Oregonia, Ohio 45054
Career Objective: Long-term, operations management position within a stable and growing company.
Skills Summary
Military: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), United States Army; Specialized in Administration, Planning and Operations.
Education: Bachelor’s Degree; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Professional Aeronautics.
Operations Management: Over 24 years of supervisory experience in Leadership, Administration and Operational Management. Highly skilled in multi-tasking, organizational skills and team building. U.S Army Aviation Maintenance Commander and Administrator of over 300 soldiers. Operations, Logistics and Financial Manager for Battalion Headquarters.
Planning: Developed and revised strategic plans of organizational goals and objectives for Ohio Homeland Security. Facilitated and developed Ohio Homeland Security’ 1st Homeland Security Strategic Plan. Developed and executed operation plans and standard operation procedures for counterdrug task force in support of Ohio Law Enforcement and State BCI&I. Reviewed and advised Safety/Security Action Plans, Emergency Operation Plans and Drug Free Safety Plans for companies.
Security: Independent Contractor/Consultant for Ohio Department of Public Safety, Homeland Security Division: Protective Security Specialist; managed projects in conducting security/safety assessments of State Infrastructure. Completed project of physical security and safety assessments for the City of Cincinnati in preparation for the 2012 World Choir Games.
Safety: Safety project manager for planning, policy development and training programs. Developed a “Basic School Safety Policy” distributed and implemented policy to 75 area school districts.
Health: Regional Substance Abuse Specialist for Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Prevention for Professional Sports (Major League Baseball; National Football League; National Hockey League and Major League Soccer).
Professional Experience
TSS Consulting – Operations Manager
Lebanon, Ohio, 2007 – Present
Operations and Planning
oManaged state infrastructure projects for Ohio Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security in the area of Infrastructure Protection (IP). Provided technical advice through assessments of State critical infrastructure.
oManages Security Assessments, Safety Training and Employee Health Awareness for Corporate Businesses and 95 Educational Institutions.
oDeveloped physical security standards of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for state infrastructure.
oCompleted projects for numerous operations in Southern Ohio by conducting Security Assessments, Disaster Preparedness Planning and Emergency Operation Procedures.
oProvided technical services and advice to corporate business structures through Security Assessments, Disaster Preparedness Planning and Emergency Operation Procedures.
Safety Manager
oDeveloped and conducted security and safety training to 95 area school districts and small businesses for compliance in Ohio Bureau Workers Compensation safety programs.
o Conduct annual safety training to local school administrators, school business managers and school transportation directors in compliance with the Southwestern Ohio Educational Procurement Council.
oDeveloped and wrote a “Basic School Safety Policy” and distributed policy to 87 area school districts
Project Manager
oCompleted risk, threat and vulnerability assessment project of the Ohio River that borders the State of Ohio for the Director of Ohio Homeland Security.
oManaged and executed activities with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during training exercises.
U.S. Army/Ohio National Guard - Executive Manager
Columbus, Ohio, 1977 – 2007
oCommander of Aviation Attack Helicopter and Aviation Maintenance Units; Managed over 15 million dollars of equipment inventory of aircraft, supplies, maintenance parts and fire control systems.
oStaff Officer, developed military operation plans, mission plans, and security and safety procedures in the execution of military operation support missions.
oSenior Staff Officer/Manager in Safety and Logistics for Battalion Commanding Officer.
oPlanned and executed operation plans between U.S. Army/ National Guard, Counterdrug Task Force and Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure the accomplishment of goals and objectives during operational missions.
oSupervised and administrated specimen (Drug) collection teams in support of the Armed Forces Substance Abuse Program (U.S. Army & U.S. Air Force).
Staff Planner/Trainer
oPlanned and conducted training for approximately 300 soldiers assigned under my command.
oPrepared the annual Governor’s Counterdrug State Plan and the Counterdrug Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) annually for 14 years.
oFacilitated the development and completion of Ohio Division of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan for the Department of Ohio Public Safety.
oAccomplished the goals and requirements set forth by the Governor’s State Security Task Force for Homeland Security Strategic Plan.
Maintenance Test Pilot
oU.S. Army Aviator; AH-1J Cobra, UH-1H Huey, OH-58A Scout Helicopters.
oMaintenance Test Pilot; Conducted Test Flights on maintenance repaired helicopters.
oMaintained Fire Control Systems on AH-1 Attack Helicopters.
Department Homeland Security/FEMA
2013: Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents
2011: Disaster Preparedness for Community Infrastructure
2011: IS 0906/0907 Workplace Security Awareness/Active Shooter
2008: Incident Command - ICS 300/400, Washington D.C.
American Management Association
2003: Strategic Planning Training Program, Columbus, Ohio
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
1999: Command and General Staff Officer Course, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
1996: Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics, Daytona Beach, Florida
Three Meritorious Service Medals; Excellence in Operations Management
Ohio Meritorious Medal; Service to Governor’s State Security Task Force
Four Military Commendation Medals; Outstanding Performance of Duties
Distinguished Graduate; Officer Candidate School, U.S. Army Military Academy