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Human Resources Accounts Payable

Homestead, WI
January 30, 2024

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Name: Omar de Jesús Bracho Velásquez

Nationality: Venezuelan

Language: Spanish (Native) / English (Fluently)

Address: **** ****** ** **, *********, Florida, 33033. E-Mail:

Telephone N: 786-***-****

LinkedIn Profile:


Expert in administrative management and organizational consulting, accountable, committed and results oriented, with 40 years of experience acquired in multinational companies of execution of major projects ( EPC) of high staffing and continuous operations companies, with mastery of good practices of HR Management and its processes, Payroll administration, Organizational Development, Organizational Diagnosis, Social and Labor Audits, Due Diligence, Problem Solving, Strategic Negotiation, Temporary Services Contract Management, Project Progress Control, Accounts Payable, Treasury, Procurement Management, Warehouse and Inventory Management, an intermediate level of Microsoft Office suite and fluent in English, with strengths to communicate assertively and express ideas clearly and coherently. Translated with (free version) TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE:

Windows Operating System, Microsoft Office, Advanced Domain of Excel, Microsoft Project, Power BI, Visio, Word, Power Point, OneNote, Profit K2 (Administrative and payroll) 2018. A2 HR Management.


• Project management

• Management of Administration Systems

• Management and Strategic Planning / Negotiation.

• Administration and Negotiation of Contracts / Business Strategies.

• Performance Management / Measurement and Management of Organizational Climate

• Warehouse and Inventory Management, Project Management (Knowledge Area of Human Resources Management, Acquisition Management and Risk Management).

• Preparation and evaluation of Training programs, career development and design of Didactic material.

• Measurement of skills management control.


Description institution Year

Analysis of unitary prices

Instituto de Mejoramiento

Profesional (IMEPRO), Lecherías,



Implementation of the ISO 9001: 2015


Conordem Consulting Group,

Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui,


Project Planning and Control with

Microsoft Project.

PITS Soluciones, C.A. (Soluciones

Para Proyectos), Lecherías,



Labor Negotiations

Cámara Petrolera Capitulo

Anzoátegui y Cabrales Barboza




Description institution Year

How to Face and Solve Labor Disputes

Cámara Petrolera Capitulo



Harvard Negotiation Model Workshop.

Cambridge Internacional

Consulting, LLC. Puerto La Cruz,



2021- 2022, Personnel Analyst

Tribunal Certificador de Elecciones de Chile (Certifying Court of Elections of Chile - TRICEL). (Chile)

Manage the processes associated with the administration of HR, provide advice to the Rapporteur Secretary and Court Chamber and its ministers in the processes related to the management of human resources, support performance management, design and implement and adapt policies aimed at the creation of competitive advantages for the achievement of the organizational strategy, develop procedures for the effective and efficient execution of administrative management and human resources processes, align administrative processes and HR to the achievement of organizational objectives. 2021 - 2021 (Current) Chile Certified Elections Court Comptroller Analyst. Tribunal Certificador de Elecciones de Chile (Certifying Court of Elections of Chile - TRICEL). (Chile)

Assist in the reception of the electoral bag containing the electoral tally sheets for the process of electronic transcription and verification of the information to guarantee the transparency of the process, preparation of the receipt and the electoral books for analysis, legal argumentation and certification by the rapporteur, ministers and president of the court, for the certification of the final results of the elections and the elaboration of the final Books for their conservation in the Library of the court. 2020 - 20202 LEARNING TUTOR; “Basic English Functional Techniques for the Work Environment. Level A1”. Chile

CapHome Training and Growth, Company of the World Trade Center Group. Support and guide the course participants during their development and study in the clarification of doubts, concepts and grammatical rules of the didactic material (e-learning) presented in the English course, in the learning process, based on the teaching method -

"Learning for the formation of competencies based on constructive learning". 2012 - 2019 CEO / SENIOR CONSULTANT

Soluciones Profesionales Integradas Organizacionales, C.A. - SPIOCA (Venezuela). Founder and general manager of SPIOCA, responsible for the planning and management of intervention projects, organizational consulting and outsourcing services, budget planning, cash flow projection, contract management of projects and services in execution, development and implementation of policies and procedures, support the alignment of functional units and their collaborators to the business strategy, monitor the execution of consulting and organizational intervention services, manage available resources (Tangible and Intangible), quote, negotiate and manage outsourcing and temporary services contracts with clients. 2016 – 2017 BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTOR. (SPIOCA) ICM2, ODF Business Group. (Venezuela)

Through SPIOCA's outsourcing services, lead the Corporate Services Department of the Orinoco Drilling Fluid, C.A. Group Holding, lead the company's strategic planning process, provide BRACHO VELÁSQUEZ, OMAR DE JESÚS


outsourcing services for HR management, procurement, warehouse, treasury, IT and technology. Establish and update the organizational manuals of policies, standards, and procedures for each of the holding companies. Manage and monitor the execution of corporate services provided to the holding companies. Develop and monitor training plans to facilitate the formation of high- performance work teams, manage and administer service contracts and maintenance of infrastructure and equipment (assets) of the holding companies, manage relationships with internal and external customers and suppliers.


RLG Asociados, C.A. (Venezuela)

To lead the national HR corporate management and its processes, assist and support line management, lead performance management and employee growth, establish policies aimed at establishing a strong organizational culture and the creation of competitive advantages for the achievement of the business strategy, monitor the effective execution of HR management processes and support the management and administration of technical assistance and business management support contracts (Transitory Services) for the oil industry and multinational companies.


Soluciones Profesionales, C.A. (Venezuela)

Responsible for the management of the company and design of Outsourcing services oriented to the strategic management of Human Capital, plan, organize, manage, and control the activities necessary for the achievement of the company's objectives. Manage the available resources

(Tangible and Intangible) of the company, expand sustainable operations and increase the financial results of the company, develop customer relationships, seek new business opportunities, plan workshops and progress meetings with business units for the control of projects, present monthly, quarterly and annual reports to the Board of Directors, promote the motivation and commitment of the entire work team.

2002 - 2004 HR COORDINATOR

Cuyuni ETT Services. / Grupo Alvica, Hamaca Project / Fluor Daniels – Inelectra (Venezuela) Responsible for HR Management its processes, design of quality of life programs for the project team (PMT) Implement and monitor compliance with policies and procedures for the effective control of the workforce and subcontractors, lead Training Plans and training to ensure the quality and good performance of the Project team the workforce, ensure the correct calculation and timely payment of payroll and its inherent processes of the project staff and subcontractors, support the Contract Administration department of the project in the review of labor factors, plan the scheduling and performance of labor audits to subcontractors performing contracts for the project, to ensure compliance with legal and contractual obligations and the maintenance of labor peace. 2000 - 2001 CHIEF HUMAN RESOURE OFFICER

MMR de Venezuela, C.A. (Venezuela)

Responsible for the corporate management of HR and LHRR for MMR de Venezuela at a national level. Establish and manage Labor policies and procedures, overseen, and attention of human resources management in the projects under execution at national level. Relationship Management with client's peers and union organizations. Elaboration of Labor wage cost structures, support to line management, contract administration and project control department. 1997 – 2000 LABOR CONTRACT ADMIINISTRATOR

Foster Wheeler Caribe, C.A. SINCOR Project, TOTAL-STATOIL-PDVSA (Venezuela) Lead the contractors control unit and PMT HR management for the SINCOR project, participate in the Labor Agreement costing team for the SINCOR, HAMACA and Operadora Cerro Negro projects, lead the negotiation of the Labor Agreement for the SINCOR, HAMACA and Operadora Cerro Negro projects with Unions and federations, implementation of Site procedures and instructions (HR Management Plan/LLRR for the SINCOR Project), elaboration of control panels BRACHO VELÁSQUEZ, OMAR DE JESÚS


for the control of the project workforce. Support Contract Administration in the review of labor cost structures, Additional Work and Impacts by managing scope changes and working conditions. 1996 – 1996 PROJECT CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR (Venezuela) Foster Wheeler Caribe, CA. (Fiber Optic Laying Project, Carora –Maracaibo Section). Responsible for the administrative management of the project, hiring and supervision of personnel, calculation and payment of payroll, management of procurement of materials, spare parts and equipment, evaluation and control of operating costs, development and auditing of warehouse inventory systems, treasury management, control of accounts payable and receivable, responsible for the control of the economic progress of the project. 1993 – 1996 LABOR CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR-D (Venezuela) Foster Wheeler Caribe, CA. (PROJECT ADEQUACY REFINERIA CARDON, / PARC). Lead the HR management of the project staff (PMT), implement policies and procedures for people management, coordinate professional and craft training and improvement programs for the project, plan and monitor internship programs, plan and coordinate quality of life activities for the project management team (PMT) members, monitor the payroll process for timely and accurate salary payments, manage productivity recognition and reward programs, escalation exercises (inflation increases) and economic impacts of the project contract, caused by governmental decrees and changes in working conditions.


Balfour Beaty Construction. /Lagoven S.A. CRAY Project, Piling and Construction of Coker Dock, Amuay Refinery

Responsible for the management of human resources processes, the correct calculation and timely payment of daily and monthly payrolls and their inherent processes. 1992 – 1993 PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR-

Ocean Marine International, C.A. (Relocation of the 31” submarine line of the Bajo Grande oil terminal in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Responsible for the administrative management of the project, treasury, payment of legal obligations, correct calculation and timely payment of payroll, budgeting and cash flow. 1985 – 1991 AGENCY ANALYST/HR/MATERIALS AND PROCUREMENT –LAGOVEN, S.A. Marine Organization Lagoven S.A., Amuay Refinery, Edo Falcón,

• Tanker Ship Agency Analyst.

Responsible for the reception and dispatch of tankers at the end of the Lagoven S.A. salt works, scheduling the docking and undocking with the Port Captaincy, scheduling, and leading the governmental visit to the docking of the tanker in port. Provide logistical support to the operations of the tankers and their crew.

• Tanker Ship Personnel Analyst.

In charge of the boarding and deboarding of the tanker crew with their correct and legal documentation and of attending to the needs of the tanker personnel and shore personnel.

• Tanker Ship Materials and Procurement Analyst

Responsible for the national and international procurement management of the Lagoven marine organization, management of the tanker warehouses, support the logistics of supplying food, materials and spare parts to the tankers. Participate in the project of cataloging of materials, equipment and spare parts of tankers.

1984 -1985. LAGOVEN TANKER TANKER WAREHOUSE MANAGER.. PREMECA, Cabimas Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.

Administration of the main warehouse of Lagoven S.A.'s tanker fleet at the salt plant and maintaining the stock of equipment, spare parts and materials in the tanker warehouses. BRACHO VELÁSQUEZ, OMAR DE JESÚS



– FLUOR CARIBBEAN INC. (Amuay Refinery Pattern Modification Project [MPRA], Lagoven S.A. (Judibana, Edo, Falcon, Venezuela.)

• Technical Clerk Expat Services.

Manage all matters related to the legal documentation required in the country for expatriates and their family members.

• Senior Technical Clerk Accounts Payable.

Review and reconciliation of invoices for accurate and timely payment, maintaining digital accounts payable files and records.


CORVENSA (Construcciones Orientales de Venezuela, C.A- (Installation of Actuator Systems in vent lines of gas compression plants, MENEVEN, S.A.).

• Project Administrator.

Responsible for the administrative management of the project, hiring and supervision of personnel, calculation and payment of payroll, procurement management, legal obligations, treasury management, accounts payable and receivable of the project. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS.

Hamaca Project, Group Alvica, Petrolera Ameriven, S.A

Process Improvement; Reduction of project costs and claims for external payroll outsourcing services, through the preparation and implementation of the project's own Payroll process. 2003 Hammock Project.

Process Improvement; Planning and implementation of Labor Audit Systems for the Project Contractors, to mitigate labor disputes.

Audit of the implementation of the payroll system and concept calculations in SAP at the Petrolera Ameriven parent Company

Sincor project, S.A., Cryogenic Jose, Edo. Anzoátegui Venezuela, Foster Wheeler / Total / PDVSA.

Infrastructure Study of the North Anzoátegui Conurbation for the viability of the Sincor project.

Member of the Costing and Negotiation Team of the Agreement for the construction of the temporary facilities of the projects; SINCOR, Petrolera Ameriven, Cerro Negro. Cardón Refinery Adequacy Project (PARC Project) MARAVEN, S.A., Cardón, Edo Falcón, Venezuela.

Planning and execution of the process of recruitment and selection of professionals for the PARC Project (Cardón Refinery Adequacy Project) at the National Level.

Support to Contract Administration for the verification of Retroactive payments of the Petroleum Collective Agreement.

Planning and organization of quality of Life Programs: Sports and Recreational Games for employees and families of package “D” of the PARC Project

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