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Computer Science Project

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
February 25, 2017

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VenkataPrasad Regula




Over 9 years experience in IT

* ***** ********** ** **** technologies.

MS Computer Science at US.

Extensive experience in developing mission critical applications and implementation of N-tier systems using J2EE Technologies, HTML, C and C++

Strong working experience in J2EE Architecture, MVC Architecture and Design Patterns

Experienced in implementing open source frameworks like Struts and Hibernate.

Involved in dealing with the end users and enhancing the code according to their requirement.

Strong knowledge in Core Java.

Experience with Object-Oriented project life-cycles, iterative processes including Agile Development methodologies

Solid experience in UML, Object Modeling and Data Modeling.

Experienced with application servers like Websphere, Weblogic, JBoss and web servers like Apache Tomcat.

Used Maven and ANT as build tools.

knowledge in Service-oriented architecture (SOA),Web services(SOAP, WSDL, XML).

Hands on experience with IDEs like Eclipse, WSAD.

Experience with unit testing using Junit and functional testing manually.

Have theoretical knowledge in COBOL.

Hands on experience in developing stored procedures, functions, triggers using Oracle 8i/9i/10g and MS Access databases.

Experienced in Unix environment.

Excellent team player with good communication and interpersonal skills

Academic Profile

MS Computer Science (2005), University Of NewHaven, ct.

Programming Languages


Programming Languages worked earlier

C, C++,Visual Basic 4.0/5.0/6.0


Business Delegate, DAO, Session Facade, Singleton, Factory


Oracle, db2


Junit, Manual



Application Server

RAD ( Rational Application Developer ), WSAD, Weblogic, JBoss


Eclipse, MyEclipse, Netbeans, Weblogic Workshop


Struts, Hibernate

Version Control System

Perforce, Clearcase, SVN

Bug Tracking System

Jira, Clearquest

Operating System

Windows, Solaris

Scripting Languages


Professional Experience:

Client: Sandoz (Novartis Group of Company) (Nov 1st 10 – Nov 30th 10)

Location: Princeton, NJ

Role: Team Lead

Project: Development of WebService Client

Company: IK Solutions

Developed the LookUp classes for the web service module for a modified project.

Time Warner Cable (May '10 – Sep '10)

Location: Herndon, VA

Role: Team Lead

Projects: Automation of CableModem and Digital Phone using Parasoft SOATest Tool.

Time Warner Cable is a cable television company that operates in 27 states and has 31 operating divisions. Time Warner Cable provides Land Line, Digital Phone and Voice mail services. This project was to automize the process of testing using SOATest a tool by Parasoft Company.

Programming Related Tasks

Developed the complete code for module related with Cable Modem and Digital Phone.

Developed end to end validation f

or all the test cases related to Cable Modem.

Implemented Agile methodology for the projects developed.

Automation of testing process was done using SOATest..

Use SOAPUI to test web services related functionalities.

Developed design documents and use cases for the developers to code.

Developed Test Cases for the project.

Developed data access modules using Hibernate.

Developed Hibernate hbm.xml mapping files and its related pojo’s.

Used SVN as the version Control.

Developed the project using Abstract Factory Pattern.

Wrote reference material for future use.

Initiated new patterns of testing to use the tool.

Completed the project on Schedule.

Technologies: SOATest(Parasoft Tool), J2EE,, Hibernate, Oracle, SVN, Weblogic..

Client:Upromise (May '08 – April ‘10)

Location: Boston, MA

Role: Senior Developer

Projects: Pathmark, A&P, Axciom, DirecTV, Bank Of America

Company: IK Solutions, Cyber Resource Group

Upromise is an organization which gives education loans. Members apply for Upromise account. Upromise has partners who offer reward to its members for buying its product, and commission to Upromise for sourcing its members to that particular partner.

Programming Related Tasks

Implemented Agile methodology for the projects developed.

Developed Datagen framework for QA to insert data into database(inserting data from an xml input).

Designed database and mapped the POJO's to database using Hibernate mapping.

Tested the developed code usingtesting tool Junit.

Used Perforce as version control.

Wrote reference material for the developers.

Insisted developers to follows various design patterns in the process of developing the code.

Optimized queries to reduce the processing time of the feeds.

Developed test scripts for the developers to test their code.

Designed new feeds to meet the enhanced requirements of the partners.

Testing Related Tasks

Executed functionality testing after coding apart from unit testing(JUnit) which was done while coding.

Involved in testing the performance of the queries.

Tested inbound and outbound feeds related to various partners.

Involved in validation of data migration from Pathmark(chain of stores) related data to A&P(Chain of stores) data.

Involved in the process of syncing the Upromise database to Bank of America database.

Resolved tickets raised on staging(Pre-production environment).

Involved in testing of Customer Support functionality.

Involved in integration testing.

Technologies: J2EE, Groovy, Putty, Hibernate, Oracle, JIRA, Junit, JBoss, Maven.

Client:Verizon Business (Jul ‘07 – Apr '08)

Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Software Engineer

Project:ETMS(Enterprise Ticket Management System)

Company: Cyber Resource Group

ETMS --> Enterprise Ticket Management System is a ticketing system which is used by Verizon Business and its clients. It was 4 tier architecture and is being converted to 3 tier. External clients interact using Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA), web services.

Modifies the classes according to the functionality requirements.

Used DOM Parser to parse input XML file to generate a Product Tree.

Developed javabeans and utility classes.

Developed the pojo classes for Hibernate mapping.

Involved in developing a sequence diagram as a part of documentation for internal Purpose.

Used Unix Utilities when working in Unix environment.

Technologies: Weblogic, db2, Putty, Hummingbird, CVS, Web Services, Struts

Client:Deloitte Consulting (Feb ‘07 – Jun ’07)

Location: Boston, MA

J2EE Developer

Client: Department of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts

Project: IE&R (Mosaic) – Health Care Portal Services

Company: Cyber Resource Group

IER -->Health Care Portal Services is the HIPAA compliant Common Intake, Eligibility and Referral Program developed for the State department of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, US.

Developed the application following the customized framework of Deloitte Consulting.

Developed EJBs(Session Bean) and JSPs.

Developed Cargos(pojo's Used in Deloitte Framework) and Business Objects to implement DAO pattern.

Deployed EJBs and JSPs in Weblogic 8.1 servers.

Developed JSPs, Java Beans and Servlets.

Used Wincvs as version controlsystem to check in and check out files.

Written SQL scripts for batch updates to deactivate the applications based on access date.

Ran test scripts related to the module.

Technologies: JDK1.4, JSTL, ANT, CVS, Weblogic 8.1, Struts, JavaScript

Client: Marsh and Mclennan (May ‘06 – Dec ’06)

Location: Hoboken, NJ

Project: Billing Card Generation

Company: Cyber Resource Group

Billing Card generation is a process of generating the billing card based on the type of invoice created.

Responsible for gathering Business Requirements and User Specifications from Business Analyst.

Responsible for writing J2EE Design Pattern like Object Model, Sequence Diagrams, and User Cases

using UML (for OOM) standards and Rational Rose.

Implemented MVC Model II using Struts Framework.

Implemented Business Delegate Pattern.

Developed XSD for the billing card.

Created the JSP’s for the Presentation layer.

Developed Action Classes.

Implemented AJAX for screen validation.

Developed the Session Beans for the Business logic.

Developed DVO based on the screens designed.

Developed DAO (Data Access Objects) module.

Developed DVO mappers.

Involved in Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and System Testing.

Developed Stored Procedures.

Interacting with the users in case of technical problems and mentoring the business users.

Used ClearCase as version control

Technologies: JDK1.4, ANT, RAD, Clearcase, ClearQuest, web services, Struts, JavaScript

Client: AT&T (Oct ‘05 – Mar ’06)

Location: MiddleTown,NJ

Project: EFMS(End-to-end flow management system)

Company: Cyber Resource Group

I was involved in the enhancement of the existing EFMS system

Technologies: JDK1.4, ANT, Weblogic, Clearcase, ClearQuest, web services, WAF(Web Application Framework), JavaScript

MS Computer Science, University Of NewHaven, CT (Jan ’02 – Dec ’04)

Visu Consultants Ltd (Jun '98 - Nov '01)

Location: Hyderabad

Java: Applet Programming, Web Development

Project: Developed tool to dynamically develop web site, Developed web site for

Back End: Oracle

Tools and Technologies: Applet Viewer, Servlet Runner, Apache Tomcat, HTML, JavaScript, JSP.

Visual Basic Developer with backend Oracle

Projects: Indian Railways, Indian Space Research Organization, Defence Research Development Organization

Developed front end screens using Visual basic and called the backend Oracle Database using Stored

Front End Technologies: Visual Basic(4.0/ 5.0/6.0), PL/SQL, Crystal Reports.

Back End Technologies: Oracle

Designed backed database.

Involved in normalization of database.

Developed Strore procedures in Oracle to access the backend database.

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