NAME: Gabriel Olufemi Olaniran
ADDRESS: * ******* *****, ************,
MD 20879
Lagos State University, Lagos
The Polytechnic, Ibadan
The Polytechnic, Ibadan
Liberty Secondary Grammar School, Ibadan
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Associate Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN)
Higher National Diploma in Accounting
National Diploma In Accounting
West Africa Examination Council
1.Project Accountant: USAID/NIGERIA (March 2001 – December 2016)
Manage USAID/Nigeria’s program budget in the areas of obligation, commitment, disbursement and accrual of all project funds in the Mission’s portfolio.
Analyze and post various documents into Phoenix accounting system, such as commitments, obligations, de-commitments, de-obligations.
Process travel authorizations through E2 or Phoenix systems.
Review and post of modified acquisitions and assistance request documents into Phoenix system.
Review/reconcile project accounting records and prepare periodic reports based on these records.
Review and clear all applicable transaction resulting from project/program documents and posting them into the system.
Analyze and perform de-obligations of unused funds for all awards.
2.Procurement Agent: US Embassy/Nigeria (April 1998 - March 26, 2001 )
Obtained procurement requests already prioritized for both local and offshore procurement, reviewed them execute requisitions and procure needed items.
Ensured that the International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS), standard was maintained for all the procurement requests.
Procurement of items through petty cash for any item that did not exceed $500 Naira equivalent.
Purchased some item locally through purchase order for any item that exceed $500 Naira equivalent.
Communicated using email, fax and telephone messages for procurement for both local and offshore transactions.
Procured some request items on the local market.
Created and maintained vendors in Embassy database.
3.Internal Auditor: USAID/Logistic Support Unit (October 1995 – August 31, 1996)
Reviewed impress of Zones/Field offices accounting in compliance with USAID regulations and generally accepted accounting principle, (GAAP),
Maintained accounts for Zones/Field offices.
Reviewed vouchers submitted for reimbursement.
Prepared bills for collection to various implementing partners (IPs) for payments,
Ensured that all receivables were billed and collected promptly.
Prepared Daily Operating Comparison (DOC) which showed availability of funds for large operation of logistic and support unit.
Prepared bank reconciliations.
Prepared financial reports in cooperation with other Accountants.
4.Assistant Accountant: USAID/Logistic Support Unit (January 1994 – September 1995)
Responsible for control of Accounts Receivable for the Logistic Support Unit.
Issued bills for collection to various Implementing Partners and USAID for services rendered on their behalf,
Tracked advances travel and sub-project,
Ensured that the advances were well recorded and tracked for retirement using electronic registers Quattro Pro,
Provided voucher examiner periodic status report,
Tracked staff medical allowance, ensured individual did not exceed the authorized level and if so, issued bill for collection.
5.Financial Assistant: USAID/Combating Childhood Communicable Dieses Project (January 1992 – December 1993)
Prepared purchase orders, travel advances,
Reviewed travel advances and travels reimbursement vouchers,
Posted voucher into the computer by using Lotus 1-2-3 and Quicken 5 application programs,
Performed the task of impress fund cashier for the Project,
Processed impress reimbursement through the Embassy Cashier,
Prepared payment voucher for grants to Federal Ministry of Health, State Ministry of Health, (SMOH) and certain local government authority (LGAs) where CCCD had developed a project focus,
Reported on these grants received utilization to USAID,
Prepared monthly report on Sub-allocation grant through Embassy,
Visited all CCCD Projects focused SMOH and LGAs to review funds advanced to them for proper utilization and accountability.
6.Accounting Assistant International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (January 2 1985 – January10, 1992)
Prepared financial reports for grants from International Donors that includes The Ford Foundation, UNDP, Netherland Government and USAID. Administered accounting system for disbursement of allowances to participants in IITA training courses for both short and long term (approximately 200/year). Maintained departmental impress fund.
Liaised with budget and finance department and posted vouchers into the computer.
Microsoft Office
Phoenix – USAID Accounting System
Quick book
E2 – Travel System
e-CART – Reconciliation Accounting Application
English Writing Proficiency Course October 2015.
Fraud Awareness, Detection & Reporting March 2015.
IFRS Post Implementation Challenges September 2013
Internal Control Training in Lusaka, Zambia, February 2013.
E2 Accountant Course, January 2013.
E2 Voucher Examiner & Certifying Officer Course, January 2013.
e-Cart Training/Deployment in Cairo, 2013.
41th Annual Accountants’ Conference October 2011.
Improving Budget Planning & Implementation in Lagos, Nigeria 2009,
USAID e2 Arranger in Accra, Ghana 2009.
USAID e2 Approver in Accra, Ghana 2009.
Programming Foreign Assistance (PFA), Oct. 2008.
Global Development Alliances Workshop Dec. 2007.
Accounting Two Training in Paris, June 2007.
Budget Formulation I Washington, DC, Oct 2006.
Planning, Achieving & Learning (PAL), Aug. 2005.
Functional User Training Class, May 2005.
Pilot Mission Training Class, July 2004.
Leadership for organizational Transformation, March 2004.
USAID Financial Management Overview, August 2003.
Financial management Seminar, July 2003,
USAID Advance Writing Workshop, Jan. 2003,
Correspondence Writing, Jan. 2003,
USAID/Nigeria Visioning Retreat, Aug. 2002,
Building Your Team Skills, March 2002,
Microsoft Excel at US Consulate March 2001,
Microsoft Outlook at US Embassy, March 1999,
Microsoft Word for Macintosh Users at IITA, 1990
Length of Service Award December 2016
Superior Honor Group Award December 2016.
Group Eagle Award Dec. 2011
Length of Service Award June 2011
On the Sport Award July 2009,
Group Cash Award July 2009,
Group Cash Award March 2008,
Group Meritorious Honor Award, September 2006,
Length of Service Award June 2006,
Meritorious Group Award, November 2005,
Group Cash Award September 2006,
On the Sport Award November 2005,
Cash Award June 2005,
On the Sport Award August 2004,
Cash Award May 2004,
On the Sport Award September 2004,
Meritorious Group Award, November 2003
On the Sport Award October 2003,
Certificate of Appreciation, October 2002,
On the Sport Award July 2002,
Cash Performance Award January 2001.
Meritorious Honor Award January 2000.
Referees will be supplied on demand.