***** ** ***** **., ********* OR, *7007 M: 503/260-7427, **********@*****.***
Sales & Account Management
Education: BS Electrical & Computer Engineering, Minor in Computer Architecture, Oregon State University
Business Development, Sales, Account Management:
oProspecting: Demonstrated ability for new account acquisition and sales pipeline development. Lead generation and screening by geography and market for 90%+ of existing prospects using data mining, referrals and industry specific channels. Referrals & Meeting Generation: Reaching out to all levels of management and individual contributors of all account sizes using a referral system. Followed up with a referral method that gets referrals better than 80% of the time. Account Research: identify decision makers & influencer, goals, needs analysis, qualify business opportunities, and perform scenario trade-off analysis, Develop long term relationships with goal alignment and customer advocacy. Profiled 800+ companies in aerospace, defense, telecommunications, industrial markets, and government agencies. Sales: Illustrated at Mimix and Infineon below.
oConsultative Sales, Project Planning and Proposals: Collaborate with project and marketing managers to negotiate technical, resource and financial requirements for project planning and proposals. Clarify need definition by creating diagrams of needs and flow diagrams of combined data and activity flow to build consensus. Prioritize key prospects by business plan quality and market schedules. Initiate objectives for sales channels with identified prospects, activity milestones and opportunity follow up. Write effective proposals for client’s internal and external sales.
oMarket Analysis: SWOTT analysis. Determine key market drivers and trends by vertical market to produce go-to-market strategies.
Product Marketing: Forecasting, new product introduction, end of life planning. Multi-year history and forecasts of sales by product, unit volume, market, geography, and sales reps. Create and deliver product and service presentations and roadmaps. Create competitive analysis, with market segment requirements, strategy and key end users. Coordinate execution with sales, engineering, R&D, and manufacturing. Create proposals with scenario trade-offs including performance, financials, resources and schedules.
Product Training: Create and deliver product sales training with advanced methods and menu driven for high audience interaction. Create demos and tutorials to communicate subjects in less time than competitors.
Technology Experience: RF/Microwave and digital semiconductor components. ASIC design from specification to layout. Design software for components, circuit boards, signal integrity, static timing, EMI/EMC and, ASICs, FPGAs, and configurable microprocessor cores. Technology: Project planning and management, image processing, test verification, design for test, thermal design, voltage regulation, and integrated passive components on silicon.
MS-Office: Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Project, Visio CRM: Salesforce ERP: SAP, SharePoint
Professional Experience
Temp Work, Velapoint & Consulting Beaverton, OR Sales 1/2016 – 4/2017
Nanotech consulting, services sales.
Service Corporation International Portland, OR Sales & Planning Specialist 7/2014 – 12/2015
Micron Technology Boise ID Product Marketing 7/2012 - 7/2014
New Product Planning: Mobile DRAM and Multi-Chip Packaged memory. New product competitive analysis, feasibility planning, volume projections, profitability and Net Present Value projections. Create and deliver sales presentations, roadmaps and proposals. Develop sales and operational strategies.
Market Analysis: Monitor market trends with top-down and bottom up analysis. Consult with key chipset suppliers for new product planning and create new product proposals. Sales forecasts with dashboards showing analysis of sales and unit volume with dynamically updated pivot tables and charts.
Product Lifecycle Planning: Sales support, inventory and quarterly business plan. Collaborate with sales, engineering, and manufacturing for support planning. LPDRAM sales growth 20%+ yoy to $120M.
Consulting Beaverton OR Consultant, 2008 - 2012
Business plan development that resulted in 30%+ business growth in 2009-11 for an unnamed pre-startup. Proposal support for a wireless network pilot project with new disruptive technology for 10x+ performance increase. Online design tools as SaaS.
Mimix Broadband Beaverton OR Sales Engineer 2006 - 2008
Business Development/Sales: RF/microwave component/module and design services sales from 0.7 to 64 GHz. Developed sales funnel, opportunity & SWOT analysis. Market analysis by market segment. Proposals with scenario trade-offs for schedule, efficiency, cost, ROI and NPV analysis. Identified 20M+ new business prior to sale of company. Created sales collateral for internal and channel sales teams. Relationship Development: Developed partnerships with product development firms and consultants. Participated in customer project planning.
oMarket Segments: Consumer, Industrial Mil-Aero:
Prospecting, Western US & Canada: Profiled 800+ companies/over 4000 contacts and their key contacts for new business. Developed key contacts with management, marketing, product planners and consultants.
oManaged Reps and Distribution: Managed CRM and forecast tracking for most of Western US and Canada, technical support, samples and pricing. Managed customer requirements and reporting.
Infineon Technologies Beaverton OR Solutions Architect/Business Development 2004 - 2006
Biz Dev/Applications: Sales and support of semiconductor components. Design services for custom components, modules and MEMs. Sales strategy development and lead nurturing covering Intel world-wide.
Intel Account Management: Developed 1000+ contacts. $20M/yr DC-DC power MOSFET business. $40 million Wi-Fi amplifier biz. New product planning and with marketing, engineering, and procurement.
Training: Professional Selling Skills, Value Added Pricing, New Value Selling, Strategic Selling, Negotiations, Wilson Learning - Negotiating to Yes, Strategy and Tactics of Pricing.
Lighthouse Design Automation & Verisity Beaverton OR Consulting 2001 - 2004
Automated functional testing and structural testing for both design and production.
ARC Cores Beaverton OR Senior Field Applications Engineer 2000 - 2001
Pre/Post-Sales and support: Custom embedded microprocessor cores with DSP instructions and peripherals.
ViewLogic Systems Beaverton OR Senior Field Applications Engineer 1996 - 2000
Design software: Integrated circuit simulators, signal integrity, Electromagnetic Interference & Compatibility (EMC/EMI), and PCB board design.
Wyle Electronics Beaverton OR Field Applications Engineer 1994 - 1996
COMPASS Design Automation, San Jose, CA Field Applications, 1992 – 1994
Mentor Graphics San Jose, CA Field Applications 1988 – 1992
Design software, integrated circuit design. Design for test.
Boeing Seattle WA Applications, Design, Project Planning 1983 – 1988
Integrated circuit design. Image processing, project planning & management. Design for test, PCB design.
Mark Leighton
Business Development
B.S Electrical and Computer Engineering
18703 SW Frank Ct., Beaverton OR, Mobile: 503-***-****, **********@*****.***
Business Development & Applications
If you are looking for:
Product Marketing,
Micron Technology
Product planning for 20%+ growth rates of mobile memory and Multi-Chip-Package memory growth from 1 to 20 $million/qtr.
New product forecasting, planning and collateral development for next generation Mobile DRAM. End of Life planning for existing products.
New product forecasting, planning and promotion.
Product lifecycle planning and support.
Business Planning @ pre-startup development
Developed business plan in 2009 projecting 40%+ annual growth rate in net revenue. Supported business plan development for a 5000 base station wireless network.
Business Plan Development
Someone with experience creating a business plan for multi-year business.
RF Components,
Solutions Architect
@ Mimix Broadband
New Business Analysis: Western North America
Profiled 350+ accounts in California and 450+ in the remainder of western US and Canada while bringing new reps up to speed. Contact with best fits led to a projected $50M+ in new business opportunities. Provided technical support along with itemized cost, performance & schedule trade-offs.
Near Term Opportunity Development
Initiated a competitive new 2-stage amplifier approach that provided higher performance at lower system cost.
Research to close satellite uplink design win for $11 million at Ball Aerospace.
Technically closed $25+ million opportunity for a custom amplifier module in a satellite cell phone at Elektrobit.
Uncovered opportunities and developed solutions for displacing competitors at Card Access for the next $10+ million automotive wireless amplifiers.
Projected future $10+ million opportunities for Hyundai for automotive radar as well as other Korean University projects for both commercial and defense markets. Networked with Canadian design firms and Korean reps.
Closed other $0.5 to $1 million opportunities at multiple small companies.
Medium Term Opportunity Identification/Development
Consistently found new accounts and projects in each state and province. Projected total of additional TAM in sales funnel was ~$200M.
$10 million for unique satellite cell phone amplifier for Hughes Network.
Projected $8 million/year in picocell base station amplifiers at PMC Sierra.
Projected ~$3.5 million for amplifiers in radar arrays at Ball Aerospace.
Radar amplifiers and small signal amplifier opportunities at ATK, Raytheon, MDA, and Ball Aerospace collectively projected over $3 million. Projected $20+ million for multi-Band attenuators.
Consumer Wireless amplifier opportunity at Microsoft for projected ~$5 million.
Market Analysis
Someone who enjoys researching companies and market segments for needs discovery to creatively develop competitive solutions.
Someone skilled in developing client rapport while networking within market sectors.
SWOT analysis by market segment.
Sales Pipeline Development
Someone skilled in prospect discovery, relationship development, qualifying new business, following organizational links and expediting decision making.
Experience developing rapport and partnerships with consultants and product development & service firms that serve larger companies. Participate in new product proposals.
Customer Service
Needs discovery with active listening and written follow up leading to comprehensive solutions development and service.
Someone who can see the big picture and the details to develop creative solutions.
RF Components & Power MOSFETs,
Solutions Architect
@ Infineon
Power Component Sales
Established Infineon as key partner/supplier for DC-DC power MOSFETs.
Developed a new method of performance trade-off estimation shaved ~6 weeks off evaluation.
Closed over $35 million in power component design wins in 2005-2006 at Intel. This was accomplished by developing power component proposals with better performance, power/thermal consumption with less design time than the competition while showing the competition’s weaknesses.
Established consultant sales relationships with US and Asian desktop and server design groups to be considered for annual $25M+ SAM.
Partnered in future laptop product development with the R&D teams for 2-to 5 year product planning for $40M/year TAM.
Wireless Component Business
Closed a $40 million, 3-year Intel design win for a laptop Wi-Fi amplifier.
Supported design teams for laptops, and tablets. Supported design groups in US, Canada, and Israel. Partnered with wireless product planners for product planning 2 to 5 years in the future for ~500 million units.
B2B Partnership Development
B2B sales pipeline development
Someone who knows how to create compelling proposals and follow up with competitive service.
Someone who knows how to develop working relationships with product development teams, marketing and purchasing.
Someone experienced with competitive analysis to create a competitive sales plan.
Service & Proposal Development
Someone with experience in combining a mix of products and services for customer solutions.
Embedded Processor Software/Intellectual Property,
Field Applications
@ ARC Cores
Established a royalty flow of $20M+ over 6+ years outselling all other sales teams with 1/3rd of the company’s business.
Created a complete menu-driven presentation data base for sales, proposal development and product training. Accomplished with pre-made itemized trade-offs indexed & hyperlinked. This setup $10M+ projected follow on business.
Someone who can competitively position products & services.
Automation of estimating product performance in minutes vs days. Also used for training.
Signal Integrity & IC Design Software @ Viewlogic
Created integrated signal integrity presentations and 140+ pages of training tutorial on theory & procedures that were fully indexed. The result was reduced customer support by 80% thereby freeing up 60% of my time and others to find new business.
Software sales & technical support.
Someone with experience making sales much more efficient by creating an integrated set of sales and training documentation.
Integrated Circuit Design Software,
Field Applications
@ COMPASS Design Automation
Technical and sales support for major accounts and startup companies.
Created a front to back integrated circuit design tutorial for the design of a complete chip while articulating unique selling propositions. This resulted in 50% less customer evaluation time and several $M in revenue sooner.
Someone who has hands-on experience positioning unique competitive advantages in software tools flows.
Market messaging and training development.