time data, installing React Navigation, Redux Saga for API calls in React Native.

•Implemented Reactive-X framework using Combine, RxSwift and RxCocoa Redux, MobX, to facilitate ease of communication and versatility.

•Hands-on experience with Frameworks such as iPhone SDK (Software Development Kit), UIKit, MapKit, Speech, AVFoundation, CoreData, CoreLocation, Social, XCTest, Alamofire, SDWebImage, QuartzCore, Crashlytics, Core Bluetooth, Core Graphics, AppKit and CoreMotion.

•Experienced in using 3rd-party frameworks and libraries for web services and APIs (Application Programming Interface).

•Efficiently consumed and managed RESTful and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) web services with XML and JSON formats.

•Implementation of Alamofire and AFNetworking for back-end communications with asynchronous http and https requests using various tools like GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) and parsing using NSJSONSerialization.

•Experience developing mobile apps for all Apple mobile devices: iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch.

•Ensures app stability and quality with strong testing and debugging skills.

•Excellent communication skills, ability to handle multiple tasks, and a passion for mentoring on best practices.

•Experienced peer reviewer, fond of working with a team, leading, training, and supporting team members. Led and managed teams towards successful releases

•Work well independently, in paired programming, teams, and leadership roles.

•Eager auto-didact who stays current on new developments, latest technologies, methodologies, and trends in software development.

•Hands-on experience developing stable, reliable, and backward compatible mobile applications.

•Experience working in multicultural Agile Scrum environments with both local and remote teams.

•Collaborated with various professionals in cross-functional teams, including systems analysts, graphic designers, developers, technical writers, and quality control.

•Well-versed with Quality Processes & Procedures. Experience in Planning, Estimation, and Project management.

•Participated in all the phases including Requirements Collection, Design & Analysis of Customer Specifications, Development and Customization of the application, Unit Testing and Production support, using Agile methodologies Agile Scrum, and Pair Programming.

•Exceptional work with Design Patterns such as MVC (Model View Controller), MVP (Model View Presenter), MVVM (Model View View Model), Singleton, and more.

•Worked closely with Managers and Architects providing technical leadership, guiding the development team, and making architectural decisions to meet project goals.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages

Objective-C, Swift, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Dart, Flutter

Web Services

SOAP, JSON, XML, Alamofire, REST, AFNetworking,


Architecture & Design Patterns

MVC, MVP, MVVM, MVVMC, Abstract Factory, Façade, Decorator, Builder, Singleton,

Clean Architecture

iOS Development

App Extension




Unit Testing

XCTest, Jest,

Automated Testing


TestFlight, TDD

Project Methods/Skills

Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Pair Programming, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Sprint Planning, Requirements Gathering, Backlog, Daily Scrums, Task Prioritization, Working with Product manager, Scrum Master


Xcode, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Storyboard, Xib, Interface Builder, SwiftUI


Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Combine, Coredata, CocoaPods, Reactive-X (RxSwift, RxCocoa), UIKit, CoreGraphics, Core Animation, XCTest, Core Bluetooth, MapKit Core Location, EventKit, Social Framework,

TextKit, Realm,

UIKit, SDWebImage, Kingfisher,

AppDynamics, TransmitSDK, : React Native, Redux, Redux Saga, NodeJS


Core Data, Realm, Firebase

Desktop Software

Microsoft Office, Charles proxy

Project Tools

JIRA, Confluence, Slack, Trello, Microsoft Teams

Version Control

Git, GitHub, GitHub Desktop, Gitlab, SourceTree, BitBucket, Tower

Continuous Integration

Jenkins, Hudson, Travis, AzureCI, Fastlane

Professional Experience

June 2023-Present

Lead/ Architect iOS Developer

Toyota US

Plano, Texas

•Played a pivotal role in the development of flagship automotive applications for Toyota, Lexus, and Subaru and contributed to various aspects of the software development lifecycle, including bug fixing, feature development, architectural design, and team leadership.

•Spearheaded the development efforts for Toyota and Lexus apps, which shared a unified codebase with differentiated experiences through target configurations.

•Led a cross-functional team consisting of Android and iOS developers, a Scrum master, QA engineers, design team members, and backend developers.

•Facilitated collaboration and communication using tools like Jira, Teams, and Outlook, ensuring alignment with project objectives and milestones.

•Implemented CLEAN Architecture to maintain code scalability, modularity, and separation of concerns within the applications.

•Leveraged both SwiftUI and UIKit (programmatic) to develop intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces.

•Responsible for architecting blue print of application and integration with internal systems.

•Conducted comprehensive UI and unit testing using the XCTesting framework, ensuring the robustness and reliability of the applications.

•Employed design patterns such as Singleton to manage shared resources and ensure consistency across the app.

•Integrated CocoaPods for dependency management and utilized GRPC and ForgeRock for enhancing application functionality and security.

•Orchestrated planned releases following a structured development cycle, including EQ testing and MMQ testing, to ensure adherence to quality standards before App Store submission.

•Implemented features such as creating charge schedules and sending directions to vehicle head units, enhancing the functionality and user experience of the applications.

•Successfully managed challenges, such as offshore team coordination and motivation issues, to ensure timely delivery of project milestones.

•Led a small team of iOS developers, fostering collaboration, mentoring team members, and delivering multiple features on time.

•Proactively addressed over 75 bugs, implemented UI updates, and integrated MapKit enhancements to optimize application performance and user satisfaction.

•Involved in leveraging advancements such as SwiftUI improvements, Combine framework for reactive programming, Swift Package Manager for dependency management, and enhancements in testing frameworks for improved code quality and reliability.

•Worked on an internal app, utilizing React Native and Redux to deliver. This resulted in a 15% increase in user engagement with most features.

•Implemented Redux for state management, optimizing data flow and ensuring consistent application behavior.

•Designed and implemented efficient, scalable, and maintainable React Native codebases, ensuring adherence to security and accessibility standards.

November 2020-June 2023

Senior iOS App Developer


Atlanta, GA

•Working on 3 different teams plus an initial period of independent work

•BGD (Buyer Growth Development)

•F90 (First 90)

•BGE (Buyer Growth Evolution) For a brief period at the end of my journey at eBay I worked for both F90 and BGE teams

•Worked independently and got all domains owned by the BGD team, UI automaton code coverage over 80% for all domains. (Saves, Deals, Homepage)

•Joined a team and began the process of feature testing as well as creating correlating automation to cover these features tested.

•Responsible for creating test rail test cases and hosting a test case review to go over these cases.

•Went through development and test process including E2E, tracking, Accessibility, and automation testing

•Hosting the final bug bash once E2E testing was complete.

•Repeated this process and helped the F90 team which was a newer team get a little more structured

•Created a Jenkins CI for BGD and F90 for the feature they owned

•Carried out Experimental testing using Touchstone

•Managed backend testing using Charles and Lumberjack

•Created Automation in Xcode and test cases using test rail

•Used DCS and Feature Toggle to enable features

•Coordinated with a multitude of different teams about features.

•Refactored MVC architecture to MVVM architectural schema.

•Followed SOLID principles to move code towards Clean architecture from MVVM, used repository pattern for that.

•Modified existing code functions in Swift, programmed new features and functions using Swift language and added modularized components with a reactive approach utilizing RxSwift.

•Used Core Data to manage persistence throughout the app.

•Worked with UIKit framework for development such as being able to add reminders from the app.

•Coordinated with back-end, web, and Android devs to ensure parity between platforms.

•Used Jenkins for continuous integration and regular automation testing.

•Implemented modular tools to increase the consistency of UI tests and ease of implementing new UI tests.

•Led regression testing for the team on native iOS releases.

•Ensured that tracking of user actions was functioning properly to run A/B tests on new features.

•Assisted in code modularization of the code base to ensure higher code quality that was increasingly easier to maintain, modify, and use in future features.

•Performed continuous testing of features from the beginning of development to pre-production to production.

•Tested new features using XCTest using dependency injection to simulate different scenarios.

•Used Git for source control and for pushing changes to the company repository.

•Tracked down bugs and fixed them using Charles Proxy.

•Applied Continuous Integration via Jenkins and Test-Driven Development for quality assurance.

December 2019 – November 2020

Senior iOS Mobile Engineer

US Bank

Minneapolis, MN

•Operated within the login team, authorization team, and the enroll team.

•Change (Determine Transmit dev): One of two senior iOS developers developing and maintaining the application. Worked in tandem with two Android developers, two UI/UX developers, two QA (Quality Assurance) testers, one agile developer, one scrum leader, and the overall team lead.

•Collaborated with offshore teams and communication for maintaining the application and first-party software teams on site.

•Used Postman to test APIs and validate contracts with backend teams.

•Used Xcode 10.2 - 11.3 to code in Swift 5 with minor migrations.

•Worked closely with the SiteCat team and with the AppDynamics SDK for analytics in the application

•Synced with the A11y team to make sure the app was disability-friendly, incorporating Accessibility features such as VoiceOver, Dynamic Texts, and Fonts, and making sure it was ADA compliant.

•Re-designed and improved the entire “Forgot Username” and “Forgot Password” experience.

•Updated the Login experience from being the domain with the most bugs and issues and transformed it to be something the company can be proud of

•Took the login from the biggest problem area in the app to a pleasant user experience.

•Directly worked and collaborated with backend teams to resolve issues with incorrect or corrupted data being retrieved.

•Utilized the Transmits DK, and first-party library in the application for all security and encrypting needs. Worked closely with the team for all integration and debugging purposes.

•Agile Development and participating in Agile ceremonies such as daily team standups, 2-week sprints, and pre-sprint planning.

•Introduced reachability/connectivity to the app to check for valid internet connection to improve error handling and the user experience

•Analyzed and researched user data to find ways to further improve the application, both from user reports/reviews and the AppDynamics software.

•User feedback increased tremendously passing the goals set when I was hired

August 2018 – December 2019

Senior iOS Developer

Geico Insurance

Chevy Chase, MD

•Utilized Operations for downloading images on a background thread to not lock up the UI and provide a better user experience.

•Utilized BlockOperations for downloading images on a background thread to not lock up the UI and provide a better user experience.

•Developed UI sizes and orientations using Storyboards, XIB, and Autolayout features.

•Worked with Storyboards to refactor several UI layouts based on wireframes to heighten the user experience

•I worked extensively on Tableviewcontroller and Scroll Views to make customized table view cells according to the requirement.

•Attractive UI created by the graphic design team and implemented by the development team.

•Created custom UI Views, custom Table Views, custom Buttons, and custom Table View Cells for user interface.

•AlamoFire was used for Asynchronous back-end communication with Swift code.

•Worked with Navigations controllers, Navigation Bars & Tab Bars

•Branded the app's look and feel with the organization logo throughout the app.

•Developed with Cocoa touch framework on UI-Kit.

•Designed and built Custom UI with the use of wireframes from the UX team.

•Designed all views with auto layout and constraints.

•Used a Test-Driven Development methodology with Jenkins CI continuous integration with a private Git server.

•Mentored junior members for Agile (Scrum) process & Unit testing.

•Documented the app in confluence and provided documentation of app maintenance and help desk procedures in knowledge transfer.

•Worked on the security of the user by saving the details in Keychain Services.

•Information used encryption AES 256 to store the information using Core Data.

•Continuously provided input to project management activities throughout the project life cycle, influencing scope, risk plan, project plan, issues, and status.

September 2017 – August 2018

iOS Mobile App Developer


Philadelphia PA

•Implemented logic to connect to the server to download document data using GCD.

•Worked with Storyboards, Size Classes, and AutoLayout constraints for graceful orientation handling and support for various iPhone and iPad devices.

•Developed the iOS mobile app in Xcode IDE with Swift coding following best practices.

•Led code reviews and optimized codebase, refactoring code as needed.

•Designed and developed user interface as per existing IOS application using UI framework,

•Offered several design elements that added excellent value to the application and improved the UX.

•Designed and developed custom alert views and custom TabBar.

•Used UIViewControllers, UITableViewControllers, and custom ItableViewCell with Interface Builder to design and develop user interfaces.

•Designed and created UI and Application flow using UIKit and Core Graphics.

•Worked with UIKit Framework for development and maintenance.

•Used Core Data for data persistence with Keychain to store user login.

•Develop an iOS application using MVVM architecture along with RxSwift and RxCocoa.

•Collaborated closely with the product manager and worked on product documentation.

•Worked on a development team with 3 other iOS developers and a QA team.

•Responsible for designing an Intelligent Asynchronous Cache Manager to separate the UI code from the Service Call Code and worked with AlamoFire for RESTful Web Service calls and back-end integration.

•Built Swift core framework. Implemented UI, business logic, Push Notification, & enhancement features.

•Profiled the application extensively using Instruments to improve performance throughout multiple sprints.

•Remapped Codable objects to avoid intermediate objects from JSON response for concise usage throughout the application

June 2016 – August 2017

iOS Mobile Application Engineer

US Foods Corporate

Rosemont, Illinois

•Utilized GCD/Operation multithreading techniques for downloading images on a background thread to not lock up the UI and ongoing animations.

•Worked extensively on table view controller and made customized table view cells according to the client Pre-fetching data for different views for smooth screen transitioning.

•Used Core Animation framework to animate the flip view between two views

•Used Xcode and Storyboards to develop the screens for the application using the MVVM design pattern.

•Coded the development of the iOS mobile app in Swift.

•Worked with UIKit Framework for the development and maintenance of the applications at hand.

•Proposed and developed mockups based on Apple HIG (Human Interface Guidelines).

•Added animation between UIViews for smooth transitioning and better user experience using Segues.

•Used a Test-Driven Development methodology with Jenkins CI continuous integration.

•Implemented AES 256 encryption for security and keychain login.

•Used Core Data for data persistence and on-board storage.

•Migrated JSON parsing from NSJSONSerialization to new Codable models.

•Used understanding of system and application performance limits and characteristics to optimize iOS app performance.

•Built fully programmatic and manual retain/release memory management.

•Implemented push notifications by creating APNS certificates and displayed all the notices in one location in the Notices Tab and handled them effectively with the server for integration.

April 2015 – June 2016

iOS Software Developer

Cox Automotive

Atlanta, GA

•Bloodhound, Charles, Hockey, and Testflight.

•Wrote Unit Tests for code using the XCTest library.

•Used Jenkins and Git server for continuous integration testing.

•Performed complete unit testing, integration testing, and regression testing of the application.

•Helped set up deployment of applications over the Internet for testing purposes.

•All web communications are performed in background threads to enhance performance and the user experience.

•Worked in Xcode IDE to develop and code in a hybrid Objective-C and Swift code base with bridging headers.

•Extensively used Objective C, Swift, and Cocoa frameworks for cross-functional mobile application development.

•Used Quartz Core and Core Graphics I development of user interface.

•Formatted the Data as per Business rule to display in UI.

•Built front-end using UI/UX structure and back-end to integrate with Parse API (Application Programming Interface).

•Refactored execution management of orders to be handled in the background without locking up the main thread and UI using GCD; NSOperations also leveraged for more complicated concurrency concerns.

•Refactored a legacy MVC app to an MVVM app architectural pattern for stability, testability, and clarity.

Feb 2013 – April 2015

Junior Mobile Software Engineer

United Parcel Service (UPS)

Atlanta, GA

•Worked with the iOS development team using Xcode IDE and worked on an Objective-C codebase.

•Tested the app across different versions of iPhones to ensure quality and performance.

•Used several methods for testing and tracking of applications.

•Testing included emulator and device testing with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

•Beta testing of the application via test flight.

•Worked in an Agile Scrum environment using Test-Driven development.

•Use Git with SourceTree for version control and Jenkins CI as our continuous integration server.

•Analyzed user feedback data to design the next version's target features.

•Created test cases to streamline and optimize code with OCUnit

•Created the script to use in Jenkins to create a build IPA file to distribute in the landing zone for testing, TestFlight, and App Store.

•Worked closely with a cross-functional team of testers and developers.

Education Details

Bachelors in Computer Science from Georgia Southwestern State University

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