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It Support System Administrator

Streator, IL
Open to
January 30, 2024

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Justin Stillwell

815-***-**** @Jus nS llwell

Professional Summary

An IT professional with extensive large-scale environment experience in System Administra on, Physical

& Cyber-Security measures and Data-Center infrastructure builds. Proven exper se in the administra on and maintenance of mission cri cal IT environments and incorpora ng backup & recovery solu ons to ensure seamless opera on of business systems. Highly skilled in managing various infrastructure designs including virtual and cloud pla orms. Project coordina on for major project efforts including data migra ons and system upgrades. Strong background in SIEM monitoring and Endpoint Protec on Management. More than an IT ‘jack of all trades’ with being recognized for an innova ve mindset and leading fellow team members and peers to have DEI as a top priority item. A true Veteran, not only to the USAF, but as an informa on systems technician with firsthand experience at companies with large enterprise systems infrastructures. Mul -facet environment background that can bring an outside of the box approach and to contribute fresh innova ve ideas to the forefront.

Work Expierience

Sr. System Administrator @ Constellation - August 2022 to October 2023

•Proficiently maintained a high visibility Real-Time System consis ng of 100+ Windows /Unix / Linux servers, Cisco network equipment, FW’s, SIEM system, and worksta ons used by nuclear plant opera ons to monitor plant health and nuclear genera on capabili es.

•Ensured procedural adherence to the, federally regulated, Cybersecurity program by administra on of physical controls /equipment / so ware applica ons know as cri cal digital assets used for monitoring reactor health and repor ng compliance to state (ERDS) and federal (NRC) regulators

•Managed the duplicated version of the produc on real- me infrastructure built on a virtual pla orm with used as a replicated version of the produc on environment with Hypervisor that was used for tes ng and training in a Simulator system

•Administra on and preventa ve maintenance to 15 Unix/Linux Servers along with ensuring the resource & process management stability as there were the interface between the analog and digital field equipment that provided back-end data to run 'RTIME' so ware applica on.

•Performed Vulnerability Assessments and System Baseline documenta on for Audit Control to meet Cybersecurity program requirements

•Lead Technician of a major fleet wide (12 Nuclear Plants) upgrade and migra on project replacing the Unix based Systems with Windows Server 2019 Systems

•Implemented a comprehensive data protec on process using NetBackup as the backup and recovery applica on to ensure opera on and data had seamless recovery for cri cal systems and applica ons

•Created and maintained a Disaster Recovery Plan, which entailed wri ng processes and instruc ons on Server / Network and So ware rebuilds from scratch and anywhere in between

•Ac ve Directory administrator for access and control of users and worksta ons on the domain, se ng domain policies, and ensured devices were assigned to appropriate security groups

•Built and maintained strong & successful Cross-Func onal rela onships with internal business partners and 3rd party vendors to maintain a collabora ve’ business needs come first’ mentality Security System Administrator @ Constellation - December 2017 to August 2022 (promoted)

•Administra on of the IT Infrastructure and OT/IoT Digital System components u lized for physical security of a nuclear power facility by Site Security personnel in accordance with NRC CFR Part 73

•Strong cross-func onal group knowledge and rela onships built to ensure the physical security plan and cybersecurity plan operated in fluidity

•So ware support for proprietary applica on ‘NSMART’ (Nuclear Security Monitor Alarm and Repor ng Tool) that used field monitoring equipment that reported to the SQL Database back-end

•Database admin of Microso SQL Server 2008 that was later upgraded to 2022, this included wri ng database stored procedures, crea ng scripts for field equipment communica on, and using queries to pull data for repor ng and data analysis

•VMware maintenance and administra on for an addi onal domain built on a SDN /virtual pla orm using esxi host servers, as a layover to the physical on-prem system

•Endpoint Protec on Management administra on using Symantec for virus defini ons updates, system scanning, anomaly detec on, and quaran ne/isola on based on triggered alarms

•SIEM monitoring via Splunk, crea ng queries and policies for end-to-end protec on, monitoring of systems health, and alarm repor ng of field equipment

•Subject Mater Expert & Lead Security System Admin for Midwest region, being oversight of 3 Nuclear Plants and guiding and mentoring their Security System Admins Capacity & Provisioning Analyst @ State Farm Corporate – March 2013 to December 2017

•Server Provisioning and Patch Deployment Administra on for servers on both physical & virtual pla orms using SCCM and automa on tools

•Network Admin. of Cisco Switches and Routers and various other Network Security Appliances. Configura on of switches reaching Layer 3 of OSI model

•Capacity Management / Project Coordina on; Key Stakeholder in projects for determina on of equipment needs, coordina on for server rack design and buildout as well as datacenter floor space requirements based on power, cooling, future growth, and network connec vity for a strategic workflow of equipment placement into the 250,000 sq Datacenter

•Cross-func onal coordina on with Electrical and HVAC group, Building Security personnel, DNS & IP team, Network team and SAN (storage)team to manage the datacenter infrastructure by using change management and cke ng system (SNOW)

•Server & Network Hardware Technician which included the break/fix of all hardware as well as the hands-on reconfigura on using out-of-band management; KVM connec ons, serial port, and other out- of-band capabili es (HP ilo & Dell idrac)

•Direct involvement with Innova ve technology by building proof of concepts and the transi on to the produc on environment for technology changes including a fully redundant Twin Paired Server Rack Design, use of low latency Twinax cable over Cat 6, infrastructure build out of a Spine - Leaf Network Architecture

•Lead hardware provisioning and coordina on for the company’s new 'Metro Paired- Digital Twin’ Data Centers. At both datacenter sites this included the planning and coordina on capacity, the physical build out process of servers and rack switches, network cabling, and asset management Training and Cer fica ons

•CompTIA A+ by Thomson NetG

•CompTIA Network+ by Thomson NetG

•Security+ Exam Prep Course by LinkedIn

•Career Essen als in System Administra on by Microsoft & LinkedIn

•Career Essen als in Cyber Security by Microsoft & LinkedIn

•Cybersecurity Founda ons by Project Management Institute & LinkedIn

•Learning Threat Intelligence by LinkedIn

•Cisco ICND1 & Cisco ICND2 by USAF Skillsoft

•Cisco WAN Connec ons on Cisco Routers by USAF Skillsoft

•Microso SQL: Tips, Tricks, & Techniques by LinkedIn

•Microso Azure Fundamentals by Microsoft Press & LinkedIn

•Google Cloud Founda ons by LinkedIn

•Internal Controls and Management Credibility by LinkedIn Educa on

Streator Township High School: 1999 Graduate

Community College of the Air Force: 2002 Cer ficate: Journeyman Informa on Systems McKendree University 2003-2004 (21 Credits)

Military Service

United States Air Force: 2002-2007

Assignment: Communica ons in Informa on Technology Systems Discharge Condi ons: Honorable

Notable Awards & Medals: Commenda on Medal & Good Conduct Medal

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