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Front End Developer

Monmouth Junction, NJ
January 29, 2024

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Front End Developer



Over 14 years of IT experience which includes 6 years of Extensive experience as a React JS Front end developer in developing and designing user experiences of next generation UI using HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone, React JS, Typescript, Express Js, MobX, SASS, Next Js, Node JS and ES6

Experience in all phases of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation and Maintenance, and extensive experience with Agile and SCRUM

Experience in TDD (Test Driven Development) that requires specific test cases and improving the software by passing new tests.

Experience in developing applications in a single page (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like Backbone Js, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

Experience in Unit Testing frameworks like AVA, Mocha, Chai.

Experience in Creation of Forms, Reports and Dashboards using MetricStream Platform.

Accessibility Support for MetricStream GRC application.

Used JIRA for tracking development and project management.

Application deployment with CI/CD workflow using Jenkins.

Experience with browser testing, cross-browser compatibility, and cross-platform compatibility.

Experience with Client-side JavaScript debugging with Chrome debugger, Firebug, and IE with web developer tools.

Good understanding of Web Application deployment and maintenance on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Strong in integrating React applications with RESTful APIs, ensuring smooth communication between front-end and back-end systems.

Capable of quickly learning and delivering solutions as an individual as well as a part of a team.

Strong problem-solving, organizing, communication and planning skills with ability to work in a team environment.

Experience in implementation of enterprise applications using JAVA and J2EE

Used GitHub and Tortoise SVN for source code management and for version control.

Responsibilities include bug fixing, adding feature requests, enhancements, and new development.

Experience in implementing private clouds like Microsoft Azure Pack (Hyper-V)

Superior knowledge of Web services and Java/J2EE and hands-on experience with RESTful Web Services.

Strong in development and deployment of distributed web-based enterprise applications

Has expertise in various application server like WebLogic, WebSphere, and Glassfish

Good experience in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)



React JS, MobX, Node JS, Backbone JS, Java, JSP, EJB, JMS, MQSeries, ES6, JavaScript, Typescript, Express Js, jQuery, Junit, HTML, CSS, SASS, SQLite, MySQL


Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, NetBeans, TOAD

Web Server

Tomcat 9.0, IBM WebSphere, WebLogic 8x & 10x, JBoss

Build Tools

Maven, ANT

Version Control


Web Service


Automation Testing Tool

AVA, Spectron


MetricStream Infotech Ltd, Bangalore April 2020 to Dec 2022

Front-End Developer

Roles and responsibilities:

Worked as a Front-End Developer on the Project with JavaScript, Typescript, ES6, React, RESTful Services, HTML5/SASS and Gitlab.

Working with jQuery, Backbone, React JS for developing user interface for GRC domain.

Used Mocha, Chai for writing unit test cases.

Skilled in leading frameworks as React.js to build high-quality, scalable, and reusable components and Front-End solution.

Collaborated closely with the design team to translate design concepts into functional and interactive user interfaces, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Followed SCRUM methodology for planning and managing the project.

Designed and developed a reusable component library for future use, resulting in a 20% reduction in development time for new projects.

Connect the Front-End application to Java web services REST APIs to perform CRUD operations on data.

Used JIRA for project management.

Conducted code reviews to ensure code quality, adherence to coding standards, and mentored junior developers in the team.

Have working knowledge of supporting software applications and bug fixes using backbone framework.

Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome

Involved in understanding the feature requirements and developing the solutions to meet business requirements.

Leading the front-end development for the project

Worked closely with the Project Management team to completely define specifications to help ensure project acceptance.

Involved with bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues with JavaScript.

Worked closely with back-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic, ensuring efficient communication between front-end and back-end components.


React Js, Backbone Js, jQuery, Bootstrap, Material UI, JavaScript, Typescript, Next Js, HTML5, CSS3, Webpack, Tomcat, SASS, JIRA, REST, Jenkins, Mocha, Chai, Gitlab

Unisys Global Services Ltd, Bangalore May 2016 to March 2020 Front-End Engineer

Roles and responsibilities:

Involved in requirement gathering and UI design of the application using Agile / SCRUM approach.

Worked with HTML5, SCSS, React JS, Express Js, MobX and ES6 for developing user interface.

Use of CSS Pre-Processors such as SASS to develop rich styling web pages.

Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching/labelling conventions using GIT source control.

Attend daily stand-up meetings to discuss the progress of application development in Agile Environment.

Collaborate with other team members in sprint planning, review, and retrospectives meetings.

Use Jira tool for tasks management and discuss task details with Scrum Master.

Designed and developed base classes and re-usable components.

Involved in understanding functional specification and developing creative solutions to meet business requirements.

Worked with NPM commands and using package.json for managing dependencies and dev-dependencies of node applications.

Executed unit testing test cases of self-developed modules.

Established backend environment using Node.js with Express.js framework.

Developed CSS3 style sheets and made use of CSS preprocessor SASS to give gradient effects.

Used AVA for writing test cases.

Used JIRA for assigning user stories and tasks.

Took care of bug fixies and code reviews

Worked Node Package Management for configuring the project according to the needs.

Experience in using GIT for pulling and committing the developed content from/to the GIT repository.

Work side-by-side with User Experience team continuously to provide the best customer experience.

Worked across a diverse group of people within the team and across business units.


React Js, MobX, JavaScript, HTML5, Express Js, SASS, AVA, Electron, Node Js, SQLite, GitHub

Unisys Global Services Ltd, Bangalore August 2014 – April 2016

Sr Engineer

Roles and responsibilities:

Development in Java using Dasein API’s (for connecting AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft Azure Pack)

Testing team support

Actively participated throughout the entire SDLC from project inception, code development and elaborate testing of the various modules in Agile/SCRUM environment

Actively coordinating with the onsite team for smooth development activities, daily status call and sub-team meetings for the code review

Client-side validations are done using java script.

Involved in the development of presentation layer using JSP, HTML and JavaScript

Used AJAX technology for creating interactive web applications.

Used HTTP calls with AJAX for accessing RESTful services.

Deployed the application in Apache Tomcat8 container.

Involved code reviews and ensuring the deliverables meets quality standards.

Performed unit testing using Junit and monitored the error logs using log4j and fixed the problems.

Used Apache Tomcat Server for application deployment.


Java, JSP, Servlet, JavaScript, REST, HTML, CSS, Tomcat, GitHub, SVN, Hyper-V

Polaris Software Lab, Chennai Sep 2007 – Jan 2010 Associate Consultant

Roles and responsibilities:

Requirement gathering and feasibility study for the product level enhancements and modification of existing features.

Identifying pain areas of the existing product and given the best solution approach and improved the performance of the product.

Involved in Configuration and Coding

Involved in product setup in different environments and MQSeries configuration.

Create and utilize WebLogic JMS message queues.

Implemented EJB session beans for business logic.

Support for product implementations and transaction configuration

Involved in Unit, Integration, System and User Acceptance Testing

WebLogic/WebSphere Application Server was used for deploying the application.

Used ANT automated build scripts to compile and package the application and implemented Log4j for the project.

Implementation specific product enhancements and bug fixes


Java, Weblogic, Websphere, MQSeries, MySQL, EJB, JMS, TCP, ANT, SVN

Sai Innovation India Pvt Ltd, Chennai Aug 2005 – Sep 2007 Java Developer

Roles and responsibilities:

Worked in Waterfall Environment for the design and development of the application.

Involved in Development and Testing

Developed the application using Eclipse IDE

Developed Servlets and JSP based on MVC pattern using Struts Framework

Enhancement of the project according to the client requirements

JDBC was used for connecting and executing queries with database.

Used Maven for building the project.

Used SVN as sub version control across common source code by developers.


Java, Struts, JSP, Servlets, SVN, Maven


ME – Computer Science - Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Anna University, Tamil Nadu - 2005

BE – Computer Science - Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, MK University, Tamil Nadu - 2003

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