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Developer Project

Atlanta, GA
April 17, 2017

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Over **+ years of working experience in Java/ J2EE, Spring, Spring MVC, JSF, C#, C++, JavaScript, Sql/PL Sql, Struts, iBatis, ACEGI Security, WebServices. Developed in complete life cycle of software development (SDLC) from inception, planning, design, coding and testing to project closure mainly in the intranet, Internet and standalone application design, development, maintenance and production support in n-tier architecture.

Technical Expertise

10+ years of experience in design, analysis, development and testing of web/enterprise based and client/server applications & extensive relational database based applications.

Extensive experience in design and development of J2EE applications using Core Java, Java collection, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, XML, Struts, JSF, Hibernate, Spring, iBatis and Restfull Webservice.

Experience in Servers like Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic 8.1, Websphere Application Server for development and deployment of web applications.

Hands-on experience using deployment scripts in Ant for deploying J2ee application in Weblogic, Websphere, JBoss application servers and Tomcat web server

Expertise working with standard JAVA Design Patterns (Singleton, Facade, Front Controller, DAO, DTO, MVC, Observer, Decorator).

Developed UI components with JSP and JSF

Developed applications in open source frameworks like Struts, Spring (MVC)

Expertise in Web-Development technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, JQUERY and AJAX.

Extensive development experience Eclipse for IDE

Worked in Jenkins for continuous integration of the application and System director to maintain the run time application.

Analyzed application performance for run time issues using Nmon Analyser, GC Analyzer and C++ Core dump analyzer

Experience in using Web Services like JAXB - Un-marshalling and marshalling, SOAP in JAXWS web services in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Extensive experience in implementation of the version control softwares - Git and Tortoise SVN.

Experienced in generating logging by Log4j to identify the errors in production test environment.

Involved in writing Unit Test Cases and having good knowledge in JUnit. Experience in developing test cases and test plans besides involving in Unit testing, Integration testing and User Acceptance testing extensively.

Designed use cases for user flows and application flows in Enterprise Architect 7.0

Possess good knowledge in writing stored procedure and queries with relational databases like Oracle 11g.

Worked in UNIX shell scripts for cron jobs and FTP processes.

Performed user authentication and validation of LDAP user directory using ACEGI Security

Worked in waterfall lifecycle model and Agile methodology. Well versed in JIRA for task tracking

Efficient team member with excellent work/time management skills, excellent leadership, communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work under strict deadlines.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Electronics and communications Engineering from Madras University, India, 2004

CERTIFICATIONS: SCJP - Sun Certified Java Programmer.

Oracle Certified SQL/PLSQL Programmer.


Java Technologies

Java, Struts, Spring MVC, Spring, JSP, JSF, Hibernate, JDBC, POI

Web UI

Ajax, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, JQUERY, Web Services.


Oracle 11g, Sql Developer

Web/App. Server

Apache Tomcat 7.0, Weblogic 8.1, Websphere 6.0, JBOSS

Development Tools

JUnit 4, Log4J, Ant 1.7.0, Maven, Eclipse 3.4, Enterprise Architect, TOAD


Jira, SVN, GIT, UNIX Shell scripts, SQL Developer, LDAP, Jenkins, Stash, Salesforce, Ant, Maven

Performance monitoring

Nmon Analyser, GC Analyzer, Heap Dump Analyser and C++ Core dump analyzer


Client: MANHATTAN ASSOCIATES, Atlanta, GA Jun 2013 – Mar 2017

Sr. Developer/Support Analyst

Project: Warehouse Management Open System (WMOS)

The Warehouse Management Application is a centralized repository that provides 24/7 system support to:

Inbound and Outbound of client inventory

Returns from intended recipient or undeliverable shipments existing at carrier hub


Order Load and Sales Order Creation

Wave Planning (delivery grouping) of Shipments

Interface with Warehouse Control Systems

Interface with Pick systems (PTL/Robot)

Delivery Documents (shipping and fulfillment) Generation(HTML, pdf, Excel)

Interface with Carrier Systems (Fulfillment related)

provide workload planning and visibility tools

interface with host system

support RF (radio frequency)


Developed Custom Modules for the clients to enable business and operational process improvement.

Requirement gathering and custom module impact analysis on the existing product – followed waterfall lifecycle model Planning and Estimate proposal of the client specific Enhancement

Design, coding and Unit testing for the custom modules – preparation of HLD and LLD documents.

Used Eclipse IDE for coding.

Used JSF framework, custom tag libraries, Ajax and Javascript for the UI and asynchronous web requests.

Used Hibernate and JDBC for Data Access Layer at the backend

Application architecture built on Spring Framework.

Application deployment and Testing using JBOSS, WebSphere App Server.

Used Sql Developer for writing Sql queries and Pl Sql Programming.

Written shell scripts to trigger backend processes (schedule Cron Job) and alert notification in the UNIX/AIX/Linux servers.

Bug fixes and performance improvement activities done using (NMON analysis, GC Analysis, CoreDump and Heap dump analysis).

Audit trail records analysis (Log4j). Used Apache Log4j API for logging.

Tracking of tasks using JIRA, Stash and Salesforce. Used Git for Version control and Jenkins to build on UNIX servers.

For File transfer, we used MA Thru tool.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Restful Webservice, JavaScript, JSF. Hibernate, JDBC, Ajax, Custom Tag Libraries, UNIX shell scripts, JBOSS, WebSphere and Eclipse IDE.


Completed “WM Open Systems Level-1”.

Completed “WM Open Systems Level-2”.

Client: The Weather Channel, Atlanta, GA May 2012 – Jun 2013

Sr Lead Developer


Projects - GLS – Global Lite Site, INTL – International Site, MWI - Mobile Web International, TV Show Redesign, Domestic Web Maintenance.

A high level requirement of the project is that the end users will be able to create, assemble, edit and publish new pages without going through the build process.

A user creates an item representing a page’s properties, modules, and module properties in the CMS.

The CMS publishes an XML document representing the page configuration. This document is published into a data store.

The page configuration factory reads the XML document out of the data store and creates a page configuration object, which is passed to the master JSP.

The master JSP to build the page uses the page configuration.


Developed Complex UI Modules. Used JQuery, CSS and HTML for UI design

Followed waterfall life cycle model for module development.

Used Enterprise Architect for use case modeling

Used CVS for versioning of source code.

Used CMS (Configuration Management System).

Used Spring MVC for application architecture.

Involved in Estimation, Analysis, Design, Development, testing and Task allocation.

Followed test driven development approach for development

Query tuning and stored procedures development in SQL developer

Release Activities (Go Live).- Deploy the application in the Production Servers and monitoring for post-production issues

Production Support – Resolve Live site issues including coding and performance issues. Identify and analyze the root cause of the issues.

Issue Clarification –Solving QAT and production issues.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, JavaScript, jQuery. CSS, HTML, Tomcat, Eclipse, Sql Developer 2.0, Enterprise Architect 7.0, CVS.


Received “The Weather Channel Appreciation Award” from client.

Client: US Food Service May 2010 to April 2012

Sr Lead Developer

Project: CAS – SIS

CAS is designed to track and send payments for customers for the rebates earned by them while procuring products from USF. Rebates are analyzed based on volume of sales orders from customer, the rebate rates agreed during negotiations and conditions agreed for rebate. Generally rebate is provided to clients for various reasons like purchase beyond some level, prompt payment of customer invoices, and quick payment of customer invoices.


Developed payment and tracking modules and involved in integration- Followed waterfall lifecycle model for development

Mentoring five-member Team

Prepared SRS, LLD and HLD, Estimation and Project Planning

Involved in Code Review, LLD Review and UTC Review and Development

Use case modeling using Enterprise Architect

CAS Production Support (after GoLive) – resolving runtime issues and performance issues

BPM-Webservice Call from CAS Application.- invoke downstream third party systems through web service API

Export and Import of data in Excel for report generation using Java POI Api.

Implemented application security using Acegi framework.

Spring MVC architecture followed for the application architecture

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, Acegi, Spring, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Websphere (WAS 7.0), Restful Webservice, POI Api. Eclipse, Sql Developer 2.0, Enterprise Architect 7.0, CVS.


Received “USF Best Project Award” from Client.

Received “Livewire Award” from HCL.

Client: New America Marketing, Aug 2007 to May 2010

Sr. Developer

Project: NAM – Legacy Modernization

NAM (News America Marketing) is the marketing services company under smartsource brand name. It offers manufacturers a wide range of in-store services including, sampling, floor talk, coupon machine, banner, electronic shelf talk, price pop guaranteed, bonus box, shelf talk. These advertising and promotion programs allow NAM to be the most comprehensive provider of in-store marketing resources for manufacturers. The NAM network of retailers is in excess of 34,500 retailers across the food, drug and mass merchant classes of trade.


oRequirement Analysis - Involved in requirement analysis for the following module,

ISOP to TD Interface, TD to ISOP Interface, Spectra to ISOP Interface, RIC approval and Discrepancy Report, Retail Contact, Maintenance Percentage, Print Quantity Extract.

oDesign - Designed the following module,

ISOP to TD Interface, TD to ISOP Interface, Spectra to ISOP Interface, RIC approval and Discrepancy Report, Retail Contact, Maintenance Percentage, Shelftalk Collation, Cart Collation, Print Quantity Extract.

oCoding –Coded the following module,

Retail Contact, Maintenance Percentage, Print Quantity Extract.

oDeveloped UI using JSF, CSS, HTML, Custom tag libraries and Javascript

oDeveloped Middle layer using Spring Framework.

oUnit testing using Junit

oDeveloped Data Access Layer using iBatis

oSQL stored procedure using SQL Developer

oUsed Eclipse IDE for Code development.

oUsed CVS for version control.

oUsed Enterprise Architect for Usecase modeling.

oUsed Weblogic application server for code deployment.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSF, iBatis, Spring, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Weblogic (Server), Eclipse, Sql Developer 2.0, Enterprise Architect 7.0, CVS.


oReceived Client appreciation for best design and coding.

oReceived “Appreciation award” from Cognizant.

Client: Egrams Nov 2005 to Jul 2007


Project: Egrams DocuStack

In eGrAMS search, indexing the documents based on metadata names enables searching. The scheduler everyday indexes documents automatically at a specific time. In addition, documents are indexed using web services. Based on the parameters specified in an XML document, web services will index documents. Web services will index only the documents related to the grant category and grant programs. The entire folder structure can also be specified for indexing documents.


Developed Middle Tier using Dot Net Web Service – invoking various downstream third party systems

Developed using Struts ( migration from Dot Net to Java)

Requirement gathering and performing impact analysis from Business Requirement Document.

Prepared Technical Design –High level design and the low level design documents

Designing Data format for the downstream systems using XML spy

Written SQL Query and Stored procedure in SQL Developer

Environment: JAVA, J2EE, ASP.NET, C#, XML, Web Service, JavaScript, Eclipse, Sql Developer 2.0.

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