Michael L. Valentine
Raleigh, NC 27614
*/**-******* *****, **************, VA
Sr. Programmer Analyst II -
.NET C#. I applied for and was accepted to GEICO’s first .NET boot camp. Assignments:
“MOAT” team. My first assignment was developing a counselor application in Silverlight/MVVM. The next assignment was assisting developing the backend application.
Lead on the project to convert Word 2003 template to Word 2010. While other team members modified the legacy application to use Word 2010 Interop API’s, I developed the tool to perform the mass conversion of over 2,700 templates in 11 regions. I also, converted the “master” template to utilize the Ribbon interface using the Open Office XML tools.
Corporate BPM using MetaStorm. I maintained a workflow that tracked the tasks for underwriters. I also extracted Business rules from a legacy COBOL system for developing Business Processes in Metastorm.
Agent Licensing. I developed the Business layer using C#. Web API’s were developed as the interface to the Business layer. This project was cancelled for budgetary reasons.
Sales (Auto Customer and Counselor). Joined the team developing additions to the current product. My primary focus is the “backend” using C#. I have recently begun supporting the UI using javascript, jQuery, knockout.js, and jasmine.js.
CICS Web Services. Using CICS Transaction Server, I implemented most of the Billing groups Web Services. I formulated the Division standard and Best Practices for WSDL copybooks and “discrete” web services.
SOA. I was part of the grassroots group that formed standards for implementing an SOA at GEICO. I published the Billing web services in the SOA repository (HP’s Systinet) to enforce SOA Governance.
Java. Designed, coded and implemented a Web Services Orchestration Framework (WSOF) written in Java & Spring-WS to access the Billing departments CICS web services. This was done in lieu of using an ESB.
6/02-7/07 Self Employed, Raleigh, NC
Programmer - GEICO
VisualAge Smalltalk:
Oasis Service application.
Smalltalk 6.1.2.
Programmer - Red Prairie
VisualAge Smalltalk:
Transportation Logistics product.
Smalltalk 5.5.1.
Programmer - State of North Carolina, DHHS
VisualAge Generator:
Vocational Rehab, Budget System.
VAGen 4.5 on VAJava.
Programmer - IBM
VisualAge Smalltalk:
PC Div - CI162 - Windows accessibility.
Smalltalk 6.1.2.
Programmer - Knowledge Systems Corp.
VisualAge Smalltalk:
Worked on a team to convert their client from Visual Smalltalk (VSE) to VisualAge Smalltalk 6.1.2.
Programmer/Designer -
VisualAge Generator on VisualAge Smalltalk:
Communications Data Group – Develop Interfaces and software components for their Modularity Billing System. I also developed tools for other developers to increase productivity.
VisualAge Smalltalk:
Designed and Developed software for Kennel management. This was done for a large Kennel in Central North Carolina.
MTRAX, Raleigh, NC
Consultant -
VisualAge Generator:
VAGen 2.2 - VAGen 4.x Migration. Migrating code from VisGen 2.2 to version 4.5 of VisualAge Generator for Honeywell in Greer, SC.
3/97-6/02 IBM, RTP, NC
Advisory Software Engineer -
VisualAge Generator:
Migration tool development. Designed, architected, and coded the framework the V3 to V4 Migration tool in VA Smalltalk. The UI was developed using the VisualAge Smalltalk VCE.
MSL Migration tool. Maintained and enhanced the tool for migrating VAGen ESF 4GL code.
VAGen on VA Java. Developed VAGen API's on the VA Java product. API's are written in Java Smalltalk which is the native code for VAJava.
Other VAGen components. Maintained other components in both Smalltalk and Java (Smalltalk). These include the VA Smalltalk interop to VA Java, ESF import/export, Batch Command interface, Repository access, VAGen Utilities and other maintenance needed on components in error.
VisualAge Smalltalk:
Server Smalltalk. Wrote test cases for the various (IMS, CICS, VSAM) Server Smalltalk components. This occurred primarily for the OS/390 platform in the VA Smalltalk XD image.
11/96-3/97 Reston, VA - Technology Processing Corp. -
Consultant -
Consultant at Sprint developing Object Models using UML. (No Smalltalk coding.)
Consultant -
Policy Management Systems Corp, Columbia, SC -
Mentored client staff in Object Oriented methodology in the development of the billing component of an insurance software system using VisualAge Smalltalk.
Senior Systems Analyst -
Project Lead:
Territory Operations System - Sales Force mgmt. (mainframe).
Walsh America Source system to replace DDD system (CICS, Visual Basic). This was the first "Client Server" application written at Glaxo/Commercial IT. My design entailed using Visual Basic for a thin client calling Remote Procedure's (coded in Command Level Cobol) through an MDI gateway running in CICS on the MVS/ESA mainframe. This was to allow access to the DB2 database.
(Visual Basic, SQL Server (RPC mechanism), Command level CICS Cobol, DB2)
Object Oriented pilot project. Replace the Territory Operations System. Researched and justified a new system to replace the Territory Operations System. I designed the SQL databases and developed an Object Oriented design using the Booch method and Responsibility Driven Design. After forming a team of 3 people, we received training from The Object People. I designed and coded the model, one team member coded the UI and another coded the database brokers using TOPLink. From initial training to delivery of pilot was 8 months. (VisualAge Smalltalk, Oracle, TOPLink, Booch methodology).
3/77-2/93 History furnished upon request
Mainframe development
Student – Associate in Data Processing
OS/MVT Job Scheduler, COBOL programmer