Matthew R. Karl
**** ****** *****, ***. *, Haslett, MI 48840
Mobile: 586-***-****
Email: ****.*.****@*****.***
I'm interested in using current geophysical techniques to understand the geologic environment and history of an area for the purpose of identifying economically valuable resources, identifying hazards or remediating contaminated sites.
Temporary Environmental Field Technician
Period: 5/11/15 9/28/15; 4/4/16 Present
Employer: Fibertec Industrial Hygiene Services
1914 Holloway Dr., Holt, Michigan 48842
Salary: $12/hour, 40 hours/week
Supervisor: Phil Peterson, 517-***-****, *********@***********.***, may be contacted.
I supervised abatement teams and conducted representative exposure, work area perimeter and final clearance air sampling for asbestos abatement projects across the mid-Michigan area. Under my direction abatement teams removed asbestos containing material in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. I conducted field laboratory analysis of all phase contrast microscopy (PCM) air samples according to the NIOSH 7400 Method, Issue #2 for determining the concentration of airborne asbestos fibers. I kept a field notebook of daily operations and completed air-monitoring reports for each project using Microsoft Office 2013 software.
Teaching Assistant for GLG304 Physical and Biological History of Earth
Period: 1/16 5/16
Employer: Michigan State University (MSU)
Natural Science Bldg., 288 Farm Lane, Rm. 207, East Lansing, MI 48824
Salary: $800/bi-weekly, 20 hours/week
Supervisor: Dr. Danita Brandt 517-***-****, ******@***.***, may be contacted.
Led and supervised two sections comprised of 28 students. Presented on geological methods including identifying minerals, rocks and fossils; understanding formational or depositional environments associated with those samples; using tools such as topographic and geologic maps, stratigraphic columns and cross sections to understand Earth history. I chaperoned the course field trip to Grand Ledge, Michigan.
Teaching Assistant for GLG401 Global Tectonics and Earth Structure
Period: 9/15 12/15
Employer: Michigan State University (MSU)
Natural Science Bldg., 288 Farm Lane, Rm. 207, East Lansing, MI 48824
Salary: $800/bi-weekly, 20 hours/week
Supervisor: Dr. Kazuya Fujita 517-***-****, ******@***.***, may be contacted.
Led and supervised two sections comprised of 30 students. Presented on structural geology, geological and geophysical methods of studying the structure and dynamics of the Earth. Topics included plate kinematics and global geodynamic processes, marine geology, plate margin processes and evolution. I chaperoned the course field trip to Marquette, Michigan.
Teaching Assistant for ISP203 Geology of the Human Environment
Period: 1/15 5/15
Employer: Michigan State University (MSU)
Natural Science Bldg., 288 Farm Lane, Rm. 207, East Lansing, MI 48824
Salary: $800/bi-weekly, 20 hours/week
Supervisor: Dr. Osvaldo Hernandez 517-***-****, ********@***.***, may be contacted.
Led and supervised three sections comprised of 64 students. Presented on exercises in the scientific method applied to earth materials and their impact on society.
Michigan State University August 2016
M.S. Degree, Geological Sciences GPA: 3.7/4.0
Dissertation Topic: The Origin and Implications of a High Amplitude Magnetic Anomaly on the Eastern North American Margin
University of Michigan May 2014
B.S. Degree, Earth and Environmental Sciences GPA: 3.01/4.0
Senior Project Topic: Experiments on the Melting Curve of CaCO3 at 6GPa
Michigan Safety Conference
Attended the keynote lecture on ethical decision making as well as lectures from the chemical and environmental divisions on topics including meth house remediation, storm water visual assessment, industrial liquid by-product regulations, environmental incident management and vapor phase intrusion- 1 CEU credit
AAPG E-Symposium: Ambient Seismic Imaging
An overview of a new ambient seismic imaging method and applications of the method throughout the lifecycles (exploration through refracing) of unconventional oil and/or gas fields- 1 CEU credit
OpendTect Self Study Course
Completed training in seismic attribute analysis, seismic object detection, seismic clustering, seismic filtering and data enhancements and sequence stratigraphy with the Netherlands Offshore F3 Block
Science Party Watch-Stander
Jurassic Magnetism Expedition, Honolulu, HI Guam, GU, 12/16/14 1/15/15
GeoPRISMs Community Project Active Seismic Cruise, Norfolk, VA, 9/13/14 10/19/14
Lead, Cadmium, and Hexavalent Chromium Awareness Training – Fibertec, Holt, MI
M.S. Excel 16 Professional Certification- International Academy of Computer Training
MDEQ Industrial Storm Water Certified Operator- DEQ, Lansing, MI
Learn MATLAB Programming by Examples –
Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor, Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration – Asbestos Program, Lansing, MI
Physical Geology Certificate Program –
Microsoft and Macintosh Operating Systems, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Illustrator CC, MATLAB, OpendTect, QGIS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), PERL, GPlates, GeoMapApp, html, ArcGIS
Temporary Field Technician, 7/18/14 8/4/14
Volunteered for the iMush Active Source Seismic Experiment, Castle Rock, WA, 40 hours/week
Supervisor: Dr. Alan Levander 713-***-****, ****@****.***, may be contacted.
I placed and retrieved over 2500 Texan seismometers in an effort to image the magma chamber beneath Mt. St. Helens.
Michigan Safety Conference Volunteer, 4/11/17-4/12/17
Volunteered for the Michigan Safety Conference, Novi, MI, 8 hours/day
Supervisor: Denise McGinn
I assisted the guest lectures run their presentations and helped collect and record feedback surveys.