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Yoga Intructor

Athens, Attica, Greece
November 14, 2016

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Elliana Sinou


Ι was born in Patras in 1976, I ‘ve studied Industrial Design in Milan and for years worked on the installation of contemporary art exhibitions and on decorating and organizing social events.

I started systematically practising yoga in 2002. After several years of personal practice in 2016 I received the Iyengar yoga teaching certification from IYAUK (Iyengar Yoga Association U.K.) Introductory Level 2.

I studied in Greece but also in India with several teachers Iyengar yoga that have the Senior level, including the Martine Le Chenic, Viktor Van Kooten, Penny Chaplin, Rajiv and Swati Chianchiani, Usha Devi and continues to enrich the theoretical and empirical knowledge the art of yoga through seminars.

In courses places emphasis on correct anatomical alignment and breathing, in order to create the necessary space and support the body. Its purpose is the students these valuable body exercise tools and sharpening the awareness that they can use them not only in class but also in their daily lives or in other types of exercise.

In search of the relationship between body, mind and soul I have attended seminars BMC (Body-Mind Centering), psychomotor Model based teaching Dutchman Niek Brouw and Yin Yoga. I have received the 3rd degree in Reiki. Additionally I teach yoga at more vulnerable groups like the elderly and pregnant women. I teaches since 2013 in Patras and also in seminars in Greece, incorporating the teaching of knowledge obtained from other experiences and techniques.

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