d uanestevenss@g mail. com
I'm seeking employment as an electrical trainee that will help rne build on my cunent skills and experience. Ability $ummary
Electrical Trainee with 7 years of extensive experiene and proper training in major rcmmercial construction projects. Strong leadership skills and projec* managment abilities as wellas excellent at juggling multiple tasks and working wellunder pre$$ure. I am seeking long term career employment. Employment History
Electrhial Apprentice
03/2010 - 1012016 Barnum & Celillo 135 Main Ave # A, Sacrarnento, CA
. Read and understand blueprints installing within the NEC code requirements.
. lnstalled, maintained, repaired and tested various wiring, fixtures, and motors on electrical systems and equipment per plans for commercial projects.
. Develop thorough understanding of contract plans and specifications including one-line diagrams, cable and conduit schedules.
. lnstall relay$, switches, circuit breaker panels and grounding leads.
. Handle terminations in keeping with color codes, Twist and solder wires together and apply terminal caps.
. Cut and install electrical conduits, raceways, and cableways utilizing proper hand and power tools.
. Installation of various Cabinets, Panelboards, Switchgear, Ect.
. Pull wire with correct circuitry number and color. Additional lnformation
. Developed interpersondl-skills, having dealt with a diversity of professionals and clients.
. Self Motivated; Able to work independently and as a team member to meet operational dealines.
. Function well in high-pressure atomospheres.
- Adapt easily to new concepts and responsibilities.
. fulechanically knowledgable about the safety and use of various different hand, power, and hydraulic tools.
. Knondedge of Circuit Phasing and Numbering.
. O$HA Complaint.