**** ******** ***, ******* **** CA *4928
** ***** ********** ** *** public works field. Extensive knowledge of civil technician road construction.
Aspects of construction: grading & base, paving bituminous, concrete. Signing, turf establishment, subgrade cut & fill.
Installation of culverts, bridges, driveways, curb & gutter, water main & services, storm sewer, sanitary sewer
Autocad experience making plans & specs, bid sheets, pay items Right of way & location surveys, material testing
Bridge inspection
Associative Arts Degree, Chemical Technician, Civil Technician JOB HISTORY:
Cream of wheat - chemical lab tech 1972 – 1986
Chisago county - civil tech 1987 – 2103
Extensive public service with contractors, public, property owners REFERENCES:
Joe Triplett - Public Works Director for Chisago County, MN 651- 213-8708