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Project Data

Wilmington, DE
April 12, 2017

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Deep K Tiwari

E-Mail: ******.**********@*****.***


Cell +1-732-***-****

Professional Summary

Oracle certified Associate (OCA) with 12+ years of experience in DB Designing, application analysis, customization, PL/SQL development (Procedure,function,packages, triggers etc.), testing, and implementation preferably using Oracle Tool Sets. Experience in designing ETL through Oracle PL/SQL, Informatica power center 9.1. Experience of Data warehousing concepts like Dimensional modeling like SCD-1,SCD-2 etc., different schemas (Star, Snowflakes etc.), Demoralization etc. In addition to technical skills, having good exposure on handling a team, project planning, estimation and project methodology like Agile and waterfall. Experience of Core Java.


Domain HR, Finance (Credit Card Application and Loan) Manufacturing

Database Oracle 12c, Oracle 11g,Oracle 9i, Oracle 8i,Mysql,SQL server 2008

Language PL/SQL, T-SQL,UNIX Shell scripting,Core Java

Tools Toad, Oracle SQL Developer, SQL loader, Power center 9.1,Power center 8.x

SSIS 2008, Form 6i, Oracle Report 6i, HP Quality Center, PVCS,SVN, CA workload center,Autosys



Master of Computer Application (MCA) in 2004, India

Bachelor of Science (Computer) in 2001, India

Professional Experience

Project PODS

Client Barclays, Wilmington, DE

Company Orion systems Integrators Inc

Environment UNIX, Windows, Datastage, Control-M, Oracle 12C

Role Tech Lead /Sr Oracle Developer

Duration 07/01/2015 to Till Date

Barclays has many partners like SERAS, JET BLUE, AMERICAN AIRLINES, and BARNES AND NOBEL etc. They offer their customer to Barclay’s credit cards. PODS is an ETL framework where data from different sources and partners are integrated. Barclays send different kind of feeds to their partners on daily, weekly and monthly bases and receives response file and processes. These feeds include new/existing enrollment, awards, promotions etc.

To involve in agile grooming, planning and task allocation to team members.

Involve in Data modeling with Data modelers.

Create and customization Database jobs and Data stage jobs as per requirement.

To provide requirement documents and runbook to Control –M team for job creation.

Responsible to performance tuning issue and creating/modify DB objects like Procedures, functions, packages etc.

Responsible for production issue and provide on call support for varies partners.

Coordinate with release management for prod deployment.

Used Jenkins to extract DB deployment logs.

Performance tunings of DB jobs.

Data modeling experience with Erwin 9.5.

Project EDI Loan

Client Fanniemae (Federal National Mortgage Association), Herndon, VA

Company Orion systems Integrators Inc

Environment UNIX, Windows, Informatica Powercenter 9.1, Autosys,Visio

Role Sr Oracle Informatica Developer

Duration 10/13/2014 to Till Date

EDI (Enterprise Data Infrastructure) is a flexible and extensible framework that extract data from various sources, integrates and provide data to various downstream applications for strategic initiatives, operations and business analytics. There are various business purpose of this project like Retiring legacy data systems, reducing cost, and facilities data demand through less complex data architecture. It will integrate data from future systems like Loan Delivery, Common securitization platform and loan accounting.

EDI loan design involves extracting data from variety of interfaces like Queues, Legacy files, Databases etc., new sources are being added to the projects in a phases.

To involve in sprint planning session, analyze user stories, provide inputs and work estimates.

Imports data sources and Targets in various format like Flat Files, Oracle Tables for mapping designing.

To create JIL scripts for job scheduling in Autosys.

To involve in integration testing (End to end) through Autosys and fix the issues if comes.

Implemented oracle exchange partition, Interval partition,Bulk Update, Bulk insert pipelined function for performance improvement for very huge data set.

Created a generic procedure using Dynamic SQL for data load from staging to Target table.

To create huge data sets through PL/SQL programs for performance testing.

Created package, function, procedures and Dynamic queries. Also Involve in PL/SQL and SQL tuning.

Used MS Visio for DFD creation.

Project PEIMS

Client Texas Education Agency, Austin, TX

Company Orion systems Integrators Inc

Environment Java, Oracle 11G, SQL Server 2008

Role Sr Oracle Developer

Duration 02/10/2014 to 09/26/2014

The Public Education Information System (PEIMS) is a state-mandated data collection that helps determine funding allocations and accountability ratings, and facilitates data reporting for state and federal initiatives. PEIMS is a part of TSDS (Texas student Data system) having following features

Initiate, monitor and manage loading of PDM data from the ODS (Operational Data Store).

Review results of PDM loading processes – Validation and Verification reports.

Access the PEIMS reports (in addition to the Validation and Verification reports) through the application.

To involve in project planning calls and provide estimates to Business Analyst and Project managers.

To Involve in Database architecture design and make changes in Database as per requirements.

To Design logical (ER diagrams, DFD) and physical data (table, Constraints etc.) model as per requirements.

Developed SQL scripts, packages, procedures, cursors, tables, views, materialized views and functions as per the business requirements.

Used STM (Source target Mapping) document for ETL designing that include One to One and One to many mappings and implemented BULK Binding, dbms_parallel for performance improvement in large Database.

Involved in maintaining batch processing PL/SQL procedures for data extraction for feed creation.

Improved Query performance using EXPLAIN PLAN, TKPROF,indexing,Hints, re-writing etc.

Implemented Range and List partition in performance improvement for very large DB.

To create/customize SSIS package to load ODS date into Different SQL Server DBs for Student metrics.

Fixed performance issues through SQL queries modification in SSIS, SQL server 2008 and Oracle DB

Project Rating distribution modernization system

Client Standard and Poors, New York City

Company Cognizant technology solution US Corporation

Environment Oracle 11G

Role Tech Lead

Duration Nov-2013 to 02/07/2014

Standard and Poor’s issue ratings for 22 products (Commercial papers Human resource Index, Financial institution etc.) . Each product contain same row data for their rating derivation. This project will change the system architecture and will keep all row data in single place and a dissemination hub will send it to different product.

To involve in project planning with Client manager and Business Analyst.

Working as Oracle developer and coordinate with offshore people for design, development and test cases.

Created /customize procedures with pl/sql utility dbms_parallel for Fast DML operations.

Used PRAGMA AUTONOMUOS_TRANSACTION for auditing in batch processing.

Implemented pl/sql pipeline functions for performance improvements. Also implemented table partitioning / sub partition in very large table for performance improvement.

Used EXPLAN PLAN and different Oracle hints for performance improvement.

Troubleshoot of UAT and Prod bugs.

Project Citi Compensation Planning

Company IBM India (P) Ltd.

Client Citigroup (Warren, NJ)

Environment Java, Oracle 11G,MySQL

Role Senior Tech Lead

Duration Mar-2011 toNov-2013

Citicomp is a Citigroup’s global HR application for entire Citi’s employee that manages Salary, Bonus, and Rating etc. This is connected with global data warehousing and take feeds through daily Jobs, process and keep data and then passes to payroll department with different recommendation where there actual financial activity to be done. Citicomp uses wide technologies like Java, Oracle, UNIX Crystal Reports, WEBI reports.

To Involve in Project planning calls and Involve in resource planning.

FRD(Functional requirement document) review and provide work estimation.

Developed/Modified Oracle Objects like Tables, Package, Function, Procedure etc using Toad and SQL developer.

To identify DB development from requirement which includes table designing, view creating, business constraints and DB constraints, Indexing etc. and dependencies among them.

Fine-tuned source Query using Hints, different kind of indexes like B-Tree, Bit map indexes.Created procedures for Full and Incremental load in PL/SQL .

Used Explain plan, ADDM, Analytical function, Hints, Indexing (B-Tree,Bitmap, Function based),stats gathering etc.for SQL query optimization.

Used Collection, Ref cursors, Oracle supplied packages, Dynamic SQL etc. in PL/SQL Programing.

Coordinating with DBA and Production support teams in resolving the Database related issues.

Used bulk binding, pipelined functions etc. for PL/SQL block optimization.

Used global temp tables /local temp tables for reporting frame work

Troubleshooting / debugging of Database objects using Toad and Sql developer.

Implemented table partitioning for very large tables for performance improvement.

Created UNIX shell scripts for job scheduling via Autosys.

Work done on different UNIX commands like grep, diff, cut etc. for file manipulation / searching pattern.

Work done as Onsite coordinator and explain functionality or requirement to offshore team members, assigns task, work estimates and Provide development approach if required.

Project BIPSaas

Company IBM India (P) Ltd.

Client American Express ( Atlanta, USA )

Environment Java, Oracle 10g,Informatica power center 8.x

Role Tech Lead

Duration Sep-08 to Mar-11

BIP-SAAS (Buyer Initiative Payments) is a Credit card project that enables Payment authorization for Supplier based on certain complex Business logic, Keep the status before and after transaction activities, Notify Buyer supplier at each Stage etc. As an Offshore Team Lead responsible for Analysis, Development, Testing, Modification and Creating test scripts for DB objects For BIP-SAAS (Buyer Imitative Payments ) project . Work done on all releases and Critical CRs of BIP-Saas .

Involved in Project planning with BAs and estimation

Created new objects like table, views, function, Procedures, packages, triggers etc.

Created ER diagrams and DFD for different phase of project.

Used dynamic sql,refcursor, static cursors, Autonomous transaction, Collection ( Pl/sql tables and Nested tables) in Programing .Implemented table portioning (Range partition and list Partition )on very large tables.

Performance tuning through explain plan, Gather stats, Hints, Indexing, join order, Join methods, restructuring of SQL etc .Used Bulk binding, Pipelined function, Materialized views etc. for performance improvement.

Imported Data from flat file using SQL Loader.

To Assign QC tickets to team members and review task upon completion.

Provide Daily status of outstanding items, new items to onshore team lead and Business analyst.

To schedule new jobs using oracle supplied package Dbms_scheduler, dbms_application, dbms_lobetc

Project Power ERP

Company Omegacube Tech system

Client SRAF, SAP (Itasca, IL )

Environment Oracle 10G, Forms 6i, Report 6i,MySQL

Role Tech Lead

Duration May-08 to Sep-08

PowerERP is a Oracle web Based ERP product owned By Omega cube Tech systems that has been customized for Various application likeSupermarket, Pharmacy, Hotel etc. It covers all module like other ERP products. PowerERP mostly focused on Medium and small scale Organization.

To create screen mock-up and report layout as per BA’s FRD and submit to them.

Created & customized forms and Reports for business application.

To create generic object library for DB objects and maintain industry standards.

Created & customizeddifferent database objects. Like Procedure, Function, Triggers, Tables etc.

Testing & Creating test scripts for UAT and Prod release.

Project Simplex ERP Solution

Company Simplex Castling Ltd (India)

Environment Oracle 9i, Form 6i, Report 6i

Role Senior Programmer cum Analyst

Duration Mar-07 to Apr-08

Simplex Casting is a Group of companies that manufacture iron steel related products. Company has four big manufacturing units that connects to each other through wireless system and has a centralized Database system. Company has own ERP application based on Oracle and it covers any tradition ERP package modules like Sales marketing, Purchase, Store etc .

As a senior team member work done on ERP Design &implementation (In house development), co-ordinate with other members. To let them know ERP functionality and limitations and providing techno functional help.

Involve in each phase of SDLC and provide end to end solution.

To understand user requirement and create design document.

Created ER diagrams and Data flow Diagrams (DFD) for system.

Created Table, View, procedures, Functions, Triggers through Toad in Oracle 9i.

To Create Forms and Report for application like sales, purchase, inventory.

Used different types of forms and reporting triggers.

Project Hotel Nest Automation,Chitambra Super Market, E-bidding etc ., (India )

Company Nexus software and Consultancy services, (India )

Environment Oracle 9i,Oracle 8i,Form 6i, Report 6i

Role Team Member

Duration Mar-05 to Mar-07

As a software trainee work done on various projects that includes Hotel

Management, Super market Automation, Roadways / Transport Online Booking.

Created and customized Forms and Report as per requirement.

Created /Modified Table, View, procedures, Packages etc. in Oracle 9i.

Created and customized different kind of triggers for Forms and Reports for application.

Created Test / Deployment scripts for Unit and integrated environment.

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