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Commercial/residential building maintenance

Marana, AZ, 85658
January 30, 2024

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William Roy Lackey



*-*-****-****. *** Francisco City College. A.A. Criminal JusBce. 8-1-1973-1978. Carpenter ad Millwrights Local 1243, Fairbanks Alaska. Carpenter ApprenBce school, Journeyman compleBon school and work experience cerBficaBon. EMPLOYMENT:

1978-1986. Green ConstrucBon Co., SeaOle, Washington/Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Green ConstrucBon, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska 1975-1980

ApprenBce Carpenter

Green ConstrucBon, Prudhoe Bay, Pump StaBon #1 Camp, Livengood Camp, 1975-1976 Five Mile Camp, 1976-1977

Livenworth Camp, 1977-1978

Journey Carpenter

Valdez Terminal, Valdez, Alaska.1978-1986


ConstrucBon of material storage, raised wooden walkways and stairs. Hand to the Journeyman unBl 1980.

Journeyman cerBfied, 1980 Local 1243

ConstrucBon of pipe stockyards, guard shacks, office areas—all created with basic carpentry techniques. Slab on grade, mudsill, basic wooden wall framing with window-door openings, window-door installaBon, exterior vapor barrier siding, duct chases to facilitate heated air, stair construcBon.


Santa Rosa, California

Test and pass General Contractor License Board, CSLB #614610 named “Bill Lackey ConstrucBon.”


ConstrucBon of single-family homes, home remodeling. Design and construcBon of “out areas,” horse enclosed arenas (Chalk Hill Winery).

3/2006-2012. California Department of CorrecBons, San QuenBn State Prison. Carpenter Shop. DUTIES:

Repair of structural masonry as designed by state architect using inmate apprenBces. Remodeling of the warden’s quarters.

2012-2017 State of California Highway Patrol (A15289), First Line Supervisor, 078 FaciliBes SecBon.


California Highway Patrol (A15289) cabinet shop Supervisor. DUTIES:

Responsible for CNC producBon of cabinetry to all area offices, (150), of the department. This included general storage of paper supplies, weapons, ammuniBon, and secured evidence. 2014-2017

California Department of Public Health. Supervisor of building trades. This facility is the main scienBfic and administraBve facility for this department. DUTIES:

Main responsibiliBes: Design with consideraBon toward new scienBfic analyzers and tesBng equipment size, weights, and electrical requirements. Secure area consideraBon for maintenance and repair of lock badging pass systems. PosiBve and negaBve air flow funcBonality in the laboratory areas. Airflow is assisted by the head engineer known as “Plant OperaBons Supervisor.”

Fire exBnguisher tesBng annually by cerBfied vendor. Changing all urinals to “waterless” in the administraBve building. ConstrucBon of covered parking for 100 employee spaces with addiBon of solar panels which created enough energy to provide a savings of 50% to the laboratory side of the campus. This project was awarded by the “State of California Energy Commission.” AddiBon of twenty electric vehicle charging staBons to the campus. CERTIFICATES/AWARDS:

California Highway Patrol Commissioners Unit CitaBon for outstanding performance on work done on the new CHP Headquarters, Sacramento, CA.

Front Line Supervisor Training CompleBon CerBficate ReBred in March, 2017

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