Julia Cortino
Tooele, UT 84074
University of Utah College of Engineering
Salt Lake City, UT
B.S. Biomedical Engineering
May 2017
3.5 GPA
Salt Lake Community College
Salt Lake City, UT
A.S. General Studies
December 2012
3.87 GPA
Hard & Soft Skills (ability rated on a scale of 1-10)
Windows/iOS/Linux (8)
Time management (8)
Microsoft Office Suite (8)
Signal/Image processing (7)
Public Speaking (8)
FDA Design Controls (6)
Prototyping (5)
Skill acquisition (7)
Technical writing (5)
Solidworks (3)
Teamwork (7)
Worked as part of a five member team to develop a portable uroflowmeter from problem statement to prototyping and verification
Participated in regular formal design reviews
Designed and prototyped the box and labeling
DTI Tractography
Prepared specimens for scanning
Ran scans on a Bruker 7T small bore MR
Wrote and utilized MATLAB code for post processing DTI data
Wrote and utilized MATLAB code for DTI visualization
Relevant Experience
Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
University of Utah
Undergraduate Research Assistant
September 2016-present
Manipulated a signal to extract variable frequency
Recreated the frequency component of the signal exactly
Performed amplitude demodulation to extract amplitude information to recreate entire signal
Technology and Venture Commercialization
University of Utah
May 2016-September 2016
Worked as a part of team to generate reports regarding the current and predicted market of various technologies and business ventures
Prioritized technologies for commercialization purposes
Provided a lay-term summary of technological information.
Small Animal Imaging Core
University of Utah
Undergraduate Research Assistant
January 2015-September 2016
Responsible for MRI sample preparation, scanning, and simple troubleshooting
Provided customer service
Analyzed helix and sheet angles in fetal and newborn lamb hearts to determine patterns of growth
Wrote MATLAB code as needed
Peer Reviewed Publication
Abdullah, O. M., Seidel, T., Dahl, M., Gomez, A. D., Yiep, G., Cortino, J., Sachse, F. B.,Albertine, K. H., and Hsu, E. W. (2016) Diffusion tensor imaging and histology of developing hearts. NMR Biomed., (in Press)
Conference Abstract
Abdullah, O. M., Seidel, T., Dahl, M., Gomez, A. D., Yiep, G., Cortino, J., Sachse, F. B.,Albertine, K. H., and Hsu, E. W. (2016) Diffusion tensor imaging and histology of developing hearts. ISMRM 2016 (Singapore)