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Project Manager Scrum Master

Silver Spring, MD
January 29, 2024

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Constance Taminang

Silver Spring, MD *****.

Cell: 240-***-****


Professional summary

I’m a Certified Professional Scrum Master/Project Manager with over 9 years of experience and in-depth knowledge in software development lifecycle (SDLC) and waterfall. As a servant leader, I have trained, coached, and mentored multiple cross-functional teams, Managers and Stakeholders to adopt and integrate Agile/Scrum Principles in their business execution processes. I have successfully coached multiple teams implement Agile frameworks sure as Scrum, Kanban and SAFe. I’m adept at managing projects from start to finish with excellent customer satisfaction. I am highly motivated, self-driven, goal oriented with excellent communication. I’m able to drive multiple cross-functional teams in a fast-paced business environment and have them deliver Business value.


Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Waterfall, SDLC, Jira, Confluence, Outlook, Rally, MS Project, IT Quality Assurance, IT Operations, Azure DevOps, ServiceNow, AWS, Data Coud Environment, TDD, ATDD, Unit Testing, Automated Testing, Pair Programming, CI, CD, Risk management, Capacity Planning.


Project Manager/Sr. Scrum Master

Fidelity Investments – Boston MA.

Sept 2022 – Dec 2023

Served as project manager for four distributed delivery teams supporting Data Loss Prevention (DLP) initiative.

Coordinated the planning, executing, monitoring, controlling of the project.

Develop, maintain, enhance, and support a comprehensive project plan through the project lifecycle.

Help define the roadmap and project scope to the teams.

Served as liaison between business, PMO’s and technical aspects of project.

Worked closely with Product Owner, making sure that the backlog contains relevant and prioritized user stories.

Coached the teams and made sure they fully implemented Agile practices and values in their project execution process.

Facilitate all the scrum ceremonies: the Backlog refinement, Sprint Planning, Daily Stand Up, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective and ensure that these teams deliver value at the end of every iteration.

Participated proactively in developing and maintaining teams engineering best practices such as pair programming, code reviews, test automation, test-driven development, refactoring, continuous integration/continuous deployment.

Collaborate with the entire teams to make sure that every release meets the business goals.

Proactively resolve impediments or dependencies so that team members can progress with their tasks.

Encourage and promote continuous collaboration among team members and resolve conflicts in a timely manner.

. Coached the Teams to a level of maturity where they become self-organized and self-managing.

Represent my teams during the Scrum of Scrum meetings where we discuss the progress of various teams with the Release Train Engineer, and work on resolution of any inter-team dependencies, impediment and risks identified.

Updated team metrics and communicated to upper management and stakeholders.

Use Jira to monitor, track and coordinate the product development process through the sprints and document sprints reports for appropriate learning and improvements.

Sr Scrum Master

John Hancock Investment Boston MA

November 2021 – Sept 2022

Worked closely with Product Owner to develop a product strategy and translate it into execution plans, making sure that the backlog contains relevant and prioritized user stories.

Ensured that the User Stories meet the Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD) and broke down Epics into tasks which can be completed in a sprint.

Lead all the scrum ceremonies; backlog grooming, sprint planning, daily scrum sprint review, sprint retrospective, making sure that the teams run them appropriately following the scrum Principles.

Coached teams to a level of maturity where they became self-organizing and self-managing and shielded them from external interferences so that they could achieve their goals.

Ensure collaboration amongst the team by making sure that any conflict among the team members is timely resolved.

Participate in PI planning sessions and collaborate with my team during the Team breakout session to finalize the Team’s PI objectives, review the program backlog, identify, and track dependencies and determine the direction of the business.

Represent my teams in the scrum of scrum meetings.

Ensured teams met quality standards techniques such as TDD, ATDD, Automated Testing, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.

Project Manager/Scrum Master

Fannie Mae - Va

Dec 2018 - Sep 2021

Coordinated the planning, executing, monitoring, controlling of the project.

Develop, maintain, enhance, and support a comprehensive project plan through the project lifecycle.

Identified, coordinated, and managed resources, funding, and communicated with key stakeholders for project (Technology, 3rd Parties, and Business Unit leadership).

Served as liaison between business, PMO’s and technical aspects of projects,

Monitored progress, managed risks, generated status updates and ensured deadlines, standards, and cost targets are met.

Coordinated and monitored project resources throughout the project lifecycle.

Define and document project charter, including but not limited to scope, resources, key milestones, and success criteria.

Facilitated project team and workstream meetings, including but not limited to scheduling, minutes, and deliverable assignment and review.

Scrum Master

Johnson & Johnson

September 2017 - Dec 2018

Assigned to two cross-functional and distributed scrum teams.

Mentored and coached the teams on core Agile values, principles, practices, and processes.

Lead all the scrum ceremonies; backlog grooming, sprint planning, daily scrum sprint review, sprint retrospective, making sure that the teams run them appropriately following the scrum Principles.

Ensured that the User Stories meet the Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD) and broke down Epics into tasks which can be completed in a sprint.

Resolved impediments quickly so that the developers remain focused on their tasks.

Maintained effective communication and collaboration amongst them and brought immediate resolution to any conflict among the team members.

Consistently monitor the user stories in the backlog to identify dependencies, risk, initiate risk mitigation and implement risk reduction action plan.

Coached teams to a level of maturity where they became self-organizing and self-managing and shielded them from external interferences so that they could achieve their goals.

Tracked and reported team progress utilizing velocity chart and burn down chart.

Scrum Master

Wells Fargo Bank

March 2016 - August 2017

Coached a DevOps team to effectively adopt and implement Agile/Scrum Principles and Practices in a manner sustainable to them.

Provided leadership and mentored the team in a fast-paced and complex business environment.

Coordinates all Scrum ceremonies including Iteration Planning, Daily Standups, Iteration retrospectives, Iteration Reviews, and Backlog Refinement for the Agile team.

Assisted PO with effective Backlog Refinement, prioritization, estimation and establishing Acceptance Criteria

Resolved impediments and dependencies immediately so team members can keep progressing with their work.

Encouraged and promoted collaboration within the team by settling and conflict among team members.

Provided actionable insight to the team during Retrospective events to ensure open discussions.

Represented my team in the Scrum of Scrums event to coordinate cross-team dependencies, risks, and collaboration.

Continuously monitor, track, and coordinate the work and the progress report of the team using the Jira board.

Scrum Master

NIH (National Institute of Health)

NOV 2014 - DEC 2015

Coached two Cross Functional teams and followed up with the implementation of Agile Principles and Practices (Agile Ceremonies).

Worked with the Agile coach, to facilitate the transition of these two teams from (Traditional) Waterfall to Agile Development methodology.

Worked with the Product Owner to properly groom, prioritize, and maintain the Product Backlog and aided in determining suitable commitment of the backlog items in sprints.

Coordinated the Scrum events; backlog refinement, sprint planning, daily stand up, sprint review and sprint retrospective meetings.

Coordinated the Story Writing and Estimation Sessions with the Product Owners and Development Teams making sure that Epics are decomposed into User Stories that can fit in the Sprint.

Ensured that the User Stories meet the Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD)

Guided in determining the team capacity and velocity and coordinated work breakdown structure and corresponding.

Ensured that milestones are reached, and deadlines are met throughout the project lifecycle.

Identified and mitigated team risk, dependencies, and impediments (Backlog issues, Critical defects) on daily basis.


MBA (Master of Business Administration) 2010.Keller Graduate School of Management, DeVry University VA

BSc (Bachelor of Science in Business administration and Economics) 2005 University of Buea- Cameroon West Africa


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