John Marquez
Highly motivated energetic and quality result driven individual with years of experience working in a fast p aced and demanding environment.
P ost Production, Selfi3d
L os Angeles, CA 2014- 2016
● Tailored to the demands and anticipated the needs of movie production studios and marketing partners to provide a high end boutique quality experience
● Create high end 3D objects and body parts to complete 3D Scans using Maya, 3ds Max and Z-brush
● Edit video content using After Effects and Premiere to promote 3D scanning in certain businesses
● Negotiated partnerships allowing the company to expand into new fields whilst conserving resources
● Experimented and developed new techniques to reverse engineer and reconstruct 3D scans
● Merged a multitude of programs including Artec Studio, Maya, Z-brush and Photoshop to attain the highest level of quality and accuracy
T utor, Community College Foundation
Los Angeles, CA 2010- 2014
● Customized interactive lesson plans to increase student engagement to reach desired learning outcomes
● Engaged parents in their student’s educational progress through active communication and involvement
● Maintained supervising officials updated on client progress through the submission of timely reports
● Promoted positive learning environment for foster youth, emotionally and developmentally challenged students previously at high risk of retention
● Increased student attendance in Los Angeles Juvenile Detention Centers and consistent individual participation
● Incorporated technology into tutoring lesson plans leading to higher rated enjoyability of sessions as reported on parental assessments
Tutor, AAA Academics
Los Angeles, CA 2007-2010
● Served students in impoverished areas ranging in age from five through eighteen struggling academically in core grade coursework.
● Worked alongside parents and students to identify educational goals and establish steps towards success
● Tailored lesson plans to meet needs of clients with physical and learning disabilities EDUCATION
3763 East 6st Street Los Angeles, Ca 90023
Telephone: 323-***-****
Email: ************@*****.***
John Marquez
California State University Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 2013 - 2016
Attained a Bachelors of Arts in Art; Animation Option with a standing G.P.A. of 3.32 Awards & Recognition.
● Golden Key International Honour Society
East Los Angeles Community College
Los Angeles, CA 2009 - 2012
Completed an Associate of Arts Degree in Animation Awards & Recognition
● Awarded Dean’s List for the years of 2011 and 2012.
● Awarded President’s List for the years of 2012 and 2013. SKILLS
● Fluent in Spanish; written and verbal
● Knowledge of Word, Office,Excel and various office programs
● Capable of advance program navigation in Adobe Suite and Autodesk Programs 3763 East 6st Street Los Angeles, Ca 90023
Telephone: 323-***-****
Email: ************@*****.***