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Management Consulting

Berkeley, CA
January 29, 2024

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Octomer ** **** [EXECUTIVE SUMMARY]

* *********** *. **** ******

Personal Information—I am a U.S. Citizen, widowed, was married 37 years to Ruth (deceased Nov 18, 2017), I have three step-children--son, Gregory Altamirano (deceased March 18, 2019). Two daughters, Deborah and Claudette Altamirano.

Passion—I am challenged by any opportunity to create a smooth functioning organization in any enterprise, I am passionate about “Creating a World-Class Organizations,” through using business process improvements and continuous and never-ending quality initiatives and improvements (CANEQIAI). I approach practical solutions to problems from a balanced systemic and humanistic approach of organizational effectiveness through operational excellence and high-level relationship building. I can take any individual or any size organization a “notch up.” I have a passion for ‘Creating World- Class Organizations.’

Personal Awards and Recognitions: I have received many accolades, awards, recognitions, and commendations in my career. A few awards and recognitions are listed below: 1. Received a Certificate of Appreciation in 1987 from University of Alaska Board of Regents as a Systemwide Director of four offices of Facilities Planning and Construction statewide for distinguished service. For developing a Capital Planning Process for statewide. Established a master planning process for the systemwide of Higher Education system for 3 Universities, 11 community colleges and 22 extension centers throughout Alaska. Established facilities Planning is guided by educational and fiscal planning processes. 2. Received Certification of Appreciation 1997 from the President of Central Administration of University of Nebraska system as Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance for dedicated service in managing the central administration Capital Planning and administering of Capital Planning and Facilities Management on five of its Campus (A hospital in Omaha, Universities at Omaha, Lincoln Kearny and Technical Agricultural College in Curtis). 3. Received the Associate Emeritus status in 2010 as Associate Vice President Emeritus, Iowa State University. Accomplished taking the seven divisions of Facilities Planning and Management to attain a “World-Class” stature through a 12-year quality journey. Garnering the coveted state of Iowa, Baldrige award. The Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence gold award in 2009.

4. State Baldrige Examiner 1999-2008. Achieved Senior status in 2008 5. Received the State of Iowa Governor’s certificate of appreciation each year from 2002 to 2008 for quality initiatives.

6. Elected as President 2004-2005 of the Association’s Midwest Association of Higher Educational (MAPPA). Received MAPPA President’s Award 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2009 for dedicated and outstanding service to the Midwest association of Higher Education Officers Association and for inculcating quality initiatives. 7. I was National Baldrige Board of Examiners on 2006, 2007 and 2011 8. Received a Certificate of Appreciation from US Secretary of Commerce 2007 and 2008 9. I was designated Chief Judge for American Council of Engineering Companies 2006, and Judge 2003-2005

10. I was elected as President of the International Association of Higher Educational Facilities Association (APPA) President (2006-2007). Received APPA Fellow 2006, APPA Meritorious Award 2005, APPA Award for Excellence in Facilities Management 2003, APPA Pace-Setter Award 2002, APPA President’ s Award 2008 for outstanding service. Received Emeritus status in 2010. Octomer 15 2021 [EXECUTIVE SUMMARY]

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11. I was the Keynote speaker on “Creating World Class Organization,” at the Marina Bay Conference center for Singapore for IFMA 2018 conference. 12. I was a Symposium speaker for KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore in 2019. I also trained their estates offices staff after the symposium. 13. Past President for Berkeley Rotary Club 2020-2021 Responsibilities (Positions held):

1. 2010—Continuing Performance Management Consulting, CEO/President 2. 1997-2010, Iowa State University of Science and Technology--Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning and Management operations for Seven Divisions. 3. 1994-1997, University of Nebraska Central Administration—Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance and Director of Facilities Planning and Management for Five campuses.

4. 1987-1994, Comprehensive Facilities Management, Berkeley California--President and Chief Executive Officer in Private Practice.

5. 1981-1987, University of Alaska--Statewide Director of Facilities Planning and Construction, for Four Statewide Offices (three regional one central). 6. 1974-1980, University of California, Berkeley--Campus Architect, Senior Manager for technical services and Assistant Director for the Department of Facilities Management

(DOFM) for Five Divisions.

7. 1965-1974, I worked four major international and national Architectural firms in San Francisco—as Office Manager, Architect, Project Manager, Executive Architect and Construction Manager responsible for oversight of all architectural projects ranging from programming to post construction completion.

Capital Projects Accomplished—I have planned, developed, monitored, managed and executed approximately over 2.5 billion dollars in construction in four major American Universities--University of California, Berkeley; University of Alaska Systemwide; University of Nebraska, Central Administration, Lincoln; and Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames and in the private sector practices of employment. Many of the projects won national awards.

• At Iowa State University I completed 63 major projects over a billion dollars.

• At University of Nebraska five campus at Lincoln, Omaha, Kearny, Curtis and Medical School at Omaha the completion of many major project over approximately 350 Million dollars in construction

• At University of Alaska Systemwide of Higher Education the planning and management of approximately 280 million dollars of new construction in 62 major buildings.

• At University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California approximately 250 million dollars in construction completed.

Quality Proponent: I use Baldrige, balanced Scorecard, Lean and Six Sigma methodologies in my organization for continuous improvements and I am a certified trainer in Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and Management in 2003, Iowa Manufacturing and Evaluation Program (IMEP), and a senior ASQ member since 2008. I use Situation Analysis tools and Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

(MBNQA) seven categories of management system for building self- equity and organizational equity, Octomer 15 2021 [EXECUTIVE SUMMARY]

3 Christopher K. Ahoy Resume

Balanced Scorecard Plus for metrics, Lean and Six Sigma principles, and methodologies for continuous quality process improvements to create effective organization with operational efficiencies. Author: In addition to many articles (107) and papers I have written three professional books and one pseudo fiction book being published in 2018:

1. “Manual for Selection of Design consultants,” (CFM July 1981). 2. “Leadership in Educational Facilities Administration,” (APPA July 2007). 3. “Customer-Driven Operations Management” (published by McGraw Hill, December 16th, 2008 and distributed worldwide on January 9, 2009). keywords=christopher+k+ahoy&x=15&y=18

4. “The Boy from Kalimpong,” Austin Mccauley Publisher, London, England U.K (March 2018 [Pseudo Fiction Novel]

Mentor--students from: Business, Biology, Economics, Healthcare, English, International law, International Politics, Chemistry, Statistics and Information Technology. I have mentored 42 mentee since coming back to the Bay Area from ISU on September 2010. I have 4 international mentees in Singapore, Mexico and South Africa.

Education—I have a MA in Architecture, University of California, Berkeley (1965) with emphasis on system analysis (Operation Research). A University of California Regent’s Fellowship recipient year 1964/1965. B.A (honors) in Architecture from The Department of Architecture and City Planning, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India (1964), ranked First class, First in Class. BSc. studies in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, St. Xavier's College, Calcutta, India (Intermediate Science certificate 1957-1959, left studies to compete in the national entrance exams for engineering college at IIT Kharagpur, India in 1959 for 300 seats competing with approximately 40,000 applicants). Continuing Education –Partial Doctorate studies in Public Administration, University of Southern California, and Sacramento Public Affairs Center (Attended summer programs 1984-1986. Discontinued studies to establish a company in California), MBA studies 1996, California Coast University in progress

(on hold).

Brief Organizational Accomplishments--From 1997-2010 Facilities Planning and Management Organization received 84 individual and organizational awards. I have taken my organization to become a World-Class organization for the thirteen years (1997-2010). I combine the principles of organization design, metrics and process improvement to produce products and services of high quality, at least cost and fastest delivery, creating an effective organization with operational excellence grounded in evidence driven management culture--fact-based, data-driven, data- informed and knowledge-based—I built building self-equity and organization equity using Quality Tools

[Baldrige, balanced Scorecard Plus, Lean and Six Sigma Methodologies]. The people I lead in my previous organization were fast becoming world class knowledge-based workers. One Result of Evidence Driven Management:--Organizational Recipient of the 2009 Gold Level Award on May 6, 2010 at the State Of Iowa annual Governor’s Excellence Celebration. The highest Octomer 15 2021 [EXECUTIVE SUMMARY]

4 Christopher K. Ahoy Resume

Malcolm Baldrige type highest award at the state level know as Iowa Recognition Performance Excellence.

After winning bronze 2004 and four silvers in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, Iowa State University Facilities Planning and Management was awarded the Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence

(IRPE) 2009 Gold Level Award achievement.

The center had bestowed the gold-level award only three times in its 10 years of existence. John Deere Credit Corporation achieved the first IRPE Gold Level Award in 2006, second by Eaton Corporation in 2007. No one received any in 2008 and the third to receive this prestigious recognition in 2009 is Iowa State University’s FP&M organization.

ISU’S FP&M also received the Leadership Commitment Awards in 2004 and 2006 for producing the maximum number of state examiners from any industry. The Iowa Quality Center consists of 180 educations, government, manufacturing and business groups working toward continuous improvements in their organizations. The Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence Awards recognizes high performance management principles.

The Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence (IRPE) is an assessment process based on the Baldrige National Quality Program. The prestigious Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence Awards were established to recognize those businesses and organizations in the state that have completed a strenuous review and evaluation of their leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, measurement, analysis, knowledge management, work force engagement, process management, and business results. The process is aligned with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and the Criteria for Performance Excellence are used for the assessment. There is no monetary award, but those who complete the process say it helps them identify strengths and opportunities for improvement within their companies, provides training for continuous improvement and leadership development, and assures customer focus and efficiency within their operations. This process is a proven method for organizations to achieve their highest potential and become more competitive in the world marketplace. For this reason, the process is used by more than 40 states to support their economic development efforts.

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