Enthusiastic Master's graduate with professional contribution interests in the field of Information Technology. Extensive academic experience in cloud computing and demonstrated ability in creating and configuring Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. Practical experience in programming scripts utilizing various open source technologies and in producing portable applications utilizing Docker containers. Accustomed to learning quickly and in delivering expectations as a team player or independently. Able to relocate geographically to increase face-time and value for employer.
Master of Science in Computer Science
Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA
Graduated in December 2016
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India
Graduated in 2014
Master’s Student 2015-2016
Wright University Dayton, OH
Data Mining
Built a mapping algorithm (Java, Eclipse IDE) capable of accepting and splitting a continuous gene data set into high yield information bins (Entropy-based binning).
Implemented Sequential Forward Selection (SFS) to determine only the most relevant information (features) from the resulting bins, applying a consistency rate measure to reduce errors.
Analyzed classification of data through exercises utilizing Weka and Java and coding text to vector transformation (Term frequency–Inverse document frequency), feature set selection, classification (Naive Bayes, Random Forest, J48) and reporting.
Constructed reports based on classification and prediction analysis leveraging Weka Data Mining techniques to show relationship between student alcohol consumption and academic performance.
Advanced Wireless Networks
Studied and examined 15+ articles detailing technical architecture, current limitations and R&D on Delay Tolerant Networks.
Developed proposal for a new queuing policy based on factors including message level prioritization and communication window between transmission nodes to ensure zero to minimal data loss and delay in intermittent networks.
Authored research paper to assist university professor in securing approval from the IEEE.
Cloud Computing
Devised a framework in java for performing k-means clustering using single node Hadoop Map/Reduce.
Configured template parameter settings, Map/Reduce functions, and global parameter setting to iteratively execute jobs until centroids converged.
Manipulated (load, store, filter, join, limit, etc.) Big Data in relational format via Pig Latin and Spark and programmed Spark SQL and Python code based queries.
Created a Python function with boto3 APIs capable of creating configurable number of t2.micro EC2 Burstable Performance instances in AWS.
Established Docker file, Docker hub link and Docker images in EC2 based on Alpine linux to use latest version of Hadoop as back end data repositorys.
Printed the CPU usage monitoring information of 2 ECS instances via a standard heartbeat protocol wherein tools developed with Python Boto3 library and the Paramiko Python SSH library polls servers every 5 seconds.
Cloud Data Privacy
Gained ability to apply Geometric Data Perturbation (GDP) to alter original data substantially yet retaining usefulness and privacy for effective outsourced data mining in the cloud.
Utilized classification modeling technique to predict record label of 3 sets of training data in SVM format leveraging Java for data read purposes.
Implemented GDP algorithm and tested accuracy on data sets, showing KNN, Adaboost and SVM.
Randomized data through a crypto-index method and performed single-dimensional range queries to test precision.
Big Data Hadoop Certification acquired from, 2016 (Certificate id: TNB1TELF)
Scripted in Pig as a Project to Edureka about Movie Data Analytics for certificate completion
Diploma in C/C++ and Unix, CSC Computer Center, Chennai, India, 2010
Inplant Training in ‘Unique technologies’ on Android application and development, Chennai, India, 2013
Developed link between a user profile and GPS to automatically reflect user's location
Eclipse, Netbeans (Java), Python, Weka, Dr. Racket, Adobe Reader, Videpad Editor, Hadoop (Map Reduce), Pig, Hive, Spark