Luis Flores Bonilla
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Recognized individual with over 15 years of experience as an Engineer and Project Leader. High level in language programming and developing computer systems for the financial sector, food industry and social services. Quickly learn and master new technology; equally successful in both team and self-directed settings; and proficient in a range of computer systems. Managing the development team to design projects which lead to successful implementation. Review and analyze technical requirements, the distribution of information through the department, and administrative abilities to make sure projects are deigned on time and well.
PowerBuilder, SQL in SyBase, SyBase SQL Anywhere, MySQL and SQL Server, Data Base Designing in Power Disigner and Erwin, Programming Front-End in Visual Basic, C, Java, Java Swing, Java Script, Programming Macros and Systems in Excel, Server Application Tomcat
Casa Familiar, San Ysidro, California
Programmer Analyst, May 2016– Jan 2017
Development of a “Payment Control System” for Casa Familiar in Excel macros, for the register and report over each payment made by costumers. -> My responsibilities were to design, code, test and deploy the system using Visual Basic code embedded in Excel macros.
BBVA Bancomer, México D.F.
Software Engineer and Project Leader, January 2007– January 2016
Development and Implementation of the Operating Flow for the Swap Listed that is traded in Mexder (Mexican Derivatives Market) for BackOffice and Clearance in CORAL (Capture Orders, Routing and Mapping Online). -> My responsibilities were the elaboration of the schedule and assignment of the workload for the teamwork members by means of the system that I developed in Power Builder 12.5 to control the budget and human resources assigned to the project and that is cited below.
Design and Development of the Portal BANDER (Bancomer Derivatives) for the Publication of Confirmations Operation, Check Postures, Publication of prices from ASIGNA (Clearing House), balance inquiries, consultation position, collaterals record, operation evidence and withholding tax with CFDI. -> My responsibilities were the elaboration of the C100 for the conceptual design in which I had to register every requirement from the stakeholders, and I had to code the datawindows and store procedures for the collaterals registry.
Attention to the development and implementation of the tripartite rules in PowerBuilder against Sybase, to capture the transactions and events from Brokers. -> My responsibilities were to update the Store Procedures that parse the Swap product which born at the maturity date of a Swap Future to be able to process the Swap that is traded by the brokers in the OTC market. Elaboration of the plan project to assign resources to the project, planning of the stages for the Productive Life Cycle (My responsibilities were to develop, test, and deploy the StarVar System under PowerBulder 7 and Sybase ASE for the Risk Report generation)
Application Development for a Planning Projects and Resources assigned to CORAL (Capture Orders, Routing and Mapping Online) application under PowerBuilder release 12.5 and SQL-Anywhere, which includes the Budget Management modules, Capture Resource Survey Requirements, Agenda, Project Planning, Monitoring care projects, generating reports using OLE object for the planned budget and resources allocated to each project in Excel. -> My responsibilities were to design, develop and code the system in Power Builder 12.5 because it was the tool for the administration of the resources that BBVA Bancomer assigned to me, and when I finished my labor relationship with BBVA Bancomer I had to downgrade the system to Power Builder release 9 because I don t have the license for Power Builder 12.5 (14 windows, 70 datawindows object and 27 datawinows control, 1 menu, 4 structures, 1 user object that works as a template, 11 function objects)
Implementation of the module Export File (External File) with operation information and facts made by customers within CORAL (Capture Orders, Routing and Mapping Online) BANDER (Bancomer Derivatives). -> My responsibilities were to code Store Procedures in Sybase ASE 12.5 to extract the operation and position of the BANDER clients to be available in datawindows and txt files.
Design and Development Coordination of the FIXML-CORAL module for sending/receiving information between Clearing House (ASIGNA) and the Back Office in CORAL application for Bancomer Derivatives (BANDER). -> My responsibilities were the elaboration of the C100 (which is the document to register each requirement asked by the business people as part of the BBVA Bancomer life cycle methodology), elaboration of the C102 (which is the response to the C100 in which you specify how you are to attend each requirement and the component inventory to create or to be updated).
Layer implementation for the operation input using FIX protocol for the trading from the Bloomberg front. -> My responsibilities were to code Store Procedures to parse Bonos and Cetes that arrive from the CORAL-Front and update the display (datawindows) for those products.
Development in MidFut interface (Middle Office Futures) for trading in the modal 24 hours ((T24) a day from the MUREX-front -> My responsibilities were to update the Store Procedures for the validation of the “permit-time” for the operation registry that came from MUREX-Spain.
Requirements and Leadership Project under the CVP methodology (productive life cycle), which includes filling formats in each of the phases (Start, Analysis, Design, Construction, Functional Tests, User and Implementation) for the documentation and technical and business project specification.
Design and Development Budget Control System for projects Address: "Specialized Platform" developed in Power Builder release 7 against SQL-Anywhere. -> My responsibilities were to design, code, test and implementation of the Budget Control System required for the Principal of the “Specialized Platform Area” to integrate every budget assigned to the sub-directions that conformed the Specialized Platform. I had to taught Power Builder to a resource assigned to me for the construction of the system. I designed the entity-relation diagram for the database.
Coordination and Implementation of methodology for the attention of developments in the Factory Software Systems and Operations. -> My responsibilities were to define and develop of formats for the implementation of the methodology that should be followed to the attention of requirements under the Productive Life Cycle.
Publication and coordination of a development for the Preliminary Prices by developing Servlets and configuring Tomcat application server. -> My responsibilities were to code eight servlets and configure tomcat for the prices publication.
Migration of the Conciliation System referred as SICOR, from PowerBuilder to Java Swing, -> My responsibilities were translate the SICOR that was coded in Power Builder release 7 to Java Swing.
ORYCO assigned to BBVA Bancomer, México D.F.
System Consultant, March 2000 - December 2006
Development and Maintenance of Distribution System Prices, from Asset -Control to local systems. -> My responsibilities were to develop an application in Power Builder release 7 for input of the price data that were provided by Asset Control for their distribution to the BackOffice Area for the Risk Calculus,and Position Portfolio of the clients.
I coded Web Pages using Java Servlets for consultation and dissemination of factors Asset Price-Control.
Development of the StarVar System for the generation of reports that generate the Risk report for the product portfolios operated in the BBVA Bancomer Treasury Office, under PowerBuilder Version 7 against SyBase. -> My responsibilities were to develop, test, and deploy the StarVar System under PowerBuilder release 7 and Sybase ASE for the Risk Report generation, this is, I developed the Front-End (Objects in PowerBuilder: Windows, menus, functions, datawidow objects, datawindow controls, queries, pipeline, etc..) and Back-End ( Programming in Sybase: Store Procedures, Triggers).
Analysis and development of functional servers in the programming language "C" under UNIX. -> My responsibilities were to give maintenance to the functional servers that were coded in C in a three tier layer.
Analysis and front-end development in PowerBuilder. -> My responsibilities were to code and give maintenance to new requirements for the TRADE System that provides functionality for the registry and trade.
Maintenance and development of triggers, queries and updates to the database TRADE which was under SYBASE. -> My responsibilities were to code SQL-Sentences for Triggers and Stores Procedures.
Building Administration, Huixquilucán Estado de México.
Freelance – August 2007 – May 2008
Development of a System in PowerBuilder Version 9 for the Administration of Condominium Owners, which includes the registration of personal data of tenants, Security Module, Registering Concepts billing, invoicing module, reporting for collection, Reporting of Debits, module for issuing and printing checks. -> My responsibilities were to design, code, test and implement the system, because I developed the system as freelance in my free-time in Power Builder release 9 against SQL-Anywhere.
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México
Computer Science 1987-1992
Front, Middle y Back Office, Risk Mathics, México, D.F. 12/2014
JAVA Computer Program, Compu Educación S.A. de C.V.México D.F. 05/2013
PowerBuilder, Grupo SOIN, México D.F. 08/1998