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Java Developer Software

Dallas, TX
January 29, 2024

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Experienced Java Developer with * years in Java programming and Spring framework. Optimized applications for boost in system responsiveness. Integrated modules, driving overall system performance increase. Executed database optimizations, achieving a 40% improvement in Record access swiftness. Eager to apply experience in active projects.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages: Java

Frameworks: Spring Framework, Hibernate, Apache Struts

Web Technologies: Servlets, JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Angular, React.js, Node.js

Web Services: RESTful APIs, SOAP

Database Technologies: SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB

Build and Dependency Management Tools: Maven, Gradle

Testing: JUnit, TestNG, Mockito

Version Control: Git, SVN

IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse

Containerization and Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes

Cloud Services: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform

Message Brokers: Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment: Jenkins, Travis CI

Security: SSL/TLS, OAuth, JWT

Logging and Monitoring: SLF4J, ELK Stack

Professional Experience

CITI Bank July 2022 – Present Software Developer Project Name: Workforce Management Technologies Used: Java, Spring Framework, Hibernate, RESTful APIs, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL, JUnit, Mockito, Docker, Kubernetes, SSL/TLS, OAuth, JWT, SLF4J, ELK Stack.

Developed and optimized Java-based applications for workforce management, utilizing Java, improving system responsiveness by 20%.

Collaborated cross-functionally, reducing development time, and seamlessly integrating diverse system modules using Spring Framework.

Used Angular Reactive forms to implement complex forms and performed the validations using Form Builder. Used Angular Material components developing the Ul.

Designed Frontend with object oriented JavaScript Frameworks like Angular.js, Backbone.js, Require.js and

Designed and architected scalable solutions, employing Hibernate for data persistence and achieving a significant 30% increase in overall system performance.

Integrated modules positively, leveraging RESTful APIs, reducing data transfer latency, and facilitating real-time data synchronization.

Experience with Apache Kafka and Zookeeper apart from JMS as messaging service.

Implemented solutions using Hadoop, Apache Spark, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, HBase and Scala.

Worked on Design and development of Restful APs using Node.js and JSON.

Improved database structures for efficient data handling, utilizing MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, resulting in an enhancement in data retrieval speed.

Applied SQL query optimizations, achieving a reduction in query execution time and enhancing database performance.

Conducted comprehensive testing using JUnit and Mockito, attaining a 98% accuracy rate in identifying and resolving system issues.

Identified and addressed performance bottlenecks, optimizing application speed and responsiveness.

Executed performance testing, utilizing Docker and Kubernetes, achieving a 20% increase in system throughput and efficiency.

Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker, on GCP (Google Cloud Platform). Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, test deploy.

Implemented security best practices, ensuring compliance with data protection standards using SSL/TLS, OAuth, and JWT.

Experienced in writing/building/integrating custom modules for JIRA/Confluence.

Collaborated on issue resolution, achieving a faster turnaround time in troubleshooting, and improving overall project efficiency.

Created and preserved comprehensive technical documentation using SLF4J and ELK Stack, enhancing team efficiency by 15%.

Stayed abreast of industry best practices and emerging technologies, contributing to the improvement of system capabilities and functionality.

Amazon Inc May 2018 – Jan 2022 Software Developer Project Name: Order Processing and Inventory Management Technologies Used: Java 8, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, RESTful APIs, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Spring Framework, Docker, Kubernetes, SLF4J, ELK Stack, SSL/TLS, OAuth, JWT.

Collaborated on system design, enhancing scalability and reliability by 20% through innovative architecture.

Established Java applications, utilizing Java, reducing order processing time and optimizing system efficiency.

Developed Java applications, cutting order processing time. Integrated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for responsive interfaces.

Configured and deployed the J2EE application on Weblogic Application Server. Designed, developed, debugged and tested the web based J2EE application.

Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework.

Experience in Creating the CI/CD Azure DevOps Pipeline for the .net, java & Ul based Web Applications.

Hands on Experience in AWS Cloud in various AWS Services such as RedShift, Cluster, Route53 Domain configuration.

Experienced in using Amazon, S3, Kinaesis, Lamda, CloudWatch, DynamoDB and application services in the AWS cloud infrastructure.

Created S3 buckets for EC2 instances to store all the content including HTML pages, images, CSS files and script files.

Implemented APIs using play framework in Scala to perform analytics and persist results in Elasticsearch

Worked on some of the new features of Angular like new if else syntax, ng-templates, form validators, Router etc.

Experience with Agile development methodologies including Extreme Programming XP, Agile and SCRUM. Enthusiastic in learning new technologies and methodologies.

Designed and improved database schemas, utilizing MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, decreasing data retrieval time and improving performance.

Effected real-time order lifecycle management, leveraging Spring Framework, reducing fulfilment time, and elevating customer satisfaction.

Expertise in Angular JS framework and React JS framework and its ability to create simple and scalable code for Single Page Application(SPA).

Devised mechanisms for handling cancellations and returns, minimizing errors.

Engineered real-time inventory tracking, utilizing Docker and Kubernetes, enhancing accuracy, and streamlining inventory management.

Industrialized algorithms for optimized inventory levels, mitigating stockouts and overstocks.

Implemented strong exception management, resulting in a reduction in system downtime, ensuring reliability.

Established comprehensive logging systems using SLF4J and ELK Stack, improving troubleshooting efficiency for rapid issue resolution.

Identified and rectified performance bottlenecks, optimizing global system performance by 25%.

Conducted routine performance testing and optimization, sustaining a consistent 98% system efficiency.

Accomplished security measures, ensuring compliance with data protection standards using SSL/TLS, OAuth, and JWT.

Maintained compliance with industry standards, maintaining a compliance rating in audits.

Continued thorough technical documentation for code and architecture, bolstering team productivity.


Master of Science in Computer Science May 2023 Lamar University

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science April 2018 Vignan University


Certified in Java

Attained proficiency in Spring Framework

Achieved competence in Database Management

Mastered Web Technologies

Lakshman Muppalla

Java Developer

+1-972-***-**** • • • United States

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