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Angular developer, web developer, Frontend

Monroe Township, NJ
February 22, 2024

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Frontend/ Web developer / Angular

Contact num: 732-***-****


•Dedicate as a Full Stack Web Developer with 10 years of experience for complete SDLC from requirement gathering, analysis, designing, developing, and testing.

•Expertise in using Frontend technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap3/4, JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, JSON, ES5, ES6, Media Queries and Handlebars templates.

•Experience in developing Single Page Web Application by using MEAN and MERN-Stack technologies, RESTful API, GraphQL and ASP.Net Web API.

•Specialize in creating web application by using Angular 2/4/5/8/9/11/12, Angular Material, NgRx, Node.js, Nest.js, TypeORM, TypeScript, and JavaScript.

•Hands on experience in creating Angular Components, Directives, Services, Observables and using Reactive/Template driven forms, and Route Guards.

•Expertise to implement Angular state management with NgRx, Actions, Reducers, Effects and Selectors.

•Hands on experience in using different JavaScript libraries such as React.js, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Mongoose.js, Axios, multer, nodemon, body-parser, encrypt.js and Bcrypt.js.

•Expertise using React Components, Reducers, and Actions to implement MVC and Redux architecture and having experience with middleware such as redux-thunk.

•Experience in Server-Side development by using Node.js, Nest.js, IIS, and Apache Tomcat.

•Used Node Package Manager to install dependencies and npm modules such as CORS, Body-parser, Mongoose, mysql, and JSON web token.

•Used different backend environments such as Node.js, ASP. NET, C#, and JAVA.

•Experienced in Relational database such as PostgreSQL, SQLServer, MySQL and Oracle. And Non-Relational database MongoDB and NeDB.

•Hands on experience with cloud-based services such as AWS Polly, EC2 and AWS S3.

•Worked with frontend testing tools such as Jasmine, Karma as runner tool, and Postman for API testing.

•Hands on experience with version control tools such as GIT, GitHub Desktop, TFS, and JIRA as project management tool.

•Experience working with various methodologies such as AGILE, SCRUM, and TDD.

•Experience as coordinator for business users, business analysts and lead developer to explain technical and non-technical requirements and outputs.

•Understanding of application infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS) such as VPC, ELB, WAF, CloudFront, EC2.

Technical Skills:

Web Technologies

HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap3/4, JavaScript, TypeScript, ES6, jQuery, DOM, Font-Awesome, JSON, Flexbox

Front-End Libraries and Frameworks

Handlebars.js, Angular 2/4/5/8/9/11/12, Angular Material, NgRx, TypeORM, React.js, Redux, Axios, jwt, passport, xlsx.

Server-Side Technologies

Node.js, Nest.js, Express.js, RESTful API, GraphQL, Apollo Server, ASP.Net web API, Apache Tomcat, IIS, C#, ASP.NET, JAVA


PostgreSQL, TSQL, MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle, MongoDB, NeDB.

Tools (Testing, Building, Ver. control & Project mgmt)

Jasmine, Mocha, Karma, Jest, Postman, Webpack, Babel, GIT, GitHub Desktop, JIRA, AGILE methodology, SCRUM methodology.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

VPC, ELB WAF, CloudFront, EC2, Polly, S3.


Visual Studio Code, DBeaver, pgAdmin 4, Eclipse, WebStorm, SQL Ser Mgnt Studio.

Professional Experiences:

Client: Fingerpaint [Remote] Saratoga Springs, NY Sept 2021 – Till Role: Full Stack Developer/Frontend Developer/Angular Developer

(Angular12, React.js)

Description: The Fingerpaint is a group of healthcare clients. It provides services through different solutions. The Fingerpaint Marketing is one of the solutions involves to design and develop healthcare client requirements to the user-friendly webpages. By using front-end development knowledge and experience, develop fully featured web pages and application for various diseases and medicated drugs for clients. Worked with Angular, NgRx, Node.js and React.js, Redux, Node.js across two groups to develop web applications.


Group:1 Angular 12, NgRx, Node.js

•Designed responsive UI pages and templates using HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript, Angular Material.

•Created reusable Angular components, directives, services and pipes by using Angular CLI.

•Developed component interaction and communication based on the relation or type of components.

•Managed application life cycle by using ngOnChanges, ngOnInIt, Ng Afterview nit and Ng Destroy.

•Implemented NgRx store to maintain application state by using actions, reducers, effects, and selectors.

•Implemented NgRx effects to handle asynchronous API calls and store resulting data in the state.

•Understand photoshop and prototyping designs, used UI/UX skills to structure feature-rich websites for Fingerpaint clients.

•Developed user-friendly and responsive web page templates from Adobe XD files.

•Used Slack for team communication and GIT as version control tool.

Group:2 React, Redux, Node.js

•Implemented UI pages and templates using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap.

•Worked on reusable React components for the application and implemented state for Class components.

•Configured global Store for the entire application and used Redux for state management.

•Developed Reducers and Actions to manage various UI events to update the State.

•Used Adobe XD files to develop templates and webpages as per client requirements.

•Worked with traditional Waterfall development and modern Agile technology.

Environment: Angular 12, NgRx, React.js, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Webpack, HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap, JavaScript, ES6, Visual Studio Code, Adobe XD, JIRA, Confluence, GitHub, Microsoft Teams, Slack.

Client: LabCorp [Remote] Burlington, NC Jan 2021- Aug 2021

Role: Full Stack Angular Developer

(Angular 4/Angular 11/ NgRx/ REST API)

Description: The LabCorp is well-known company provides the diagnostic testing, launch new drug with scientific expertise. LabCorp provides the services to care organizations, biopharmaceutical companies, governmental agencies, physicians and other healthcare providers, hospitals, patients, consumers, research organizations and independent clinical laboratories. The LabCorp Patient Portal is the website/application provides the services to their patients to schedule appointments, view, download or print the test results, order at-home covid kits, billing & payment services.


•Update Covid questionaries for Legacy application system using Angular 4, HTML, CSS, BootStrap4.

•Work with multiple teams to manage legacy project for required changes and migration from Angular4 to Angular11.

•Understand the basic typescript architecture from Angular 4 and migrate in Angular11 NgRx architecture.

•Implement Angular NgRx with actions, effects, reducers, selectors, and services to use NgRx state management flow for the components.

•Use actions from components to handle the unique events throughout the application.

•Used @ngrx/effects according to action type and send request to services for further REST API calls and dispatch other actions as per success and failure of API calls.

•Work with reducers as single store and manage to update state as per action types.

•Use NgRx selectors as pure functions for slicing the object as per required features.

•Followed company provided documents to implement BootStrap 4 components for user interface view.

•Participate and support in every day’s code review in GitHub and work for team demo biweekly.

Environment: Angular 4, Angular 11, NgRx, HTML5, CSS, BootStrap 4, JavaScript, TypeScript, Nx Console, REST API, Visual Studio Code, JIRA, Confluence, GitHub, Microsoft Teams, Slack.

Client: C Squared Systems [Remote] Auburn, NH Oct 2020- Dec 2020

Role: Full Stack Angular Developer

(Angular 9/ NgRx/Node.js/REST API)

Description: The C Squared Systems provides designs, installation and maintenance in-building wireless networks for office buildings, airports, stadiums and Site Portal remote monitoring platform manages multi-vendor networks. The Site Portal Unified is the application to manage alarm systems, ticketing services, generator summary details for C Squared clients. The application uses Angular 9, ag grid to display alarms, ticketing and all client details in table and implement the functionality by store management with NgRx, npm modules.


•Used Angular 9, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS3, Angular material, ag grid.

•Work with Angular NgRx to manage State globally in the centralized store.

•Implement different NgRx packages such as Entity, Store, Effects, Router-store to complete state management architecture.

•Update and response for every ag-grid event throughout the application by using actions, reducers, and selectors.

•Used @ngrx/entity to maintain collections of entities, used @ngrx/effects to handle synchronous or asynchronous calls, isolate side effects and return data in the state.

•Used NgRx selectors as pure functions for slicing the object as per required features.

•Improve column functionality as per user preferences and update component-based store for global use.

•Implement ag grid interface to save use preferences by serializing data and deserialize observables for view.

•Used REST API to fetch data and send the request to Node.js by CRUD actions.

•Collaborate everyday development with peers by using Bitbucket and also provides code review.

•Worked as a key member in bug and management team to improve store structure for complicated issues.

Environment: Angular 9, NgRx, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, ag-grid, Node.js, nodemon, REST API, Visual Studio Code, JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, Microsoft Teams.

Client: Sony Music Entertainment [New York City, NY] Jan 2020- Jun 2020

Role: Full Stack Developer


Description: The Voice Lab is the application to validate the music response ability of devices such as Amazon, Spotify, Google, Alexa etc. The application accepts the request through manual text and audio. Audio request provides the options to select languages and accents. The Voice Lab creates the reports based on application results, those analyzed data helps to finalize the required updates and send to Amazon and google to update the services for enjoyable music for the users.


•Implemented the UI design with Angular 8/9, HTML, Bootstrap, Angular material, CSS3.

•Used state management with NgRx and use actions and reducers as single store system.

•Implemented NgRx effects to handle asynchronous API calls and store resulting data in the state.

•Used NgRx selectors for separating required features from the state object.

•Used AWS Polly services for language and voice options and convert the scripts to audio for play.

•Wrote GraphQL queries to retrieve data from API and display requested fields at components.

•Used AWS S3 buckets to save and update audio files for the users’ audio request.

•Designed and implemented backend component-based architecture by using Nest.js (Progressive Node.js Framework).

•Used TypeORM migration as code first approach and create tables and implement table relationship into PostgreSQL database.

•Used GraphQL resolvers to handle asynchronous actions to database and APIs to fetch data.

•Worked as a key member in team and for US-region to handle technical and non-technical coordination for the user’s requirement and development needs.

Environment: Angular8/9, Angular material, NgRx, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Nest.js, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, TypeORM, AWS Polly Services, AWS S3 buckets, Visual Studio Code, JIRA, GitHub, DBeaver, pgAdmin, Microsoft Teams, Slack.

Client: ETS [Princeton, NJ] Jun 2019 – Dec 2019

Role: Full Stack Developer

(Node.js/NE DB)

Description: The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is an application of assessment and analysis of adult skills. The Survey measures adults’ proficiency in key information-processing skills - literacy, numeracy and problem solving - and gathers information and data on how adults use their skills at home, at work and in the wider community. This international survey is conducted in over 40 countries/economies and measures the key cognitive and workplace skills needed for individuals to participate in society and for economies to prosper.


•Implemented desktop application using Handlebars.js, Node.js, Express.js, Electron, NeDB (No SQL) database.

•Created Case Management System to add, review, update the different cases as per CaseID.

•Designed multiple screener pages for the application using Handlebars templates, CSS3, BootStrap, JavaScript.

•Displayed jQuery data tables at partial handlebars template and used on multiple pages.

•Handled client-side filtration using jQuery and sent requests to Node.js server.

•Developed multiple controllers to handle server-side requirements.

•Utilized NeDB (NoSQL) database to review collections by using find and findOne or utilized update to change user information as per request and responses.

•Survey functionality of system captures information and different statuses entered via user interface module.

•Extensively used JSON Web token, encrypt.js, decrypt.js to manage user credentials to and from storage module.

•Since application was developed to be deployed with multi-language support across 40 countries, specific language translation module was developed and integration at entire application level.

•Applied multiple databased calls for survey page rendering based on user profile.

•Used i18next to translate each text on display page by using translation JSON files.

•Redesigned PHP based legacy system to Node.js, Handlebars and electron.

•Used await and promises to handle asynchronous calls in Node.js controllers.

Environment: Handlebars.js, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js, i18next, nodemon, Electron, NeDB, Visual Studio Code, JIRA, GIT.

Client: Waitex Group [New York, NY] Feb 2018 –May 2019

Full-Stack Developer


Description: Waitex Group provides the global logistics, supply chain management services, import and export trading, and retail chains for wholesale customers. This project has application that incorporate different modules such as Shipment Management, Quotations, Customer management, Billing, and Vendor management. I worked with logistic management portal that includes shipment quotation and billing modules. I was responsible to build Responsive Web Application with end-to-end Shipment management module.


•Developed Single Page Web Application with React.js, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, REST API, and MongoDB.

•Designed responsive UI pages using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and react-bootstrap.

•Created reusable React components for the application and used props for single directional data flow and used state for Class components.

•Used different Component life cycle hooks such as Component Did Mount and Component Did Update for http request and fetch data.

•Configured global Store for the entire application and used Redux for state management.

•Developed Reducers and Actions to manage various UI events to update the State.

•Used npm (Node Package Manager) to install required dependencies such as react-redux, redux-thunk, react-bootstrap, and react-router-dom.

•Handled asynchronous actions by using react-thunk.

•Utilized Browser Router module to implement routing with Route, Link, and Switch.

•Installed and used Axios to handle http requests and response for the application and get the data from REST API.

•Implemented MVC architecture with React components as Views, models, and controllers in Node.js for API development.

•Implemented Authentication and Authorization by using JWT web token.

•Used Express.js to connect Node.js to Database MongoDB and wrote schema.

•Used Mongoose to write CRUD operations for retrieving and updating data.

•Used Postman to test API and used GIT as version control tool.

•Participated in Agile methodology for application development and used JIRA as project management tool.

•Worked as a key member in Scrum team and also closely worked with system analysts and designers for the application.

•Used Magento for build system for better productivity and improve user experience.

Environment: React.js, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Webpack, HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap, JavaScript, REST API, GIT, Magento, Postman, Visual Studio Code, and JIRA.

Client: Princeton Nassau Pediatrics [Princeton, NJ] Nov 2016 – Jan 2018

Role: Full-Stack Developer

(Angular/ Node.js/ MongoDB)

Description: Princeton Nassau Pediatrics is the group of certified pediatrics that provides health service to all aged children. The application named Health Care Smart System (HCSS) provides the centralized system for all internal users such as doctors, admins, nurses, and receptionists. I was responsible to develop the single page web application for the new patient or doctor registration by admin, schedule appointments by required users, and send notification for follow up or reminder appointments.


•Responsible for Requirement gathering, Analysis, Design, Development, and Testing for the application.

•Developed web application by using Angular2/4, Angular Material, Angular CLI, REST API, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.

•Created reusable components for the application and used @input, @output, and @Viewchild for parent and child component communication.

•Used Structural directives such as *Ng If and *Ng For for iterating through data and render to the components.

•Used Attribute directive Ng Class for changing DOM layout and behavior of HTML elements for the components.

• Developed web pages by using HTML, CSS, BootStrap 3, Font-Awesome, and TypeScript.

•Developed custom routes by using Router Module and implemented lazy loading.

• Used can Activate Router Guard to protect the application from unauthorized users.

•Implemented Authentication and Authorization by using JWT assigned to different users of the application during login and stored in local storage.

•Implemented Dependency Injection by Injectable services to different components.

•Created reusable Services to handle http methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE by using HTTP Client module.

•Used Observables to having data asynchronously and improve the performance at user experience level.

•Implemented CORS for accessing resources from servers at different origins.

•Created REST API by using Node.js and used Express.js to create server environment.

•Worked with MongoDB and Mongoose or for CRUD operations on database.

•Used Jasmine and Karma to test component functionality and used Postman to test API.

•Used Slack for team communications and used GIT as version control tool.

Environment: Angular 2/4, Angular Material, HTML, CSS, BootStrap, TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, REST API, MongoDB, Mongoose. Jasmine, Karma, Postman, and Visual Studio Code.

Client: CTBC Bank [Los Angeles, CA] July 2015 – Oct 2016 Role: Full-Stack Developer

Description: CTBC Bank provides personal banking, loans, and wealth management for its customers. CTBC online banking brings convenient and secure system for users. The Online banking system is mainly about to redesign existing platforms to accommodate customer requirements and banking industry standards. I was responsible to design & develop React application and worked on most of the modules.


•Designed and developed responsive web application by using React.js, Node.js, ASP.Net Web API, and SQL Server.

•Developed UI pages with HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap, JavaScript, JSON, and ES6 features.

•As responsible for architecture of the application and implemented multiple components by using React and Redux.

•Developed Reducers and Action creators to manage various UI events that triggers updates to Store.

•Used props for passing data from parent components to child components for functional components.

•Created multiple class components for state retrieving by using Single store management Reducer.

•Used CORS for communication of frontend and backend since those are on separate server.

•Developed ASP.Net Web API to perform CRUD operations for database.

•Worked in GIT for merging the code of different developers.

•Used AGILE methodology to manage the project and involved in sprint managements in JIRA.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, BootStrap, React.js, Node.js, Redux, ASP.Net Web API, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and Postman.

Client: Adage Technologies [Chicago, IL] Jan 2014 - June 2015

Role: Frontend Developer

Description: Adage Technology provides web design and development for its clients. The application was created for internal management to track current tasks, task priorities, responsible users’ details etc. I was involved in developing system that provide different views to users with assign tasks, current tasks in pipeline and effort estimates, dependencies, blocking issues etc.


• Developed the web application by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON.

• Created responsive web designing by using grid system from BootStrap.

• Implemented object-oriented JavaScript features to make page functional.

• Used jQuery autocomplete for search any task.

• Worked closely with business analysts to discuss web pages’ requirements.

• Used chrome tools to debug the JavaScript code and used GIT for version controlling.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, GIT and Visual Studio Code.

Education: Master is in computer science, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY.

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