Sarah Matthews
**** ******* *** ***********, **
S Experience
EvEnt ManagEMEnt IntErn 2015-2016
Assisted in planning their events, logistics,
and design. Created posters, tax receipts,
handled silent auction items and tracked
items, provided customer service to
sponsors and guests at events, and
assisted in planning their soup fest and their
30th anniversary event.
Port CarEs
graPhIC DEsIgnEr, ConstruCtIon LIaIson,
& FInanCE LEaD 2015-2016
Ensured all print material and marketing
design was consistent and on brand. Made
sure construction was on target of deadline,
made sure that needs of the renovations
were being met and sourced, and was
responsible for establishing and updating
the budget on a regular basis of the project.
thE Many hanDs ProjECt
EvEnt DECorator 2015
Created inspiration boards for events, took
inventory photos, set up decor at an event,
and sourced decor items.
DECor anD MorE
vIsuaL MErChanDIsEr 2014
Worked collaboratively with a team in
keeping up the stores appearance and
changed displays.
Hudson’s Bay Company
WarEhousE assIstant 2014
Managed the custom pak area when
manager was on vacation and picked/
packed orders.
aLCon CanaDa InC
junIor EvEnt DECorator 2013
Assisted in setting up table decor in the
showroom that was to be presented to
clients and collaborated with a team for
installation of decor on event days.
DECor WIth granDEur InC
EvEnt ManagEMEnt graDuatE
Niagara College
vIsuaL MErChanDIsIng arts
SheridaN College
D Volunteer
hanDs on hunDrED 2016
Assisted with their Hot List event
and Gala Awards ceremony. I
greeted guests as they walked
into the event, collected tickets,
distributed programs, and provided
directions to winners at the awards
to find their way to the film room.
thE sPECIaL EvEnts ConFErEnCE
CustoMEr sErvICE LEaD 2015
Managed a group of volunteers,
assisted in cleaning garbage
around the park, collected wine
bottles and arranged them by
colour and type of bottle, and
assisted in tear down.
nIagara WInE FEstIvaL
EvEnt voLuntEEr 2015
Assisted the Niagara College
Foundation for their annual golf
classic. I helped with setting up
decor, provided customer service
to guests, handed out snacks and
water to guests golfing on course,
assisted with the silent auction
area, and helped with tear down.
nIagara CoLLEgE FounDatIon
sMart sErvE
Won first place for photo styling from
Received Ontario Scholar with
hIgh sChooL DIPLoMa
College Bound matH award
Honour Roll throughout
hIgh sChooL
ELEMEntary CathoLIC LEaDErshIP
s Skills