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Business Office Manager

Irving, TX
May 10, 2017

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R e n d i P ie r ce

** ** * *** * ay burn

W o r k Ex pe r i e nc e

Sher man, Tex as

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B us i n e s s O f f i c e M a na g e r

ren pier c e@g mail. c om

*/**** **** *** **rk, McKin n ey, Texas 972/ 351- 8888

M a inta in a ll busine ss o ffice functio ns a nd pro v ide a dministra tiv e suppo rt to a ll a re a s o f

the co mmunity a nd the ma na ge me nt te a m. Su pervises a team of 2 (two) assistan ts

an d th eir du ties, wh ich in clu des tran sportation, receptio n ist, an d con cierg e

respon si bili ties. Commu nicate with dep artmen t h eads an d organ ize s record s of th e

facil ity. Resp on sible for resid en t bill in g, th ird party in su ran ce bill in g, an d collec tion s

for 10 0 + resid en ts. Resp on sible for all accou n ts payab le. Resp on sible for pre-

employmen t screen in g an d orien tation on all n ew employees, in clu din g backg rou n d

ch ecks, referen ce ch ecks, dru g an d TB screen in g. Process es all commu nity payrol l,

workman s compen sation, an d h ealth in su ran ce. Resp on sible for on -goi n g employee

edu cation . Assists E xecu tive Director with assig n ed du ties.

M e di c a t i o n Te c h

12/ 2012 7/2013 Orch ard Park, McKin n ey, Texas 972/ 351-8888

Worked with geria tric patien ts in th e Assisted Livin g an d Memory Care commu nity,

promotin g th e h ealth an d well-b ein g of patien ts in th e commu nity, in con ju n ction

with th e facil ity RN & LVN. Resp on sible for admin istration of resid en ts medication

accord in g to th eir medicin e admin istration record, u n der th e direc t su pervisi on of

th e RN. Mon itored th e h ealth of th e patien ts; n otified th e n u rse on an y ch an ge in

con dition to facil itate immediate care.

A u t h o r i z a t i o n R e p r e s e n t a ti v e

7/2010 11/2012 In su let Corp oration, Bedfo rd, Massac h u setts 800/591-3455

Work u n der th e su pervisi on of th e Team Leaders provid in g cu stomer service for

diab etic patien ts. Verify n ew h ealth plan ben efits, disc u ss ben efits with patien ts, an d

obtain n ecessary au th orization s for each sh ipmen t. Sh ip orders . Follow compan y

gu idel in es for cu stomer service an d sh ippi n g requ iremen ts.

C u s to m e r Se r v i c e R e p r e s e n t a ti v e

1/2007 6/ 2010 Cig n a Health care, Den ison, Texas 800/997-1654

Receiv ed calls from provid ers, clien ts, an d cu stomers. Facilitated u n derstan din g of

ben efits, reproc essin g of in correct claims, an d au th orization requ est. Assisted

man agemen t by h elpin g resolve open calls th at h ad n ot been resolved by th e

previo u s represe n tative.

F r o nt D e s k C o o r di na t o r

3 /2 00 6 12 /2 0 06 Kn igh t Family Ch iropra ctic, Den ison, Texas 9 03 /4 65 -1 88 1

Worked with patien ts of all ages to improve th eir well bein g. Resp on sible for

man agin g th e fron t desk an d bill in g. Verifi ed in su ran ce, bill ed in su ran ce, an d

collec ted from in su ran ce. Set u p fin an cial arran gemen ts with patien ts to cover th eir

portion of th e care.

C o l l e c ti o n R e p r e s e n t a ti v e

4/2001 3/ 2006 Wilson N. Jon es, Sh erman, Texas 903/870-4611

Served as a collec tion represe n tative for th e Medic al Offi ce Bu ildin g . Worked in

Accou n ts Receiv able, In su ran ce, Billi n g, an d Coll ection s. Develop ed spread sh eets

an d n ew poli cies to improve cu rren t work proces ses. Stron g Cu stomer Service to

en su re accou n ts was posted with th e correct patien t respon si bili ty. Mon itored past

du e claims to en su re paymen t. Worked with patien ts face to face to resolve th eir

ou tstan din g bala n ce.

Educ a ti o n

Un iversity of Ph oen ix-Bach elo rs of Accou n tin g (E xpected completion 1 years)

Wh itewrigh t High Sch ool, Dipl oma

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