Be linda Taylor
*** ****** ** ****** ********, IL60484
708-***-**** ******@*****.***
To obtain a posit ion wher e I can ut ilize my educat ion as a medical Assistant in a clinical and pr act ical healthcar e set t ing
Taylor Medical Associates Chicago, IL
Medical Assistant ( externship-to-hire) February 2012 pr esent
Conduct inject ions and per form blood dr aws
Per form EKG s and ear ir r igat ions
Measur e and r ecordvital signs
Complete administr at ive dut ies such as scheduling appointments, checking in pat ients, and scanning medical documents in to electronic database
Contact pharmacies with new and r efill pr escr iptions
Ver ify insur ance policies and bill pat ients for procedur es
Retr ieve medical r ecords from differ ent offices
Input lab r esults into pat ient char t
Walgr eens Mat teson, IL
Senior Certified Pharmacy Technician 2006 2011
Cor r ected and r esubmit ted third par tyclaims according to the individual plans
Assisted pharmacist in filling pr escr iptions by r etr ieving, count ing, and packaging medicat ions
Provided customer swith cour teous, fr iendly, fast, and efficient service AWARDS
Ever est Dr eam Award 2012
CPR Cer t ified, Nat ional Safety Council, Issued 2010 Illinois Pharmacy Technician License, Expir es Mar ch 31, 2012 HIPAAand OSHATr ained
Knowledge ofmedical terminology Per form EKG s Familiar withpharmacology Measur e &r ecordvital signs Administer inject ions Univer sal Safety Pr ecaut ions Var ious Lab Procedur es Phlebotomy Ability tomake pat ients feel at ease ADMINISTRATIVESKILLS
Appointment scheduling Microsoft Office Proficiency Recordkeeping Pat ient car e CPT&ICD-9 Coding Third Par tyBilling Able touse all office equipmen t Pat ient communicat ion Accur acyand at tent ion-to-detail EDUCATION
Ever est College Mer r ionet te Park, IL
Medical Assistant Mar ch 2012
References available upon request