Phone: 352-***-**** E-mail: *****.****@*****.*** Position: java (web) developer
Address: San Jose, CA Skype: wei.ding1988 Visa Type: OPT-EAD
Education UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Gainesville, FL
Aug 2013-May 2015 Master of Science in Information System and Operation Management (ISOM_IT Track)
I am a Java professional having extensive experience in Service-Oriented N-Tier Web Application in Java Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment using java-based framework struts1.3/2, hibernate (ORM framework), spring2.5/3.2, JPA, JDBC, MVC, SpringMVC, MyBatis, JBPM4.4/5.4, Shiro, Lucence/Solr, Play2, relational database MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle (9i/10g/11g) and NoSQL database Cassandra, MongoDB. Integrated development environment (IDE) Eclipse, MyEclipse, Intellij idea 14/15, NetBeans.
Strong Experience in Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) paradigms, Compiler design, Object Oriented Programming System (OOPS) including Modularity, Inheritance, Abstraction, Multithreading, Asynchronous, Polymorphism, Concurrency, Encapsulation.
Experience working in a Java-based web environment (JSTL, JSPs/scripts, Servlets, Struts, Tomcat, Apache).
Serval years of working experience on java web-based application development, strictly followed the Model-View-Controller (MVC) like SSH (Struts2, Hibernate, Spring), Model-Data-Controller (MDC) like HTML, JavaScript, Servlet and other enterprise architecture like SSM (Spring, SpringMVC, Mybatis) framework, have solid background knowledge in java back-end technology. Familiar with the basic design pattern like MVC, SSM, MVVM. Master the principle and API of those frameworks to design and develop modules, implement functionalities.
Strong knowledge of Object Oriented Programming, like Core Java, J2EE. Script language, like JSP, Ruby (on Rails 4). ECMAScript derivative language, like JavaScript. Markup Language like XML, HTML. Have the knowledge of JVM libraries.
Familiar with Object Oriented programming, analysis, design, and debugging.
Experience in writing Database queries (RDBMS/SQL), Store Procedures, Functions, Cursor, Fine-Grained Auditing and Triggers (PL/SQL and T-SQL Transact-SQL in SQL*Plus), using flashback technology for data recovery. Capable of understanding traditional inner and outer joint, writing nested queries and subqueries.
Master main data Persistence Layer Frameworks: Hibernate (ORM, Object/Relational Mapping), Mybatis, JPA. Use the Structured Query Language (SQL) and Object-Oriented Query Language (JPQL and HQL) to implement data processing. Use the Log4J to debug and detect error of the logging info output.
Good experience in JavaScript Framework such as AngularJS and JQuery bundle. Experience in designing Webpages and programming with client-server side Web Technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, Ajax/JQuery in UI design and front-end business logic processing. Familiar with the most commonly used JavaScript Design Patterns such as factory pattern, observer pattern, singleton pattern, facade pattern and so on.
Experience in using the Web Service technologies including SOAP, XML, JAX-WS, JAXB, using the CXF and its built-in server Jetty to generate WSDL (XML) file with SOAP message in cross-platform and cross-language distributed system. Defined and designed the custom interceptor on both server and client side for authorization check and access control. Integrated the CXF framework with Spring to release Web Service of the J2EE application for remote calls.
Good knowledge of build automation tools, such as Maven, Ant, SVN.
Good skills in WebLogic Server. Use Command Line Interface Shell (CLI shell) to create domain, build, configure, deploy and run admin server, multiple managed servers and clusters in both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) OS with same or different machine and IP address. Deploy boot identity files to guarantee info security.
Familiar with integrating the ActiveMQ with Spring framework and using ActiveMQ API to create, send, receive and read messages in both Point-to-Point Queues and Publish / Subscribe messaging patterns in JMS.
Relevant Experience
Oct 2016- Present Software Engineer Cisco Systems, Inc San Jose, CA
Development team designs, builds and expands the Cisco core API, enables the client application to access the Smart Agent running on Cisco software product instances and communicating with a cloud-based licensing service to register, request and report license usage in different Smart Agent states.
Tools and keywords: Core Java, multi-threading, concurrency, Junit 4.0, Mockito 1.10, Git, Maven, Ubuntu 16.04 (Linux), Eclipse, Encryption, Validation, Agile / Scrum, XML, REST
Study the Cisco API, fix the bugs by modifying and adding business logic in base code. Use Junit and Mockito to do unit tests.
Define custom Key Store manager to load key store from a target file, save value as secret entry in and read entry from a key store. Implement data encryption. Use private key to sign request body, and signing certificate to validate signature in response.
Follow the product manager’s requirement to compose registration, authorization, renew entitlement messages for Smart Agent requesting the license usage to cloud-based service manager.
Use the XSD (Xml Schema) to validate XML file, parse and convert the Resource Utilization Measurement in XML format to generate JSON data, send HTTP REST request to access Enhanced Receiver reporting the product usage.
May 2016- Jul 2016 Mid-level Java Developer Panasonic Newark, NJ
Project Hurl is a sub-module of the entire medical care system. It is used to parse the Json data coming from other sub-system, and send email notification and text messages to the nurses with the help of trusted third party API. Hurl uses the Restful API to access the ShareFile and TigerText server.
Framework and tools: Spring MVC + Maven + ShareFile, TigerText (Restful) API + Firefox (HttpRequester) + Postman + HTTP REST interaction (JSON) + Tomcat8.0 + Eclipse + Junit4.0 Project: Medical Care System (Email Notification, Text Sending Sub-System)
Designed and built the ShareFile API. Replaced the HttpUrlConnection API in sample code with HttpClient to perform HTTP operations. Implemented the functions like create new recipients, upload attachment, expose and send share link, etc.
Designed the Tiger Text API, used Rest API to send text message to nurses.
Used Jackson to convert java object from/to JSON. Used Dozer to recursively copies data from one object to another.
Parsed the JSON data in request. Took advantage of the algorithm and data structure to trouble-shoot problems. Used the Javadoc to proceed with the code review.
Built the architecture of the maven project, did the controller test via HttpRequester. Wrote the software design document.
Apr 2016- May 2016 Application Developer Wrevel Brooklyn, NY
Framework: MeteorJS + JavaScript + CSS3/ HTML5 + MongoDB 3.2.4 (MongoVUE 1.5)
Rewrote the entire PHP-based website in meteor for mobile App usage. Converted the data dynamically from MySQL to MongoDB during the launch time of the application.
Designated mmapv1 to replace the default storage engine wiredTiger in MongoDB, handled the incompatible format of data file for MongoVUE data access.
Jul 2015- Dec 2015 Java Web Developer Acenonyx East Brunswick, NJ
Project Name: COSO Enterprise Risk Management System
Framework: Play 2.0 (RESTful framework) Tools: Eclipse + Cassandra + Lucene/ Solr + Junit4.0 +Spring Tool Suit (STS) +Intellij IDEA 15.0 +Maven 3.3.9 (Nexus-2.11.1-bundle) + Shiro + Tomcat8.0 + Chrome
Created a risk register module, used Scala template to receive and wrap entity instance into the form, render the data on webpage. Used CQL (Cassandra Query Language) to access Cassandra DB, and implemented basic data CRUD functionality in java.
Used Solr in DataStax Enterprise to create search index of the exported data from tables. Designed customized sorting and filtering strategy. Ran the Junit in STS to test word segmentation methods provided by Lucene to improve search efficiency.
Relied on transitive dependency mechanism of Maven to build and maintain the multiple modules’ aggregation, dependencies and inheritance, published the web project via Maven. Used Nexus, maven repository manager to deploy, set and manage the internal repository.
Designed Java Security module to perform authentication, authorization, cryptography and session management via Shiro framework. Integrated Oauth2, controlled the number of concurrent logging users, managed the dynamic URL access control, assigned privilege and switch role of users.
Sep 2015- Feb 2016 Application Developer Biz-Xray Atlanta, GA
Project Name: Digital Recipe Box
DevTools: Ruby 2.0 on Rails 4.2.3 + RubyGems (Devise, PaperClip, Cocoon, Searchkick, Acts_as_votable, RSpec etc.) + HAML + SCSS + Bootstrap + Bower + MySQL
Used custom styling in SCSS files to embellish the User Interface via HAML. Allowed admin to create, update, edit, and delete recipe, used PaperClip gem to upload images, and add ingredients in nested form.
Imported the Devise gem to create authentication module, implemented the user identity verification. Built up the association between login user and its preference recipes. Added log in/out function to the application via conditional routes and statements in HAML according to user status and access right.
Integrated the simple form to the Bootstrap, used the cocoon Gem to create nested forms, which allowed user to insert unfixed number of ingredients into each of the recipe.
Implemented the new functionalities that customers search item by recipe keywords, vote and post comments to the recipe.
Project Name: QuickBooks API Development
DevTools: EmberJS + Ruby on Rails 4 + PostgreSQL + Git
Created RoR application interface to connect with QuickBooks sandbox. Pulled data from QBs to Customer Database.
May 2014-Aug 2014 Java Web Developer China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT Beijing, China
Project Name: OA (Office Automation) System
Framework: Struts2+hibernate+spring2.5+JBPM4.4 Development tools: MyEclipse (Eclipse) + Tomcat6.0 +MySQL +Firefox
Designed privilege management module based on RBAC model, and provided privilege assignment to administrator. Used custom tag selectively display the function buttons on web page according to user’s permissions. Relied on custom interceptor to implement access control via URL address.
Used Object-relationship mapping files provided by Hibernate to map the entity class and relational tables, solved problems like lazy loading and cascading operation between associated tables.
Analyzed and redesigned Graph Process Designer’s code in back-end, integrated to the process flow module of OA system. Achieved flexibly customized the flow chart according to users’ requirement.
Jan 2012- Feb 2013 Java Web Developer Beijing Huohua Shengrong Mechanic Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd Beijing, China
Project Name: E-commercial Java Website
Framework: Struts1.3+JPA+Spring2.5+Junit4 Development tools: Eclipse + Tomcat5.5 + MySQL + IE
Applied JPA annotation to inject entity objects, generate tables and establish mapping relationship between tables.
Used the Java reflection techniques to obtain entity name and generic type for the code reuse. Used JDBC API and JPQL to create, insert into, update and query records, encapsulated the data in FormBean from presentation tier to DB.
Used java JDK dynamic proxy, invoking the methods belong to the entity class on business layer via interface.
Stored customers’ historical accessing address in cookie, displayed and ordered the records by sequential access.
Used OSCache to achieve page caching. Contained the dynamic content in static HTML pages through SSI.
Project Name: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Distributed System
Skills: WSDL, SOAP, XML, JAXB, JAX-WS, Web Services, CXF
Used the annotation provided by JAX to specify the parameter names, return values, space name and attributes information in WSDL.
Wrote the DTD and Schema file to define XML format via xmlspy IDE.
Used JAXB framework to convert java entity to XML. Applied event filter and stream filter to Stax parsers, to replace the cursor-based parsing for improving XML-parsing performance and saving memory.
School Work Project Name: web application APP Android developer (ADT-bundle, Core Java, Multi-threading) Gainesville, FL
Took advantage of the HttpWatch plug-in provided by IE browser to parse the requests and responses sending to and from server, when running a login process. Implemented the user authentication with Oauth2 technique.
Created sub-thread in main thread to load logged-in user’s information, Used AsyncTack class to asynchronously load users’ avatar from server.
Relied on SD card cache and soft reference of memory storage to store images in partial loading process. Automatically shut off the activity in broadcast way, and dealt with memory overflowing.
Project Name: AngularJS Ionic Mobile App
Dev Tools: AngularJS + JavaScript + Cordova + SASS + Gulp JS + Node JS + Ionic + Firefox Browser + CSS3 + HTML5
Embedded tag attributes like controls, layouts, styles and templates provided by Ionic framework in HTML to scaffold and decorate browser-based mobile devise UI.
Used Angular to parse the files in json format and render data and images on the list. Achieved basic functions like moving back and forth between pages and its interaction.
Implemented the functionalities like marking, dragging, deleting, querying items and pull-to-refresh.
Use combination inheritance via mixing prototype chain with constructor stealing to compensate drawbacks of prototype inheritance, initializing subclass object with base class attributes’ arguments, and meanwhile extending the properties in prototype chain.
Simulate the inheritance approach of underlying extjs library to improve combination inheritance execution efficiency, to avoid repeated inheritance of the superclass constructor.
Use attribute check and duck typing to emulate interfaces in the object-oriented JavaScript, manually verify and check the given class implementing an interface.
Use the dynamic factory pattern to achieve the loose coupling of object instance and implementation details for code scalability and maintenance.
Simulate the mechanism of the underlying jQuery to implement the function of method chain programming in JavaScript.
Use the bridge pattern to separate event listener and callback mechanism; use composite pattern to reconstruct the entities associations within a tree structure and access to the node object via recursive method.
Use the branching technic in singleton pattern to encapsulate the differences between browsers in dynamic method, improving compatibility of the running environment.
Optimize the way of initializing date objects of the web calendar via flyweight pattern to minimize memory use and loading time by sharing data in singleton.
Use HTML5 and command pattern to implement event response-based animation, use the decorator pattern to add cancellation function to the original command object class, store and undo the user operation via stack data structure.
May 2011- Dec 2011 Project Name: E-Book store E-commercial Beijing, China
Dev Tools: IntelliJ IDEA + JavaScript + JSON + JQuery + Ajax + JSP/ Servlet + Tomcat + HTML5 + CSS3 + MySQL
Validated register forms and deployed login filter, sent asynchronous requests by using Ajax with the help of jQuery library in JavaScript. Used jQuery’s elements and attributes selectors, via Document Object Model (DOM) API, accessing to the data information in the text fields to implement data interaction in server-client model.
Used the JavaScript tag (JSTL) embedded in JSP file to render data on webpage which is sent from the server-tier to presentation tier. Added logic judgement in tags to selectively demonstrate the output content.
Applied pagination to display data records and Implemented dynamic effects on webpage.
Achieved purchasing on-line via third-party payment platform. By means of the point-to-point communication to accomplish information feedback and order status modification. Used Hmac encryption algorithm to ensure information security.
Improved the administrator module, added validating picture size and uploading documents functions. By invoking methods across the modules, simplified and optimized the coding.
Took advantage of the debug functionality in Intellij IDEA and firebug plug in firebox browser to execute seamless joint debugging of server-side Java Servlet and client-side JavaScript.
Relied on the XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object to receive, process and send the data returned from the server to client in XML or text format.
Designed the fade in-out floating window, scalable cascading menu, editable table and auto-complete text field which is similar to Google Suggest.
Created and added objects of JSON array in Servlet, parsed and converted JSON data to objects in JavaScript, and inserted the object information in HTML on presentation tier.
Tools & Technologies:
Program Languages: Java (core java/ j2ee), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSP, Ruby
Development Environment (IDE): NetBeans IDE 7.4, MyEclipse (Eclipse), Intellij IDEA 15.0/14.0, Spring Tool Suit (STS) Aptana Studio, Xmlspy
Database Technologies: MS SQL Server 2008/2005, MySQL, Cassandra, Oracle(9i/10g/11g)
Source Code & Version Controls: GitHub
Frameworks: Java (Struts1.3/2.0, Hibernate, Mybatis, JPA, Spring2.5/3.0, Spring MVC, Play2), Ruby (on Rails4), Web Services (CXF), JavaScript (JQuery, Ajax), Bootstrap, Inoic
Server: Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, WebLogic
Operation System: Windows 2000/XP/7/8/10, Unix/Linux (Ubuntu 14.04.3)
Software Development Methodologies: SDLC-Agile, Waterfall, Prototyping, Scrum