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Senior IOS Developer

Alpharetta, GA, 30022
January 29, 2024

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Lawrence Broomfield

(Senior iOS Developer)

Email: ********************@*****.*** Phone: 706-***-****

Professional Summary

As a seasoned iOS Mobile App Developer with nearly 11 years of hands-on experience, I have a proven track record of successfully launching innovative features and products within the iOS app landscape. Additionally, I bring over 2 years of IT support expertise dedicated to facilitating mobile app development.

My skill set spans Swift and SwiftUI coding using the Xcode IDE, encompassing the entire software development lifecycle, from meticulous requirements-gathering to design, development, rigorous testing, debugging, and ongoing maintenance. I boast extensive proficiency in Swift and Objective-C, leveraging Xcode and diverse iOS versions, debugging tools, memory management, and robust multi-threading techniques.

My expertise extends to native iOS development, inclusive of app deployment strategies to the App Store. I possess adeptness in architecting projects employing MVC, MVVM, VIPER, KVO, KVC, Singleton, Delegate, Observer/ Notification, Adapter, Factory and Facade frameworks, utilizing both Storyboards, XIB, and programmatic approaches to craft seamless user interfaces.

Strong background in parsing JSON and XML web service responses, utilizing 1st party and 3rd party frameworks such as CocoaPods, AFNetworking, RESTKit, Alamofire, Codable, and JSON serialization.

Furthermore, my experience includes hands-on work with AVFoundation, Core Bluetooth framework for device connectivity, and Location Management utilizing Core Location, Google Maps, and Map Kit—customizing annotations and markers for enhanced functionality. I'm adept at optimizing user experience by leveraging GCD and NSOperations for efficient multithreading, while also excelling in consuming RESTful web services and parsing service responses via JSON decoder protocol.

In essence, I bring a wealth of expertise in iOS app development, from technical intricacies to seamless user experiences, aimed at delivering exceptional, high-quality mobile applications."

Technical Skills

Languages: Swiftm SwiftUI, Objective-C, JavaScript.

Databases: Keychain.

Frameworks: UIKit, MapKit, CoreLocation, AVFoundation, AVKit, Core Data, AlamoFire, AFNetworking, SnapKit, Firebase, Firebase Analytics.

Tools: Charles Proxy, Postman, OpenGL, JIRA, Confluence, Valgrind, Carthage.

Testing: XCUITest, XCTest, TDD, BDD, Quick, Nimble.

IDEs: Xcode, VSCode, Visual Studios, Eclipse, NetBeans.

Versioning Control: GIT, Github, Gitlab, SourceTree, Github Desktop, Terminal.

Architecture: MVC, MVVM, VIPER.

Libraries: SwiftyJSON, OAuth.

Design Patterns: Singleton, Façade, Factory, Adapter, Delegation, Notification, KVO, KVC.

UI/UX: Storyboards, XIBs, IB, Programmatic, SwiftUI.

Data Persistency: NSUserDefaults, CoreData, SQLite, Keychain, FileManager.

Development Methodologies: Scrum, Agile, Storyboards.

Memory Management: RESTful.

Professional Experience

Senior iOS Developer December 2021 – Present

E-Trade Financial Corporation (A subsidiary of Morgan Stanley), Alpharetta, GA

App: Power E*TRADE-Advanced Trading

Description: The app enables seamless trading across diverse financial instruments and provides user-friendly tools like real-time options analysis, synchronized notetaking, direct deposits, and customizable scans. Transitioning to SwiftUI initially presented challenges, necessitating a redesign of common views and workarounds due to SwiftUI's limitations compared to UIKit. Despite this, overcoming these hurdles laid a strong foundation that streamlined subsequent feature development using SwiftUI.

Project Summary: Collaborated within a 15-member team, operating within a structured framework of 2-week sprints, involving meticulous sprint planning, refinement, and grooming sessions. Upon meeting Acceptance Criteria, code submissions underwent rigorous review before merging into the designated branch and allocation for QA testing. Additionally, a crucial aspect of my role encompassed actively seeking and implementing enhancements to elevate the overall codebase.

•Directed a diverse team of 15 members to enhance trading experiences in options, stocks, futures, and ETFs.

•Utilized Swift, Cocoa Touch frameworks (UIKit, Foundation), SwiftUI, and Combine to build user-friendly interfaces and functionalities.

•Implemented MVVM architecture and diverse design patterns (delegation, protocols, Adapter, notifications, and Facade) for robust, scalable app structures.

•Introduced real-time options trading via the Trade Tape feature and integrated dynamic market analysis with live streaming data through Lightstreamer subscriptions.

•Integrated the check deposit feature using MiSnap/MiTek SDK and SwiftUI/Combine, elevating user interaction.

•Employed async/ await for backend interactions and functional programming concepts (Map, Filter, CompactMap) for efficient, modular code.

•Contributed to a SwiftUI library for commonly used UI components and ensured seamless adaptation across languages through localization.

•Expanded Positions for synchronized notetaking across platforms, utilizing Restful API calls and Codable encryption.

•Managed the transition from RxSwift to Combine for optimized functionality and error handling.

•Efficiently tackling JIRA tickets from both ongoing releases and the backlog.

•Improved user experience by implementing features like Pull-to-Refresh, integrated Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics, and Remote Config for analytics and crash reporting.

•Employed Localytics for user interaction monitoring and implemented dynamic updates for in-app banners.

•Addressed memory leaks, enhanced crash-free rates, and improved overall app performance by bug fixing and stability enhancements.

•Oversaw the app release process, including branch management, QA build provisioning, and App Store uploads, while following Agile Scrum methodologies for iterative development.

Senior iOS Mobile App Developer December 2020 – November 2021

HEB Grocery Company, Santa Monica, CA


The project was focused on adding features for suggesting shopping articles and creating tutorials for new version. This included UI, Shopping patterns, translations to Spanish. I was on a team of 3-4 working in an Agile environment.

•With the H-E-B Mobile App, you can save, simplify and organize your grocery trip with time-saving features. It allows you to manage Digital Coupons or see what products are available at your H-E-B, where they are in the store or find the nearest H-E-B that carries it.

•Worked on the new look for this app with icons across the bottom of the app you can quickly navigate between sections you use most.

•Application was migrated to Swift based on a previous version written in Objective-C.

•Recipe finder in the recipe section that allows you to add ingredients to your shopping list.

•API integration implementing Alamofire and SwiftyJSON.

•Implementation of Dispatch Queues to perform tasks asynchronously and concurrently.

•Implemented Authentication process along with “Remember me” option and Touch ID.

•User Interface: XIBs, Storyboards, Constraints, Auto layout.

•Core Location to get the list of stores nearby.

•Worked on the weekly ad feature and bug fixes from previous versions.

•Added Push Notifications to receive weekly ads information.

•Worked in a Scrum environment with UI Designers, QA, Backend and PO. Applied pair programming.

•Guided a small team of 4 developers using paired programming, having daily SCRUM meetings, and reporting back to the project managers.

Sr. iOS Developer March 2020 – November 2020

Speedway LLC, Dallas, TX


The Gas Price/Store Locator gives you a hand in finding the closest convenient Speedway with up-to-date gas prices. Speedy Rewards members can also keep track of points, view club statuses to know when your next free item is coming your way, and keep up on the latest bonus point offers, redemption items, and sweepstakes prizes.

•Developed in an Agile environment, serving as Scrum Master and facilitating sprint planning, retrospective, backlog, review, and daily scrums.

•Led working groups to develop migration strategies and prepare standard operating procedures.

•Coordinated with QA testers for end-to-end unit testing.

•Used CocoaPods to load all third-party frameworks and manage dependencies

•AutoLayout for universal constraints with NSLayoutConstraints and Anchors.

•Size Classes for varying UI implementation across iPhone and iPad devices to vary for Regular and Compact sizes

•Revamped iOS widgets to new and updated iOS 14 Widgets

•Application is with MVVM-C architecture for best separation of concerns

•Worked with various design patterns such as Factory, Façade, Adapter, Delegations, Notifications, and KVO

•Wrote Unit and UI tests with XCTest and XCUITest respectively to give optimal code coverage with a TDD approach.

•Utilized URLSession to fetch RESTful API calls and decode data via the Codable protocols

•Used Charles and Postman to debug network calls

•Closely worked with all sides of the development process including QA, UI/UX team, Product, and AN/Backend Teams.

•Used GCD for multithreading and dispatch groups for fetching segments of data.

•Implemented best practices for getting information such as lay loading, pagination, and caching data

•Assisted with usage of Flutter for implementing some of the game sections

•Revamped a large amount of the code base to include Accessibility implementation to adhere to ADA Compliance guidelines as well as improve UI testing.

•Accessibility Inspector for debugging accessibility compliance.

•Jenkins for CI/CD pipeline and deployment to TestFlight for application deployment.

•Instruments for testing app performance and memory management.

Senior iOS Engineer

PNC Bank, Pittsburgh, PA April 2018 – March 2020


The PNC Mobile app allows account holders to access account information, check transactions, and pay bills from the mobile app.

•Worked on B2C facing application, focusing on PassKit and Apple Pay, UI development, as well as consumption of multiple webservices using mobile APIs.

•Used SnapKit to build and maintain all programmatic constraints.

•Used MVC and MVVM architectures.

•Applied Delegation, Builder, and Singleton design patterns.

•Performed technical work in alignment with an Agile/Scrum methodology with 2-week sprints and daily scrums.

•Programmed in Swift and Xcode,

•Worked with webservice calls using Alamofire, JSON responses parsed using SwiftyJSON

•Decoupled entire project by creating different modules using private CocoaPods

•Worked with front-end UI/UX designers, back-end teams and business teams to ensure an app that worked seamlessly meeting all requirements.

•Used JIRA to help groom user stories for future sprints, broke stories into tasks and participating in Spring planning meetings, working with Product Manager to prioritize tasks.

•Used Bitbucket with Git for source control and code review using pull requests

•Worked with QA testing team, writing Unit tests using XCTest, and managed scenario/functional testing.

•Used Jenkins with Git for continuous integration.

•Fixed memory issues by using Instruments, most notably using the Allocations and Time Profiler tools.

•Integrated Touch ID capabilities, using Local Authentication

•Created test cases to streamline and optimize code with OCUnit

•Utilized GCD/NSOperation multithreading techniques for better performance.

iOS Developer January 2017 - April 2018

AT&T Services, Inc., Dallas, TX


MapFactor Navigator is a free GPS navigation app with free offline maps from OpenStreetMaps (incl. free monthly maps update). Navigate without an internet connection in more than 200 countries. Intuitive voice turn-by-turn navigation in different languages, speed limits, camera warnings and many other useful features.

•Implemented the application features screen with an attractive and custom UI, featuring images and text in a scrolling view.

•Implemented the gas prices information section with custom UITableViewCells and nib files.

•Implemented the gas station details section, along with interactive buttons such as the sharing, feedback and calling, features.

•In charge of storing persistent information on the device with Core Data.

•Refactored, commented some sections of the code that required improvements and developed Unit Tests using XCTest to ensure their proper behavior.

•Embedded a UITableView on a UIViewController, alongside swipe gestures detection for a custom implementation of a side menu.

•Stored information on the device by the means of Core Data for the user favorite POI section.

•Made use of NSCache to save map information and reduce the networking footprint on user’s side.

•Worked on an Agile environment, having 2-week sprints and daily stand ups.

•Used SVN for version control.

•Consumed API endpoints with NSURLConnection and parsed information with NSJSONSerialization.

iOS Mobile Developer September 2015 - January 2017

Duolingo, Pittsburgh, PA


With the Duolingo app, users learn a new language with the world’s most-downloaded education app. Duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 35+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons. Practice speaking, reading, listening, and writing to build your vocabulary and grammar skills.

•Worked with Objective-C and Swift with Xcode

•Migrated Objective-C code to Swift 2 and later to Swift 3

•Application architecture with MVVM pattern

•Utilized different design patterns code design patterns to optimize performance such as delegation, notifications, and singletons.

•Worked in an Agile Team with 5 iOS developers alongside 5 AN developers.

•Debugged and fixed bugs with break points, print statements, and Instruments

•Worked Closely with QA for a better workflow.

•Implemented AVFoundation for voice over to speak the language phrases back to the user.

•Created animations with UIView animate functionality to draw different scenes

•Developed navigation between views was mixture of using UINavigationController, UIGestureRecognizer, and UIPopoverController.

iOS Developer February 2013 - September 2015

Etsy, Brooklyn, AL


The Etsy app lets you shop millions of one-of-a-kind items straight from your iPhone and iPad. Whether it’s for moments big or small we have it all: handmade goods, vintage goods, creative goods, custom goods—there’s something for everyone. With the Etsy app you can purchase the perfect gift for friends, family, and co-workers, or even get a little something for yourself.

•Developed the iOS mobile app using Objective-C and XCode.

•Worked with UIKit Framework for development and maintenance.

•Used Storyboards and AutoLayout constraints to create universal layout designs.

•Utilized XIBs and IBDesignables for UI/UX created interfaces.

•Implemented UITableViews and UICollectionViews to have and efficient user experience integrated into the Products and Product Detail Pages

•Worked with MVC architecture and eventually started work in cascading the application towards MVVM architecture.

•Utilized Github and SourceTree for source control.

•Regularly consumed RESTful API services with SwiftyJSON to have real time data from the backend.

•Carthage for dependency management utilizing various frameworks such as SwiftyJSON and AFNetworking.

Other Professional IT Work

IT Support Specialist June 2012 – February 2013

Department of Public Health

Provided IT admin support for over 350 employees. Created accounts and provided access to Outlook 365 and Windows OS. Monitored network status for outages.

IT Consultant January 2012 – June 2012


Served a consulting function to ensure distributed Agile/Scrum IT development team members aligned with the end-goal objective for a web services development project with disparate technologies/methodologies, including Core Java, JDBC, web services and Rest APIs, Spring – MVC, AOP, annotations, dependency injection. Asynchronous programming (involving queues), Junit, Git, and Maven.

IT Quality (QA) Analyst January 2011 – December 2011


Supported an iOS mobile app development team from a quality analysis/testing perspective on a mobile automotive app development project.


Bachelor’s in Computer Science

Albany State University

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