Wei QI
Tel: 713-***-****
E-mail: ***********@*******.***
Period of Study
Molecular Microbiology
Department of Biology,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2001/1 – 2004/3
Animal Histochemistry
Department of Animal Science,
Jiangxi Agriculture University,
1991/9 – 1994/6
Department of Biology,
Anhui Education Institute,
1988/9 – 1990/6
Professional Experience
2016/9 - 2017/4
AvoTres Therapeutics, LLC
2013/6 - 2016/7
Associate Research Scientist in Columbia University Medical Center
2010/7 - 2013/5
Instructor in MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas
2004/8 - 2010/06
Postdoctoral Fellow in MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas
Professional Skills
Standard molecular and cellular biological techniques (DNA/RNA purification, PCR, qPCR, transfection, western blot, immunohistochemistry/immunocytochemistry, ELISA, cell culture techniques, cell viability and apoptosis analysis, protein expression and purification etc.)
Standard cancer biological techniques
Antibody development
Small animal handling, prostate, bladder and pancreatic cancer mouse models, anti-cancer drug PK/PD analysis, treatment and live animal image
Protein-protein interaction and DNA-protein interaction (Luciferase reporter assay, DNA fingerprint, ChIP and IP, pull down assay, two hybrid assay)
Epigenetic (protein acetylation, s-glutathiolation, DNA methylation)
Lysosome, autophagy detection
Human embryonic stem cell culture
Flow cytometer, FACS (Beckman 500, BD Aria II)
Microscopy and image (EM, florescent, time-lap and confocal microscopy)
Microarray and pathway analysis (Illumina platform)
Next generation sequencing (Illumina platform)
Professional Memberships
America Association of Cancer Research
Guangdong Society for Zoology, China
Guangdong Society for Laboratory Animals, China
1.Ali ZA, de Jesus Perez V, Yuan K, Orcholski M, Pan S, Qi W, Chopra G, Adams C, Kojima Y, Leeper NJ, Qu X, Zaleta-Rivera K, Kato K, Yamada Y, Oguri M, Kuchinsky A, Hazen SL, Jukema JW, Ganesh SK, Nabel EG, Channon K, Leon MB, Charest A, Quertermous T, Ashley EA. 2014. Oxido-reductive regulation of vascular remodeling by receptor tyrosine kinase ROS1. J Clin Inv. 124:5159-74. (PMID: 25401476)
2.Ali AA, Downey P, Singh G, Qi W, George I, Takayama H, Kirtane A, Krishnan P, Zalewski A, Freed D, Large SR, Ashley EA, Leon MB, Bacchetta M, Ali ZA. 2014. Rat model of veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. J Transl Med. 12:37. doi: 10.1186/147*-****-**-**.
3.Ali ZA, Rinze R, Douglas G, Hu Y, Xiao Q, Qi W, McNeill E, Bursill C., George I., Greaves DR., Xu Q, Channon KM. 2013. Tetrahydrobiopterin determines vascular remodeling through enhanced endothelial cell survival and regeneration. Circulation. 128(11 S1):S50-8. (PMID: 24030421)
4.Maxwell DS, Sun DL, Peng ZH, Qi W, McConkey DJ, Abbruzzese J, Bornmann WG. 2013. Design and optimization of a new series of HSP70 inhibitors for use in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.TARG-13-B101.
5.Qi W., White M., Choi W., Guo C., Dinney C., McConkey D., Siefker-Radtke A., 2013. Inhibition of inducible heat shock protein-70 (hsp72) enhances bortezomib-induced cell death in human bladder cancer cells. PLoS One. 18;8(7):e69509. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069509. (PMID: 23874968)
6.Qi W., Gao S., Chu J., Zhou L., Wang Z., 2012. Negative androgen-response elements mediate androgen-dependent transcriptional inhibition of TGF-{beta}1 and CDK2 promoters in the prostate gland. J Androl. 33(1):27-36. (PMID:21350238)
7.Adam L, Zhong M, Choi W, Qi W., Nicoloso M, Arora A, Calin G, Wang H, Siefker-Radtke A, McConkey D, Bar-Eli M, Dinney C., 2009. miR-200 expression regulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in bladder cancer cells and reverses resistance to epidermal growth factor receptor therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 15(16):5060-72. (PMID:19671845)
8.Qi W., Gao S., and Wang Z., 2008. Transcriptional regulation of the TGF-beta1 promoter by androgen receptor. Biochem. J. 416(3):453-62. (PMID:18651839)
9.Qi W., Wu H., Yang L., Boyd D.D., Wang Z., 2007. A novel function of caspase-8 in the regulation of androgen-receptor-driven gene expression. EMBO J. 26(1):65-75. (PMID:17170703)
10.Qi W., 1998. Two cases of Trichosomodies Crassicauda infection in Sprague-Dawley rats. Shanghai Laboratory Animal Science 18: 46,31.
11.Qi W., Li Y.H. and Zhang Y., 1997. Blood Picture and Biochemical Composition of Macaca Mulatta. Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University 38-39.
12.Qi W., Sen D.C., Lin H.L. et al., 1996. Blood Picture and Biochemical Composition of Lophura nycthemera. Chinese Journal of Zoology 31:5-6.
13.Qi W., Tang Y.X. and Hua X.B., 1995. Studies on the Harderian Gland of Taihe Chicken. Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University 124-129.
Manuscript submitted:
1.First Author, Annexin A2 S-glutathiolation Mediates Diabetes-induced Neointimal Hyperplasia via Impaired Endothelial Cell Migration, European Heart Journal (submission receipt is available)
Book Chapters:
1.Qi W, Wang Z. Negative Androgen-responses Elements in Androgen Target Genes. In: Wang Z, editor. Androgen-responsive Genes in Prostate Cancer. Springer Verlag, NY. pp. 29-42, 2013.
DNA Sequence Registered in GenBank:
DEFINITION: Vibrio alginolyticus RecG gene, complete cds.
References are available upon request.
Permanent resident with a green card