Joseph R. Patterson
Rockmart, GA 30153
Experience with development, formulation and manufacture of polymers and specialty chemicals. Highly skilled with taking concepts from initial research through development areas and pilot plants and into manufacturing areas for desirable result as marketable products. Broad quality experience: experimental design, formula modification and design configuration to control process variables for delivery of useful products, significant reductions in products’ cost, reducing defects to increase product’s sigma level and contribution to company’s bottom line.
Consultant, The Finished to Perfection Company, 2000 to Present
Novel, fluid product used for pumping concrete and drilling in oilfields. Increased profits 40%, reduced material consumption and shipping costs while producing new standard for industry. Developed olefinic polymer for conversion into high strength fibers with a Tennessee producer of commodity fibers; worked with polymer’s producers to produce novel high MFR, chain-end functional derivative.
Senior Scientist, Engineered Fabrics, Inc., Rockmart, GA, 1999 to 2000
Develop polyurethane suitable for use as fuel tank sealant. Correlate structural properties of modified, chain-extended polyurethane through Monsanto ODR and Swell & Extract studies to application in aircraft’s wings. Applied sigma techniques to identify production process problems and eliminate variations critical to performance in fuel tanks.
Technology Manager, Profusion Systems Division of Roltrans, Denver, CO, 1998 to 1999
Developing PVC compounds for vinyl fabric and industrial applications and supervising technicians in processing, production and application of compounds. Develop compound of improved tensile strength with reduction in process steps at lower cost.
Technical Director, Environmental Technology, Inc., Fortuna, CA, 1995 to 1997
Developed thermosetting plastics and coatings based on epoxies and polyesters.
Raised interlaminar shear strength (SBS) between fibers and organic matrix resins with application of in-house water-based high temperature thermoplastic IPNs.
Development Specialist, Akzo Nobel Carbon Fibers Group, Rockwood, TN, 1990 to 1995
Developed in-house o/w emulsions stable at <2w% to finish carbon and aramid fibers, raised net profits 60% by creating niche application: world’s first fiber for composite structure completely transparent to x-rays. Raised inter-laminar shear strength of fibers through use of IPN latex, also manufactured in-house using knowledge of surfactants and polymerization of acrylic monomers. Scaled-up process into plant for distribution of finishes to sister companies in US and Europe.
Research Chemist, Quantum Chemical Corp, USI Research, Cincinnati, OH, 1985 to 1990
Correlated performance to variation in structure for olefinic polymers: EVAs for organic solution coatings and polyethylene for molding and crosslinking. New olefinic polymer derivatives and compounds taken from catalyst research and development areas and into successful production in plants through multi-site management of project.
Cellulose Chemist, Hercules Inc., Research Center, Wilmington, DE and plants in VA, NJ, NY, 1980 to 1984
Modifying cellulose to manufacture derviatives, e.g., cellulose nitrate, cellulose ethyl, hydroxyethyl and hydroxypropyl ethers and carboxymethyl esters for thermoplastics, coatings, paints and specialty applications. Extensive use of Hansen solubility parameters and contribution techniques to forecast suitability of derivatives in coatings, lacquers for personal care & furniture, gravure printing inks, rheology modifiers for water-based paint and binders for pharma tablets.
B.S. Chemistry, Hampden-Sydney College.