richard schippers
ma r ke t i ng assoc i a t e
Shoreline, WA 98155
pro f i l e
Recent graduate of a highly ranked university with experience developing and promoting brand and marketing materials. A certified project manager and accomplished executive with a proven ability to develop and implement new profit centers that supports core business objectives. Seeking opportunities to leverage project management experience to an integrated marketing environment.
educa t i on
Bachelor of Science Marketing Management - GPA 3.5/4.0 Western Governors University - May 2016
CompTIA Project+ Certification
ComtTIA - February 2016
t echn i ca l sk i l l s
Electronic Mediums:
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram), Google Analytics, Microsoft and Mac OS, MS Office (Excel, Word, Pow- erpoint, Outlook), Adobe Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Bridge, Lightroom, Illustrator), ProTools Print Mediums:
Large Format, Digital Printing / Variable Data Print, File Preparation, Silk Screen Project Management:
10+ years managing collateral and catalog design, print and prepress, CompTia Project+ Certified re l avan t exper i ence
Imagine Color Service (2005-Present) - Project Management & New Business Development Project Manager for collateral prepress from client to publication on several high end accounts including Nordstrom, Mario’s, and Amazon. Established work-flow protocol for multiple publication ad campaigns.
• Establish conversion and color space SOP’s for print and web imaging creating new, innovative revenue sources.
• Expanded the company’s resume of skill sets beyond traditional print, into fields like photography support and web imaging.
• Co-chaired the company’s re-brand and the company website rebuild, improving business outreach. Iridio Digital Printing (2003-2005) - Digital Print Project Manager Managed short run digital print jobs and large format signage as well as assisting the sales staff with estimation, billing and customer relations for clients like DHL, T-Moblile and Magnolia High-Fi.
• Set up a CASS certified bulk mailing facility, adding a new revenue source.
• Built an estimating system from the ground up including the re-evaluation of the pricing structures of labor, machine costs, materials and outsourcing. This reduced the time needed to process from 3 days to 1 hour or less.
~ References available upon request ~