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Data Management Visualization

Washington, DC
January 31, 2024

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Professional Summary:

Michael Brown brings over fifteen years of data management experience in the following policy sectors: Defense, education, health care, and immigration. His data management experience involves all the categories of a data management project, which include data importing, data cleansing, data visualization, data modelling and table creation. Excel, SAS, and SQL are the primary business intelligence tools Michael has used to navigate data consulting projects.

Michael has ten years’ experience developing SAS programs to create analytic files for the Centers for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Naval Financial Management Office, and the National Center for Education Statistics.

Michael has proven to be proficient in Excel; he uses Power Query for data preparation and uses Excel tool to create info graphics in his reporting deliverables. He stays informed on data visualization topics and trains staff in proper chart design for reporting.

Michael Brown displays leadership in providing innovative data deliverable upgrades for clients. He has led staff brainstorming sessions, gathered ideas on data visualization and briefed senior leadership on implementing the ideas for product upgrades and client satisfaction. His initiative has led to the following results:

Led initiative to start an information design practice to upgrade data deliverables.

Led strategy sessions on ways to upgrade the deliverables to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission.

Responsible for briefing the group Vice-President and senior management on implementing plans to create data graphic and information dashboard portfolios for prospective clients.

Supervised and conducted training sessions for senior management on information design principles.

Responsible for training new staff in advanced Excel techniques.


Technical Skills:

Excel – Power Query and Power Pivot

Power BI – Power Query and Power Pivot



Data Analysis

Data Management

Data Import

Data Cleansing

Data Modeling

Data Visualization

SQL Queries


Program Consultant/Reporting Consultant

National Institutes of Health (Contractor) Jun 2022 – Nov 2023

Created interactive Excel graphical reports for NIH division leaders showing grant funding differences among various divisions.

Created grant portfolio analysis reports for program officers showing the type of scientific research being funded.

Responsible for writing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documents used to instruct new program officers how to use NIH query tools used to locate grants funded by the NIH.

Trained NIH staff on information designed techniques to improve reporting deliverables.

Data Management Consultant/SAS Programmer/Technical Project Consultant

Green Zone Solutions Inc. Feb 2020 – Jan 2021

Created Excel interactive reports monitoring the funding approval of various SEC projects.

Responsible for writing SAS programs to identify data flaws in various USCIS databases.

Designed Excel information graphics that visually displayed the specific data errors in various USCIS data sets.

Led the data meetings to brief out the findings involving data errors in USCIS data sets.

SAS Programmer

Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. Oct 2014 – Feb 2020

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Led data entry and quality assurance activities associated with the Direct Practice Expense Inputs (DPEI) database used in analyzing potentially incorrect valued services under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. Generated process improvements by developing MS Excel tool designed to track incoming data requests from CMS and their resolution on a continually updated basis.

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC): Wrote SAS programs to support the independent congressional agency established to advise Congress concerning Medicare cost issues. Responsible for writing SAS programs using Protected Heath Information (PHI) Medicare data files to create tabular reports under HIPPA privacy rules that met client tasking requirements. Experience working with terabytes of data. Representative tasks include the following:

Inpatient Rehabilitation services and spending. Wrote SAS programs to create analysis files on volume of services and spending for rehab cases in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities based on the 2017 Fiscal Year Medicare and Provider Analysis Review File (MEDPAR).

Calculated Margins for Home Health Agencies. Wrote SAS programs to create Master Analytic Files from Home Health Cost Reports for the purpose of calculating margins based on Medicare reimbursements and margins based on all revenue sources. These margins are published in the MEDPAC “Medicare Payment Policy” congressional report evaluating the payment adequacy to providers regarding Medicare beneficiaries.

Calculated Medicare Margins for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities. Created SAS programs to calculate Medicare margins for Inpatient Facilities using updated cost reports. The programs output tables used by MEDPAC analysts to conduct analysis on margins, reimbursements, costs, and occupancy rates for hospital based and freestanding IRF facilities.

Post-Acute care provider cost. Wrote SAS programs using cost-reports to create analytical files used to analyze the distribution of routine costs, overhead costs, and ancillary costs in Skilled-Nursing Facilities, Home-Health Agencies, Inpatient Rehab Facilities, and Long-Term Care Facilities.

Analysis of Home Health Quality. Created SAS analytical files providing hospitalization, walking, and transferring weighted measures for home health agencies used to analyze the quality of home health facilities.

Estimating the extent of up-coding due to implementation of ICD-10. Used the Medicare and Provider Analysis Review Claims File (MEDPAR) and the Medical Severity Diagnosis Related Groups File to calculate the number and type of cases within each base DRG assigned to a higher-level severity in the MS-DRG system between the first-year claims under I-10 coding and the preceding two years under I-9 coding.

Creating Discharge Destination File. Wrote SAS programs using the Medicare and Provider Analysis Review Claims File (MEDPAR) to create a table reporting the number of Inpatient or Skilled Nursing Facility claims discharged to various destinations as part of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission's payment adequacy work.

Creating Skilled Nursing Facility Medicare File. Wrote SAS programs that categorized Medicare Skilled Nursing Facilities into urban and rural categories and ownership type: Proprietary, non-profit, and government for the purpose of comparing Medicare reimbursement rates and patient-related costs among Skilled Nursing Facilities within categories and across categories to provide Congressional policy reimbursement recommendations.

Wrote SAS programs that categorized Medicare Skilled Nursing Facilities into urban and rural categories and ownership type: Proprietary, non-profit, and government for the purpose of comparing Medicare reimbursement rates and patient-related costs among Skilled Nursing Facilities within categories and across categories to provide Congressional policy reimbursement recommendations.

Senior Financial Data Analyst

Deloitte Jan 2012 – Sep 2014

Navy Financial Management Corporation: Wrote Trial-Balance-Reconciliation SAS programs for the Navy Financial Management Office. The SAS code organized the financial transactions of each of the 19 Naval commands by creating SAS tables displaying monthly dollar totals entering the navy STARS-HCM feeder system, which was reconciled with the STARS-HCM transaction system for designated activity accounts. Analyzed the tables on defined navy segments for the purpose of ensuring that all 19 naval commands were auditable.

DaVita HealthCare Providers: Provided data management services for DaVita HealthCare Partners that included preparing code to import provider data from the DaVita network into SAS for the California and Nevada regions and the Medicare claims for California and Nevada to create SAS data tables comparing the number of specific claims by Specialty for Medicare providers to number of claims by Specialty for DaVita providers in the effort to track possible errors in medical billing by DaVita providers, also constructed code creating data files that matched the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) to the proper ICD9 codes in the Medicare benchmark data and reported to management how the data files were created.

Additional responsibilities included writing quality assurance programs to validate the proper importation of quarterly data from the four navy accounting systems into a SAS dataset and creating Excel Frequency-Workbooks for relevant fields to be used for further analysis. Created SAS code mapping financial transactions from the navy accounting systems to various business segments as defined by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and created Excel Workbooks summarizing the financial activity for each segment.

Office of Historical Trust: Queried financial data tables to conduct investigative accounting for the Department of Justice using SQL queries to identify specific transactions of Native American accounts and writing additional queries to locate documents associated with designated accounts, responsible for taking the results of these query searches and writing a history of transactions for accounts requested from the Justice Department.

Data Analyst Contractor

American Institute for Research Nov 2010 – Dec 2011

National Center for Education Statistics: Supported data management through the development of data cleansing and quality assurance SAS code for Census Bureau surveys and developed SAS macro programs to check for errors in tables when such data requests were issued by the Census Bureau. Worked directly with the client providing updates on project status regarding the School and Staff survey issued by the Census Bureau

Data Analyst Contractor

GAP Solutions Nov 2009 – Sep 2010

United States Army: Managed the distribution of web-surveys and collection of survey results pertaining to the War Adventure Quest (WAQ) program for the Family Morale and Welfare Recreation Command (FMWRC); also managed the proper importation of hand-scanned surveys into SPSS and report survey results to civilian supervisors to aid them in securing funding for the WAQ program.

Utilized survey tracker software to design and distribute web-based surveys for Soldiers that participated in the recreational Warrior Adventure Quest (WAQ) program to measure their attitudes towards the program and how it helped them deal with stress after deployment.

Collect the web-based survey results using SPSS to construct the necessary crosstabs to analyze the results and write quarterly reports detailing the effects the WAQ program had on alleviating the stress of soldiers returning from deployment.

Trained government analyst to utilize SPSS syntax to modify datasets for the purpose of enhancing analysis and providing accurate reporting on survey projects.

Used VBA programming in Excel to automate the correction of survey value labels to repair data properly import hand-scanned surveys into SPSS.

Data Analyst Consultant

BAE SYSTEMS May 2003 – Nov 2009

Provided data analysis and management for such clients as the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), the US Army Center for Army Analysis (CAA), and the Air Force Studies Analysis Agency (AFSAA).

Completed various tasks for a key client such as importing and merging data from Oracle database, creating data dictionaries, and responding to requests for services briefings.

Wrote SAS code in order to import all relevant files dealing with Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) into SAS data sets and utilized data-cleaning techniques to prepare data for network analysis.

Researched relevant data sets of interest and created Data Dictionaries for on-site analysts, allowing them to understand the various data sets used in preparing client social networks.

Created SAS tabular reports for weekly Request for Services Briefings that tracked the feedback forces downrange received; responded to questions concerning data sets stored in the SAS database and updated project team members on newly imported data sets.

Performed deployment table construction (Request for Total Forces), final briefing preparation, GUI query testing, and GUI chart testing for assigned client. Integrated data from disparate sources in SQL to compare requested unit capabilities against units that were deployed to identify operational ground deficiencies. Provided (GUI) test cases and wrote extensive SQL queries and tested charting capabilities.

Oversaw data management in a SQL environment for an SAF/AA Security Clearance Study; consolidated text files in a SQL table and reported data flaws and data remedies for the purpose of installing the data in a forecasting model to estimate future budgets for industrial contractor security investigations.

Served on a data collection team that participated in on-site visits to Air National Guard and Active-Duty bases, collecting and organizing flying-hours data for a C-130 Crew Ratio Study—compiled briefings and reported results that measured the effects varying crew-ratios and flying hours impacted C-130 resources; awarded Research Project of the Quarter.

Performed analyst functions for key client projects—Air Force Directorate and Strategic Planning, the Air Force Studies Analysis Agency, and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Constructed a data set that analyzed personnel cost by base over time, which supported the Forward Deployment Decision Tool—a model that analyzed the ability of AEF to meet force needs across different basing postures and levels of demand as well as tempo costs because of changes to the basing posture.

Effectively managed a client’s deployment data for four consecutive quarters, which resulted in the renewal of a $300,000 contract.

Worked on a SATCOM Study that analyzed and compared military and commercial SATCOM capabilities by identifying operational satellites by sector and by mass; updated and maintained a comprehensive database of US and international satellites.

Maintained the USAF Operations Tracker, a database analysis tool accessible via a web interface—contributed to the development and integration of several Access databases that tracked various aspects of USAF operations.

Selected to lead and perform an in-depth study of quarantine policy and risk communications during the 2003 SARS Outbreak in Toronto, Canada. Conducted a general population poll to add empirical data to existing anecdotal evidence; led further analysis of the SPSS survey data to determine if sub-sections of the population reacted differently than the general population to SARS and the resulting quarantine.

Trained four analysts on the necessary software to complete a survey project; instructed analysts on how to use SPSS to produce tables for the proper analysis of survey results as well as briefed clients—commended by the project manager for efforts critical to the completion of the project.

Education and Certifications

MA Political Science, American University

BA Political Science, Edinboro University

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