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BS from School of Human Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE)
specializing in Human Computer Interaction.
University of Washington
September 2012 - June 2016
Designed an immersive puzzle game that focused on communicating physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety to players who do not suffer from anxiety.
University of Washington HCDE Capstone
January 2016 - June 2016
Worked with C# in Unity3D in order to prototype interactions and player mechanics using the HTC Vive.
Focused on creating wireframes and mockups that culminated in a mobile and web prototype; designed ran extensive usability tests. UX Designer and Researcher at Bellhapp
January 2016 - present
Researched Bellhapp’s target user groups to gather and develop design requirements through interviews and surveys. Designing and developing prototypes for virtual reality game mechanics and player interactions. All development is for the HTC Vive using Unity3d.
Technical Designer at House of How
June 2016 - present
Created a cooperative virtual reality puzzle game
2nd Place at AEC/VR Hackathon, Seattle, WA
September 2015
Designed user interactions and level design for the game as well as overall concepts and storyboards.
Conducted user tests to ensure users had the best experience possible with the game.
Facinated by how users interact
with new technologies, I specialize
in user research and testing as well
as designing and prototyping user
interactions for virtual reality based
games and applications.
Unity3d - Design and Development
Prototyping for HTC Vive
C# development
Maya and 3DS Max for prototyping
Multiple other prototyping tools
Conducting User Research
Mobile/Web app design
Game Design
509 - 720 - 0358
Seattle, WA
Conducted extensive usability tests in order to ensure intuitive user interactions and effective simulation of anxiety.