Ania Golaway
Seeking an entry-level full-time position in environmental science, toxicology, or biology that builds upon and utilizes my collegiate training and experiences.
Arkansas State University August 2013 – Present
Magna Cum Laude Jonesboro, AR
In University Honors
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in Biology with an emphasis in Environmental Biology
Expected Graduation Date May 2017
GPA 3.87
Honors Thesis
Proposed and planned project to assess the toxicity of Shark Defense Technologies (SharkTec) shark repellent on representative laboratory organisms under the guidance of mentors Dr. Richard Grippo and Dr. Jennifer Bouldin.
Performed acute toxicity experiments on Ceriodaphnia dubia, Pimephales promelas, and Menidia beryllina to determine the concentration that kills 50% of exposed organisms (LC50), No Observable Effect Concentration (NOEC), Lowest Observable Effect Concentration (LOEC), and Maximum Allowable Toxicant Concentration (MATC).
Analyzed data using ToxCalc™ 5.0.20 Tidepool Scientific Software
Determined SharkTec repellent harmful to organisms at low doses (less than 0.5% SharkTec by volume)
Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Grant funded by Office of Research and Technology Transfer (ORTT) at Arkansas State University (A-State)
Applied for SURF Grant and received funding to complete Honors Thesis research through ORTT at A-State in Spring 2017
Golaway, A., J. Bouldin, and R.S. Grippo 2017. Acute toxicity of a new shark repellent (SharkTec). STEM Posters at the Capitol, Little Rock, AR.
This was a competitive conference and I was one of 110 students chosen to present research to legislators and the public (including high school students and the media)
Golaway, A. J. Bouldin, and R.S. Grippo. 2017. Acute toxicity of a new shark repellent (SharkTec). 31st Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Memphis, TN.
I was one of 4,000 students out of 11,000 submissions from all disciplines chosen to present my Honors Thesis research at the University of Memphis
Create A-State 2017
Presented Honors Thesis research at a campus-wide research conference hosted by A-State
Awards & Activities
Outstanding Graduating Senior B.S. Environmental Science Spring 2017
Chancellor’s List or Dean’s List Fall 2013 – Spring 2017
A-State Scholar Scholarship Fall 2013 – Spring 2017
Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship Fall 2013 – Spring 2017
Honors College Association Member Fall 2013 – Spring 2017
Marine Biology Club Member Fall 2013 – Spring 2017
Work Experience
Ecotoxicology Research Facility August 2016 – December 2016
Laboratory Assistant
Jonesboro, AR
Assisted with the laboratory duties including maintaining a healthy population of Pimephales promelas to be used in vertebrate toxicological testing.
Assisted with laboratory maintenance and aided in the care of the laboratory populations of Ceriodaphnia dubia to be used in invertebrate toxicological testing.
Plant Powered Production at Arkansas Biosciences Institute May 2015 – August 2015
Undergraduate Research Intern
Jonesboro, AR
Assisted graduate student with thesis research, which focused on the purification of fish immune proteins from tobacco tissue.
Created buffers, aided with gel electrophoresis, and helped with other protein extraction techniques.
Technical Skills
Proficient in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel
Knowledgeable in ArcGIS 10.3
Knowledge in ToxCalc
Fluent in Afrikaans
Richard Grippo
Professor of Environmental Biology
Work: 870-***-****
E-mail: *******@******.***
Ryan Hicks
Director Environmental Health & Safety Compliance – Envrionemnatl Services, Walmart
Work: 479-***-****
E-mail: ****.*****@*******.***