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Senior IOS Developer

Manhattan, NY, 10023
February 26, 2024

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Suguru Tokuda

(Sr. iOS Developer)

Phone: 631-***-****; Email:

Profile Summary

Seasoned and dedicated professional with over 12 years of extensive experience in crafting and deploying iOS mobile applications, boasting a portfolio of 7 successful apps featured on the esteemed Apple Store.

Actively seek innovative ways to integrate cutting-edge iOS technologies into ongoing projects, fostering enhanced efficiency, and delivering highly marketable design solutions.

Adept in leveraging Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) as well as Protocol-oriented Programming (POP) design patterns, including Singletons, Façade, Builder, Observer Pattern, KVO, Protocols, delegation, Pub-Sub, and more.

Demonstrated excellence in the usage of key development tools such as Git, GitHub, Jenkins CI, Azure

DevOps, SourceTree, Bitbucket, and, ensuring streamlined and collaborative project management.

Well-versed in a variety of wireless communication protocols, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, and other short-distance wireless technologies, bolstering a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary mobile landscape.

An in-depth comprehension of the latest Xcode and iOS iterations, alongside a keen awareness of prevailing trends and developments within the dynamic realm of mobile application development.

Extensive experience in designing seamless user interfaces through a diverse array of tools such as XIBS, Storyboards, SwiftUI, Programmatic constraints, and Size classes, ensuring an engaging and intuitive user experience.

Possesses a robust grasp of the entire mobile development life cycle, coupled with a profound awareness of overarching mobile ecosystem dynamics, architectural paradigms, and emerging technologies.

Proven proficiency in Agile Scrum environments, actively contributing to Scrums and Sprints while proficiently employing Test Driven Development (TDD) and Continuous Integration methodologies.

Hands-on experience with a myriad of frameworks, including iOS SDK, UIKit, MapKit, Speech, AVFoundation, CoreData, Core Location, Social, XCTest, Alamofire, SDWebImage, QuartzCore, Core Bluetooth, Core Graphics, Core Motion, Core ML, VisionKIt, ActivityKit, WidgetKit, ARKit, ensuring versatile and comprehensive development capabilities.

Demonstrated expertise in maximizing app user engagement and retention by implementing intuitive UI and UX elements utilizing custom UI controls, XIB, Auto Layout, and Size Classes, thereby ensuring optimal user satisfaction.

Extensive background in iOS mobile app development, excelling in both Swift and Objective-C, with a particular focus on programmatic development using Swift 1 through Swift 5.7 showcasing a consistent commitment to delivering high-quality and stable mobile app code.

Profound involvement across all stages of the software development life cycle, from comprehensive project planning, meticulous software architecture design, and technical documentation to rigorous development, testing, debugging, and the seamless deployment of projects to the app store.

Advanced proficiency in comprehensive testing and rigorous bug-fixing, employing an array of tools such as the XC Test framework, Breakpoints, LLDB statements, View Debugger, and Instruments tools (Leak, Allocation, Networking) bolstering a meticulous approach to software quality assurance.

Proficient in handling asynchronous HTTP and HTTPS requests through a diverse array of tools such as GCD, Operations, Async await, URLSession, AFNetworking, and Alamofire, ensuring optimal performance and data transmission within applications.

Successful implementation of Firebase Realtime Database for seamless data storage and Firebase for cloud messaging and push notifications, ensuring efficient data management and communication within the application.

Possess a strong commitment to upholding organizational work ethics, making value-driven decisions, and showcasing exemplary managerial skills, ensuring a cohesive and productive work environment.

Experienced in leadership, adept at cultivating robust collaborative relationships among team members, proficiently mentoring developers, and collaborating effectively with project managers, stakeholders, and cross-functional teams, ensuring smooth and efficient project development and management.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages





Visual Studio


iOS Tools





Cocoa Touch

Swift Package Manager

Figma, In Vision, SourceTree

Charles Proxy, Jenkins, Fastlane, Azure Dev Ops (ADO)

Grafana, Kibana, Telemetry

Design Tools


Third-Party Frameworks









Consuming Back-End Services






Apollo Client

AWS (Amazon web services)








Project Environment

Agile Scrum, Continuous Integration

Test-Driven Development

Jira, Confluence, Git, SVN, SourceTree, Azure DevOps

Architecture & Design

MVVM, MVP, MVC, VIPER, Micro Services, Pub Sub Architecture, Decorator, Builder, Singleton, Abstract Factory etc.

Data Management

SQLite, Firebase Realtime Database, Core Data, MongoDB

Push Notifications

Apple Push Notification (APNS)


iOS Frameworks

Combine, UIKit Dynamics, Core Location, MapKit, Core Bluetooth, Core Graphics, AVFoundation, CloudKit, CoreData, EventKit, WidgetKit, ActivityKit, Core ML, VisionKit, AVKit

User Interface

SwiftUI & UIKit -

Interface Builder


Xibs, Auto Layout, Adaptive layout, Nibs, Size Classes, CA Layers, UIView, Animations, Core Plot, Core Graphics

iOS Development

Concurrency – GCD, Operations, Async await




Apple Pay

Troubleshooting & Testing

Memory Management, Instruments, Code Review, Unit Testing, TestFlight, XCTest, Automated Testing

Professional Experience

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, New York NY Jan 2023 – Current

Lead iOS App Developer

App Name: BNY Mellon Private Banking


App Description: BNY Mellon Wealth Management's Private Banking App offers secure and convenient access to personal banking information. Protected by advanced encryption, the app ensures the safety of your accounts, even on a lost or stolen device. Key features include account monitoring, funds transfer, bill payments, mobile deposits, and enhanced security options like Touch ID and Face ID.

•Specialized in fortifying the app's defenses through keychain management, SSL pinning, encryption, robust storage solutions, identifying rooted devices, and VPN Connections as the lead iOS developer overseeing security and data protection at BNY Mellon Private Banking

•Orchestrated the synchronization of profiles, ensuring a secure and seamless experience for users.

•My toolkit comprised Xcode 15.0, Swift 5.6, and an MVVM-C architecture, employing a test-driven development (TDD) approach using the XCTest framework to fortify code reliability.

•Migrated legacy modules from MVC to MVVM with a coordinator pattern to improve code scalability, Maintainability, and test code coverage.

•Mentored all pods developers on following TDD to write unit tests using XCTest and UI tests using the XCUITest framework.

•Migrated from Xcode version 14.2 to Xcode version 15.01, Additionally migrated legacy 3rd party frameworks like Firebase and bumped up iOS minimum target version from iOS 11 to iOS 14.

•As part of migration Crafted an array of bespoke enhancements, including custom button modifiers, view modifiers, property wrappers, view builders, and immersive skins, fostering an enriched and intuitive UI/UX within the SwiftUI ecosystem.

•Engineered a versatile Plug 'N' Play UI library atop UIKit and SwiftUI using Cocoa pods private libraries to expedite the integration of custom UI components.

•Transitioned RxSwift code to Combine, optimizing the app's performance and functionality.

•Improved the visualization of data through captivating chart and graph animations, seamlessly implemented using the Swift Charts framework.

•Augmented the app's capabilities by skillfully integrating external libraries via CocoaPods without compromising development efficiency, bolstering both functionality and performance.

•To ensure comprehensive testing and product reliability, orchestrated the integration of Jenkins Server with Fastlane to automate the build process and run Unit tests on CI, Integrated SonarQube for static linting code with CI.

•Led the development efforts, shaping user-first features that redefine financial management, as the driving force behind innovative savings tools like Buckets, Boosters, and the Explore Section

•A commitment to inclusivity guided the development journey from the outset, ensuring designs are ADA compliant and implemented Screen Reader (Voice Over), and Color Contract in line with WCAG guidelines.

•Orchestrated a significant uplift in user interaction and experience by refining the UI across key sections like Wealth Overview, Managed Portfolio, and various screens, elevating usability to new heights.

•Ensured the app security with the implementation of SSL public key pinning via URLSession and SQLCipher, fortifying user data and interactions.

•A rigorous testing regimen, leveraging the XCTest, and XCUITest framework, increased our test coverage from 30% to a resilient 70%, cementing the app's stability and performance.

•Meticulous code reviews were integral, swiftly resolving issues and bugs, and safeguarding the codebase's integrity and quality.

•A meticulously crafted, modular code structure, adorned with various design patterns, ensured maintainability and testability, establishing a foundation for scalable growth.

•Consistency prevailed throughout the project, enforced by SwiftLint to maintain uniform programming styles, fostering code clarity and collaboration.

•For safeguarding user login information, Keychain became our fortress, ensuring sensitive data remained secure.

•Seamless task management and collaborative efforts were orchestrated through JIRA, facilitating streamlined project tracking and team coordination.

•Created proof of concept (POC) to migrate the REST API layer to GraphQL to improve app performance.

•Implemented Telemetry analytics capture and queried captured data on Grafana and Kibana tools.

•Integrated AI-driven chatbot to support customers 24*7 on credit card, debit card, and account-related services.

•Implemented Machine learning predictive analysis using Bayes and KNN theorems to do loan and credit analysis and identify fraudulent transactions.

Honda Motors, Torrance, CA Oct 2019 – Dec 2022

Lead iOS Mobile App Developer

App Name: Honda MyGenerator


App Description: The Honda "My Generator" app works exclusively with Bluetooth®-enabled Honda generators. It offers:

Remote start/stop: Activate the generator from a distance (requires electric start capability).

Remote monitoring: Shows power output and fuel level (available for models with a fuel sensor).

Eco Throttle control. Notifications: Receive error and maintenance alerts.

•Led this project end to end from Scratch from requirement gathering to development to release to the app store.

•Employed PDFKit to seamlessly exhibit comprehensive vehicle manual information.

•Implemented engine start and stop functionality using Core Bluetooth framework.

•Used Core Bluetooth CBCentralManager and CBPeripheral for communication peripheral b/w devices.

•Orchestrated the implementation of diverse app features, including the Guide Idea Board and generator Details Screens, enhancing user experience.

•Capitalized on the robust capabilities of Core Data, Keychain Services, and UserDefaults for robust and seamless data persistence.

•Applied VIPER Architecture with clean code SOLID principals.

•Migrated UIKit components into SwiftUI modules.

•Swiftly resolved multiple defects through meticulous debugging, employing breakpoints, logs, and Xcode instruments for efficient troubleshooting.

•Ensured code uniformity by integrating SwiftLint and introducing localization support for multi-national languages, enhancing accessibility.

•Created Custom reusable UI with components with SwiftUI and Combine with Xcode13 and Swift 5.0.

•Used Figma for designs, Swagger for API specifications.

•Collaborated with Hockey App and TestFlight, alongside XCTest Unit Test, to strategize, create, and execute comprehensive QA tests, ensuring a polished product.

•Streamlined data and memory management through meticulous code optimization and a comprehensive array of debugging tests, ensuring a seamless user experience.

•Seamlessly integrated the Google Analytics SDK into iOS Mobile Apps, enabling comprehensive tracking of app data and user behavior for informed decision-making.

•Utilized Jira for meticulous issue tracking and efficient task management, ensuring a streamlined workflow and optimized project progress.

•Actively contributed to the development process by assisting in the creation of user stories and epics in Jira, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of project requirements.

•Leveraged Stash and Confluence as powerful collaborative tools for the team, promoting seamless communication and efficient project coordination.

•Achieved functionality akin to Codable/Decodable/Encodable by seamlessly integrating Object Mapper for comprehensive mapping of JSON responses, ensuring efficient data handling.

•Collaborated closely with QA testers to swiftly address and resolve all identified issues while incorporating requested UI/UX enhancements for an optimized user experience.

•Engaged in continuous collaboration with QA, implementing customer feedback and ensuring the timely delivery of quality products in each development iteration.

•Managed the seamless provisioning, compilation, and distribution of apps for Ad hoc and app store deployment, utilizing TestFlight to streamline the process.

Centene Corporation, St, Louis, Missouri Oct 2018 – Sept 2019

Sr. iOS Mobile App Developer

App Name: Peach State Health Plan


App Description: Peach State Health Plan offers a comprehensive mobile application tailored for members of the Peach State Health Plan, providing convenient access to a range of features, including the ability to locate healthcare facilities or providers, view and display your ID card, track your Cent Account balance and card activity, and seamless access to the Envolve Rx Portal.

•Engineered a diverse array of UI components and logic for the behavioral health plan, integrating models with existing healthcare information, and utilizing an MVVM architectural design pattern.

•Deconstructed the application into custom internal SDKs for enhanced reusability and maintainability, employing CocoaPods for seamless application integration.

•Spearheaded the development of the Legal Guardian feature within the flagship application, ensuring compliance with legal age requirements for users under 18 as part of their plan.

•Implemented a versatile approach to UI development, utilizing both XIBS and programmatic methods to ensure a fluid and conflict-free user interface.

•Employed Core Animation and UIBezierPaths to create custom circular UI graphs depicting deductibles on the health insurance interface.

•Implemented inactivity detection within the app, automatically triggering a network request for de-authentication and logout after 30 minutes of application inactivity.

•Applied Auto Layout constraints to ensure a consistent and universal UI design across all devices and size classes, optimizing screen real-estate between Compact and Regular devices.

•Operated within a dynamic Agile development environment, collaborating with a team of 12 mobile developers, conducting 2-week sprints, and adhering to a monthly release cycle for the flagship application.

•Wrote a comprehensive suite of unit tests using XC Test, guaranteeing an impressive 80% code coverage for the application.

•Played a pivotal role in the development of the Member and Benefits module, presenting the user's Member ID card and related healthcare data through an intuitive SwiftUI carousel interface.

•Designed screens featuring dropdown views, providing quick access to the user's prescriptions, benefits, and policies.

•Leveraged REST APIs with URLSession and Codable protocols for seamless integration of JSON data into usable application models.

•Employed a range of tools including Dynatrace for user data tracking, and Firebase analytics for monitoring user experiences for comprehensive web traffic monitoring within the application.

•Leveraged Jira for efficient task tracking within a scrum environment, while utilizing Confluence for comprehensive documentation and design purposes during the development phase.

•Leveraged GitHub along with SourceTree and Command Line tools for effective source control, following a Git Flow branching strategy to facilitate optimal concurrent development.

•Actively participated in and led feature grooming sessions, defining precise acceptance criteria for tickets, collaborated closely with backend developers to establish API contracts for feature development, and created mocks to avoid front-end development bottlenecks.

•Fostered close collaboration with the Web team on cross-functional features, ensuring seamless feature parity across all platforms.

American Family Insurance, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S. Jan 2017 – Sep 2018

Sr. iOS Mobile App Developer

App Name: American Family Insurance App


App Description: American Family Insurance offers a streamlined mobile experience through the enhanced MyAmFam app, ensuring convenient access to various policy and account details. The app facilitates easy management of payments and policy information, allowing users to view insurance policies, set up auto payments, and receive in-app reminders for upcoming bills. Additionally, it enables users to make policy changes, file claims, and access roadside assistance and repair services. With features like Touch ID or Face ID login and instant access to proof of insurance, the MyAmFam app provides a secure and comprehensive solution for managing home, car, and umbrella insurance policies.

•Implemented a custom VIN scanning feature using AVCaptureSession, ensuring efficient and accurate data retrieval.

•Engineered the app to seamlessly adapt to various iOS devices, screen sizes, and orientation changes through the adept use of Auto Layout and Storyboards, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

•Optimized user engagement and feedback by leveraging third-party tools to solicit and incorporate valuable insights into user ratings and reviews, fostering a more interactive and insightful user community.

•Employed CommonCrypto to implement robust AES encryption, ensuring secure data transmission and storage between the application and the PHP backend, bolstering data security and integrity.

•Conducted rigorous QA and unit testing using XCTest, coupled with thorough internal testing using TestFlight, ensuring a stable and reliable app performance across all stages of development.

•Crafted a comprehensive client iPad login and signup module, incorporated intuitive UI design, and established seamless backend communication with Web Services, enhancing user onboarding and interaction.

•Rectified application bugs to optimize speed and overall performance, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience throughout app usage.

•Rigorously tested all app versions using TestFlight, facilitating the submission of updated and fixed versions to the App Store, ensuring a consistently high-quality product for users.

•Collaborated closely with QA testers, actively participating in test case creation, and ensured effective testing, timely bug resolution, and comprehensive follow-up actions for improved product stability.

•Implemented robust error analysis and trace checks to efficiently identify, handle, and troubleshoot errors and bugs, maintained a smooth and seamless user experience while minimizing disruptions and technical issues.

Carter’s Retail Inc., Atlanta GA Mar 2015 – Dec 2016

Sr. iOS Mobile Developer

App Name: Carter’s


App Description: Explore an extensive range of products from Carter’s®, Little Planet®, OshKosh B’Gosh®, and Skip Hop® all in one convenient app. Easily access product information, reviews, and ratings using the app's barcode scanner in-store. Take advantage of convenient 1-hour pickup and same-day delivery services. Monitor and redeem personalized offers using the Rewarding Moments® dashboard, while accumulating reward points.

•Conducted comprehensive engineering requirement gathering, and feasibility analysis, and made significant contributions to system design.

•Developed the application in Swift, seamlessly integrating UIKit to establish a modular and easily testable code structure.

•Implemented a robust barcode search scanner utilizing the AVFoundation framework.

•Ensured the secure storage and transmission of sensitive information through a comprehensive security audit and the implementation of Keychain for credentials management.

•Utilized URLSession and Codable protocols for seamless handling of REST API calls and data decoding.

•Practiced agile methodologies for project management, adhering to SCRUM principles.

•Maintained high code quality and structure through rigorous code reviews facilitated via GitHub comments.

•Collaborated closely with QA, UI/UX, product, and backend teams throughout the development lifecycle.

•Utilized GCD for efficient multithreading and dispatch groups for streamlined data fetching.

•Leveraged Core Data, Keychain Services, and UserDefaults for efficient and reliable data persistence.

•Utilized both Xibs and programmatic UI approaches for flexible and conflict-free UI development.

•Actively engaged with onsite teams and clients to comprehensively understand requirements and business logic.

•Collaborated closely with the server team to enhance API data consumption for internal libraries and development.

•Implemented continuous integration and deployment, coupled with robust unit testing utilizing Jira.

•Ensured strict adherence to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines (HIG), collaborated with UI/UX designers using Zeplin for wireframes.

•Utilized Postman for efficient network call debugging, implementing best practices for lazy loading, pagination, and data caching.

•Implemented push notifications to enable the reception of scheduled ad information.

•Engineered a custom component-based animation system for seamless image linkage based on pivot points.

Green Mobile Banking, Pasadena CA Jun 2013 – Feb 2015

Sr. iOS Mobile App Developer

App Name: Green Dot – Mobile Banking


App Description: With a track record of managing 67 million accounts to date, Green Dot offers a diverse array of features across its collection of cards.

•Held a Senior Engineer position, leading the development of the Lock/Unlock feature.

•Acted as a Lead Developer for the Deposit checks feature, employing the camera and Core Location to accurately capture check details.

•Designed and built applications based on the MVVM architectural pattern, integrating Builder, Singleton, and KVO design patterns.

•Utilized Agile methodologies with bi-weekly sprints, daily scrums, and backlog management via Jira.

•Employed GDB and Xcode for debugging, overseeing QA cycles, and creating unit/UI tests with XCTest and XCUITest.

•Developed in Objective-C and Cocoa frameworks, utilizing components such as UIKit, Foundation, MapKit, and Core Location to display Bank Locations.

•Customized user Notifications in the Account alerts Section and developed the Access chat customer support feature.

•Explored new technologies to enhance development processes and workflows, conducting security audits to safeguard sensitive data stored and transmitted securely, leveraging Keychain for secure storage of login credentials.

•Configured Jenkins scripts for automated testing, managed version control, and continuous integration via GitHub and Jenkins.

•Collaborated with a cross-functional team of testers and developers, using NSJSONSerializationfor data extraction.

Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, NJ Apr 2011 – May 2013

iOS Mobile Developer

App Name: Wyndham Hotels & Resorts


App Description: The Wyndham Hotels & Resorts app offers convenient access to a diverse selection of over 8,900 hotels in more than 80 countries, spanning 22 trusted brands. With streamlined booking capabilities and in-stay features, the app also provides Wyndham Rewards members with additional benefits, including account management, point tracking, and access to exclusive offers.

•Facilitated the seamless integration of UIKit by migrating a significant portion of the code base and utilizing UI Hosting View controller protocols.

•Played a pivotal role in developing the products section of the app, including selecting food items from the menu, creating detail pages for items, and enhancing the user experience through the selection options screens.

•Contributed significantly to the design of the past orders page, presenting past transaction history clearly and intuitively for improved user comprehension.

•Implemented MVC architecture programmatically and by using a storyboard.

•Leveraged MapKit, Core Location, and MKAnnotations to enhance the Map View's functionality and user interface, ensuring an intuitive and comprehensive user experience.

•Successfully identified and resolved bugs and crash scenarios using NSLogs, Breakpoints, Instruments, and LLDB statements, ensuring a stable and reliable app performance.

•Utilized URLSession to efficiently create REST API calls and decode data via the NSJASONSerialization, ensuring seamless data retrieval and integration within the app.

•Ensured secure storage of user login information by leveraging Keychain and implementing robust security measures for user data protection.

•Effectively utilized delegate calls and tags on text fields/buttons to dynamically populate relevant content based on user interactions within the older UIKit interfaces, enhancing user engagement and interaction.

•Implemented comprehensive Unit and UI tests using XCTest and XCUITest respectively, adopting a Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach to ensure optimal code coverage and robust app performance.


Master of Science in Information Systems from Illinois State University, Normal, IL

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Sophia University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

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