Labor proficiency test summary
*****************@*****.*** 63-947*******-** years
National Capital Region/Las PinĚas
Loverday Magallano
factory worker
im a fast learner
Labor proficiency map in different areas related to work performance Responsibility: Assumption of responsibility for their own actions and their consequences
Social Intelligence: Ability to display a repertoire of interaction strategies for the relationship with others Self-management: Perception of the ability to manage an action successfully
Autonomy: Ability to manage autonomously in different environments
Leadership: Group management skills and interest in exercising leadership position
Arbitration: Ability to seek agreement among people Motivation: Orientation to success in the objectives and professional orientation with the working group.
Cooperation: The individual capacity to cooperate or add value to the group.
General description of compentence
Labor proficiency test summary
Loverday Magallano
BestJobs Labour proficiency test results
They dedicate time outside of working hours to improve their work. Self Management
They normally perform better if they can organise their own work. Leadership
They think that rules are important and that someone needs to give orders. Motivation
They tend not to give up and prefer difficult challenges with big rewards. Social Intelligence
They look after their personal appearance and are usually capable of adapting their behaviour to get along with people. Autonomy
If they have a query, they prefer to ask others for the solution rather than looking themselves. Arbitration
They believe that there is sometimes a happy medium and they take the opinions of others into account. Cooperation
They feel involved in their teamwork and they show trust in team members. Labor proficiency test score