Contract on hourly or project basis, flexible arrangements
Project -- fixed price or time/materials/expenses
Location -- preferred Ann Arbor/Saline area or off-site (VPN)
Project Leadership, led:
4-member team to develop real-time architecture for USMC training simulators; basis of a new line of business for the company producing ~30% of revenue
6-member proposal writing team that raised win rate from 17% to 50%
50 engineer team developing central electronics for NASA lunar science station; five stations were set up by astronauts on the moon
35 engineer team to develop forward operating error correction electronics; currently standard for NASA deep-space probes
8-member preliminary design team for three NASA scientific experiments; all three landed on surface of Mars and operated successfully
Analog & Digital Electronics Design
Configurable analog/digital computer interface electronics for automotive trainers; replaced outsourced interface at significant cost savings
DSP-based analog interface for AIM-9 missile seeker hardware-in-the-loop testing; enabled more realistic USAF testing of weapon hardware quality.
Hardware system design for ALSEP central station electronics; attained 125 year Mean Time Between Failure reliability
Closed-loop controller for gasoline subsystem of engine test stand; overcame serious transport delay
Reviewed and improved electronics for programmable common Engine Control Unit for USAF drones
Computer software design and development
Real-time control software for medical imaging; enabled market-unique continuous scan feature
Major modules for F-15E cockpit simulator; improved realism for USAF weapons quality testing
Real-time software architecture for driver training simulations
Data capture and replay/re-drive module for driver training simulations
Unix-style driver for advanced cryptographic PCI card
Linux software for a new data mining approach (Data Pattern Index)
Unix-style driver for multi-protocol communication PCI card
Real-time, embedded control software for automated DNA sequencing; reduced reagent usage by 95% & increased throughput by 10X
Software for massively-parallel (SIMD) machine learning research; early (1990) demonstration of both classical and operant conditioning
Replaced existing software for National Park Service to match job needs to ranger skills with new design & implementation; reduced processing time from three days to less than one hour on same hardware
Software for real-time, distributed & journaled medical record-keeping for eye-banks; reduced eye recovery time by half
Algorithms & real-time software to track eye motion of monkey subjects in psycho-physiological research; technology transferred to Plank Institute, Munich
Algorithms/software for F-15C fire-control (also F-16, F/A-18 & F-35); enabled engagement success with inferior numbers
Real-time embedded software for first computer-in-the-loop machine tool
Algorithms & software for Data Pattern Index; new tool for detecting fraud and other patterns in accounting records
Invented single-point-of-maintenance metadata technology
Invented header skew detection for software libraries
Applied Mathematics
Co-discovered Complex Factored Quaternions for advanced kinematics; eliminates Coriolis effect and permits integration in rotating coordinates
Formulated cross-correlator model for Synthetic Aperture Radar; led to current day digital, on-board processing
Invented convolutional encoder/decoder forward error-correction; reversed usual approach – first designed decoder, then found suitable codes by brute force search
Co-invented augmented computational stability method for fast-time simulation; current basis of fire control in all US fighter airplanes and for training at all US Air Force and US Navy combat maneuvering ranges
Co-invented ISAM-based Data Pattern Index (US pioneer patent 6,058,392)
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics & Physics, St. Louis University
Master of Science, Mathematics, St. Louis University, “Definition of a Topology using Separation Operator”
Fluent in C/C++, C#, FORTRAN, and multiple assemblers
Experienced with git, Perforce, JIRA, Confluence
Experienced with OpenOffice and Microsoft Office suites
Experienced with Microsoft, Unix/Linux and OSX platforms
Experienced with Unix/Cygwin text processing & scripting tools
Previously held DoD Top Secret clearance