Contact Information
Full name: Giyeon “Michelle” Jang
Home phone number: 204-***-****
Cell phone number: (204) 990- 1488
Address: *** ****** **, ********, **
Email: ******@****.*****.**
Skills and experience:
Volunteer experience
Volunteer at grace hospital (June 2015-June 2016)
Member of CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) program (2014-2016)
oVolunteer experience with CAS
We scare hunger (Winnipeg Harvest)
oOrganized a clothing drive for My Friend’s Closet (2016)
Volunteered at Winnipeg Folklorama (2014-2016)
Volunteered at Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter (2012-2016)
Volunteered at Teddy Bear’s Picnic at Assiniboine (2013-2016)
Active member of YIP (Youth in Philanthropy) (2012-2015) and became inter-school representative for YIP (2016)
oVolunteer experience with YIP
Siloam Mission
KOATS for kids
Winnipeg Harvest
ALS (Brummit-Feasby ALS house)
Volunteered at Birchwood Animal Hospital (2014-2015)
Work experience
Babysitting children with age 1-5
Organization skills
Work well with others as a team
Able to work independently
Training and Qualifications
Red cross WSI (Water Safety Instructor)
Red Cross AWSI (Assistant Water Safety Instructor)
Red Cross NLS (National Lifesaving)
Lifesaving Society of Manitoba AEC (Aquatic Emergency Care)
Lifesaving Society of Manitoba SFA (Standard First Aid)
Academic Achievements
Academic Scholarships in grades 9-12
Honor-roll student in grades 6-12
Art Scholarship grade 9