Carlos A. Martinez
E-mail: ************@*****.***
Video Profile: Carlos A. Martinez
Skype ID: carlosarbeymartinez
I am a highly motivated and broadly prepared professional in the field of language teaching. I have also demonstrated my abilities to work effectively with colleagues in an environment that promotes innovation, teaching, learning, and service to a diverse student population, to work with students with a wide range of skills and motivations, and to help develop curriculum suited for a particular institution’s need. Moreover, I constantly explore new technologies and varied strategies applicable in this field. And last but not least, I am a very open-minded person, aware and sensitive about cultural differences and about students’ weaknesses and strengths when learning another language. My goal is to promote excellence and high expectations in and out of the classroom.
2013 to ... College of Applied Sciences-Nizwa (Ministry of Higher Education, Sultanate of Oman)
Full time English teacher: responsible for Applied Science Preparatory College Students in the field of Conversational, Academic and ESP English as a requirement in their careers.
2010-2013 Fund. Educ. FEM, CerroMatoso Nickel Mine, BHPBilliton (Montelíbano, Colombia)
Full time homeroom teacher: responsible for third grade bilingual students in the field of Math, Science and English.
2008-2009 University of Ha’il (Ha’il, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, K.S.A.)
Full time English teacher: responsible for Preparatory University Students in the field of Conversational and Academic English as a requirement in their careers.
2005-2008 Visiting International Faculty Program (VIF, public schools, N.C. and S.C., U.S.A.)
Full time ESL-Spanish teacher: responsible for K-12 students in American public schools as an educator and cultural ambassador for three consecutive years.
1994-2005 Secretaría de Educación Municipal (CASD and Santa Librada K-12 Public Schools, Cali. Colombia) Full time English teacher: responsible for K-12 students in the field of English teaching (EFL).
1995-2004 Santiago de Cali University U.S.C. (Cali, Colombia)
English teacher and tutor: responsible for English University students in the undergraduate program of language teaching whose objective is to gain expertise in English and in pedagogy.
1995-2003 Icesi University (Cali, Colombia)
English teacher and tutor: responsible for the area of EFL and ESP students who register for the different levels of mandatory English in their eight-semester programs.
2015 M.A. in ‘Formación de Profesores de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera’ (TEFL).
Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, UEMC (Valladolid-Spain).
2013 M.A. in ‘Teaching English as a Foreign Language’ (TEFL).
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, UNINI (Puerto Rico-U.S.A.).
1985 B.A. in ‘Lenguas Modernas' (with a specialization in teaching foreign languages).
Universidad del Valle, U.V. (Cali-Colombia).
1998 Specialization in ‘Docencia para la Educación Superior’.
Universidad Santiago de Cali, U.S.C. (Cali-Colombia).
1990 Courses in English Teaching, Literature, Composition, and Grammar.
Catawba Valley Community College, C.V.C.C. (N.C.-U.S.A.).
1983 Graduate in English Grammar, Writing, Reading, and Language Proficiency.
Centro Cultural Colombo Americano, C.C.C.A. (Cali-Colombia).
2008Mi Español: Resource Book for Teachers and Students of the Spanish Language (350 pages).
Published by AuthorHouse Editorial (U.S.A.). ISBN: 978**********.
2003 Don't Stop: Resource Book for Teachers and Students of the English Language (530 pages).
Published by U.S.C. Editorial (Colombia, South America). ISBN: 978**********.
1999 Children's Songs and Adults' Songs (53 pages and 1 cassette, 46 pages and 2 cassettes, respectively).
*Selected songs put together only as an English resource for our school.
1999 Having Fun with Tenses and Having Fun with Vocabulary (105 pages and 102 pages, respectively).
*Selected activities put together only as an English resource for our school.
2015: Presenter for Forum Regional Engl. Supervisors and Teachers (FOREST 15), Nizwa Training Center, Nizwa-Oman.
2014: Presenter for 1st CAS ELT National Symposium: Beyond Methods College of Applied Sciences-Rustaq, Oman.
2014: Presenter for 1st National Workshop on Assessment, College of Applied Sciences-Rustaq, Oman.
2008: Presenter as an Educator and Cultural Ambassador for the Visiting International Faculty Program (VIF) in N.C. and SC, US.
2008: Presenter for Berkeley County School District Instructional Fair / Staff Development, SC, US.
2007: Participant for VIF Spring Professional Development Conference, SC, US.
2006: Presenter for Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District, ESL Curriculum and Instruction team, NC, US.
2004: Participant for V Seminario Interamericano de Aprendizaje Escolar, Col. Bilingue Lauretta Bender, Cali, Col.
2003: Participant for British Council Symposium ELT, innovations in communicative lang. teaching, Univ. Javeriana, Cali, Col.
2003: Participant for Classroom Strategies Seminar, Universidad Santiago de Cali, USC, Cali, Col.
2002: Presenter for 10th Annual ELT Conference, C.C.C.A. Centro Cultural Colombo Amer., Cali, Col.
2002: Participant for Staff Development Session, C.C.C.A. Centro Cultural Colombo Americano, Cali, Col.
2002: Presenter for V Sem. Taller para Prof. de Idiomas del Suroccid. Col. Univ. Cauca, Popayán, Col.
2001: Presenter for XXXVI Congr. Nac. de Prof. de Inglés de Asocopi, C.C.C.A. Medellín, Col.
2001: Participant for 36th Asocopi Nat. Eng. Lang. Teaching Conference, C.C.C.A. Medellín, Col.
2001: Presenter for IV English Language Teaching Conference, C.C.C.A. Buenaventura, Col.
2001: Presenter for 2nd English Teacher's Regional Congress, Univ. de la Amazonía, Florencia, Col.
2001: Presenter for 2nd ELT Regional Congress, Colegio Rafael Pombo y Asocopi, Cartago, Col.
2001: Presenter for X Congreso Regional de Asocopi, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, Col.
2001: Participant for 10th Regional Conference, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, Col.
2001: Participant for 9th Annual ELT Conference, C.C.C.A. Centro Colombo Americano, Cali, Col.
2000: Participant for New Tech. and Method. for Eng. Teaching, Sec. Educación Municipal, Cali, Col.
1999: Participant for Asocopi Eng. for Specific Purposes Spec. Interest Group, Univ. Icesi, Cali, Col.
1995: Participant for XXX Annual Congress of Asocopi, Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá, Col.
1993: Participant for XXVIII Annual Congress of Asocopi, Col. Sagrada Familia, San Andrés, Col.
1990: Participant for module The Whole Language Approach to Learning, Catawba Valley College, NC, US.
1990: Participant for module Understanding and Influencing Children, Catawba Valley College, NC, US.
1990: Participant for module Positive Discipline in the Classroom, Catawba Valley College, NC, US.
REFERENCES: at your request.