House no #** / *st Floor, 6th Main Malleshpallya, Bangalore - 560075, Karnataka, India. Cell: +91-984*******; E-Mail: **********@*****.*** SSrr.. LLEEAADD EENNGGIINNEEEERR
OOffffeerriinngg 1111 yyeeaarrss ooff iimmppeerraattiivvee iinndduussttrriiaall eexxppeerriieennccee
Performance driven professional approaching 11 years of continuous advancement in product-engineering
& technical application.
Spearheading efforts as Sr. Product design Engineer (Research & Development – Steering & Axles) with Mercedes Benz Research and Development.
Excellence in development & production of innovative tools, skilled in implementation of quality, environment & safety systems to roll out products matching international quality parameters.
Worked in Japan for 1.5 years in Mitsubishi Fuso Kawasaki. Have Japanese working Visa for 5 years.
Looking for new opportunities to widen my knowledge and skill.
Professional and academics accolades include:
Became Lead Engineer of steering team in one year.
Got 1st promotion in my first Job within one year.
Excellence Award for in implementation of 15.16 Vehicle.
Award for contribution in Rear Engine Semi Low floor Bus Proto type.
Award for contribution in 8x2 Proto type Vehicle.
Award for contribution in 15.16 Proto type Vehicle.
Deputy Commissioner Award for being topper of school in 10th standard.
Adept at implementation of quality systems/procedures to meet world-class quality standards; meticulous & structured approach with excellent planning & implementation skills.
Technical proficiency in Catia V5 & Unigraphics (3D modeling, Assy, drafting, Kinematics, Analysis) Teamcenter, Pro/Engineer 2001, WILDFIRE 1/2, and AutoCAD, MS-office. PPRROOFFEESSSSIIOONNAALL EEXXPPEERRIIEENNCCEE::
CCuurrrreenntt -MMeerrcceeddeess BBeennzz RReesseeaarrcchh &DDeevveellooppmmeenntt IInnddiiaa (55..77 yyeeaarrss)) DDEECC 22001100 -TTIILLLL DDAATTEE SSrr.. LLeeaadd EEnnggiinneeeerr –– SStteeeerriinngg Job profile involves all Design related activities:
Responsible for Quality and Delivery of every output of my team.
Time and quality management of all activities happening in my department .
Concept feasibility study, concept design, Steering system selection, packaging study & kinematics model creation. Preparation & release of drawings.
Preliminary CAE of designed / modified parts. Load calculation for CAE.
Proposal generation for the resolution of any design related concern.
Translation of technical documents from German language to English.
Design for manufacture & assembly.
Conversant with manufacturing techniques of sheet metal forming, casting, forging & welding. PROJECT PROFILE:
Heavy Duty Trucks & Buses for Asia Pacific Region (SFTP- Strategic Future Truck Program).
All Mitsubishi Fuso vehicle platforms –Heavy/Medium/Light duty. (Current and Futuristic project). 22
-MMaahhiinnddrraa NNaavviissttaarr AAuuttoommoottiivveess LLttdd.. (22 yyeeaarrss)) OOCCTT 22000088 -NNoovv 22001100 AAssssiissttaanntt MMaannaaggeerr (RReesseeaarrcchh &DDeevveellooppmmeenntt –– SStteeeerriinngg)) JOB RESPONSIBILITIES:
Concept generation & selection for new product designs, handling development, obtain approval, incorporate changes/modifications & undertaking final implementation.
Product drawing, product specification, BOM Generation & follow up for prototype of the new products.
2D & 3D modeling of components, Assembly & drafting right from conceptual design with GD&T.
Create Manufacturing Drawings & receive approval; release drawings as per MPDS requirements.
Actively participating in DFMEA, CFT, DFS, CAE and other Design/ISO systems.
PLM activities & new idea proposals for value engineering.
Active member of CFT for Light duty & Medium duty vehicles.
Concern resolution of Production, Design and warranty issues. PROJECT PROFILE:
3.3 Lt BSIII Bus: Calc for Ackermann geometry, preparation, designing & detailing of steering; vehicle integration; contribution in Prototype Vehicle Assembly.
Loadking 7T Cargo vehicle: Preparation, designing & detailing of power steering; vehicle integration; contribution in Prototype Vehicle Assembly.
Loadking 7T Cargo vehicle – CNG BSIV: Commonization of assemblies.
Touristor – 15 BSIII: Preparation, designing & detailing of steering, vehicle integration; contribution in Prototype Vehicle Assembly for ARAI Authorization; monitoring of vehicle during rollout.
Touristor – 25 BSIV CNG.
Participated in IMCR for value engineering.
-EEIICCHHEERR MMOOTTOORRSS LLTTDD.. (nnooww VVoollvvoo EEiicchheerr)) (33..33 yyeeaarrss)) JJUULLYY 22000055 –– OOCCTT 22000088 JJuunniioorr MMaannaaggeerr (PPrroodduucctt DDeessiiggnn &DDeevveellooppmmeenntt –– SStteeeerriinngg//AAxxlleess)) JOB RESPONSIBILITIES:
Involved in conceptualizing new product designs, handled development, obtained approval, incorporated changes/modifications & undertook final implementation.
Job profile involves benchmarking, product drawing, product specification, BOM Generation & follow up for prototype of the new products.
Creating Manufacturing Drawings & received approval; released drawings as per ISO requirements.
Actively participating in DFMEA, DFA, DFS and other Design/ISO systems.
2d & 3D modeling of components, Assembly & drafting right from conceptual design with GD&T.
PLM data migration.
Active member of Value engineering team.
Vehicle 35.31 (2 Steerable Front Axles): Calc for Ackermann geometry, preparation, designing & detailing of steering/axles; vehicle integration; contribution in Prototype Vehicle Assembly.
Bus (Rear Engine Semi Low Floor): Preparation, designing & detailing of steering/axles; vehicle integration; contribution in Prototype Vehicle Assembly.
Vehicle 15.16: Preparation, designing & detailing of steering/axles; vehicle integration; contribution in Prototype Vehicle Assembly for ARAI Authorization; monitoring of vehicle during rollout.
Tear down Analysis of 10.90 model.
Participated in Value Engineering workshop with WIPRO Consultants.
Vehicle 11.12: Preparation, designing & detailing of Steering/Axles. Contribution in Prototype Vehicle Assembly for ARAI Authorization.
ABS Introduced in HCV segment (CMVR norms).
ECER – 29 Introduced in HCV segment (CMVR norms). AACCAADDEEMMIIAA::
B.Tech in Mechanical from RVDU Rajasthan.
DATE OF BIRTH : 20th March, 1984
HOBBIES : New technologies & sports.
LANGUAGES KNOWN : English, Punjabi, Hindi and German (Basic) learning Japanese (N5).