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Engineering Sheet Metal

Madison Heights, MI, 48071
August 25, 2016

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Mobile: +*- (***) – ******* Email: ************@*****.**.**

Address: ***** ***** *****, ******* *******, Michigan - 48071

Carrier Summary

3+ Years Experience in performing fluid and structural analysis in the field of Automobile/Mechanical.

Broad and profound knowledge in Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Management.

Strong analytical and technical background in fluid flow, heat transfer and numerical methods

Worked on developing 4 cylinder engines by meeting the engine specifications in terms of thermal, structural and performance.

Defining the parameterization approach to be used for shape/section morphing and the optimization definition.

Experience in automating simulation process to facilitate large number of DOE simulations including pre-processing, simulation and post-processing.

Excellent analytical, problem solving and leadership qualities with admirable communication and presentation skill.

Extensive data collection, mesh generation and analysis experience with commercial tools.

CFD Solvers - ANSYS 14.5(Fluent, CFX),Star CCM+, GT-Power (1D Simulations).

CAE Solvers - Nastran, Abaqus, LS-Dyna

Pre Processors - Hypermesh, Meshworks, ANSA, Pointwise V17

CAD – Catia V5, NX-9, AutaCad,

Programming - C, Mat Lab, Fortran

Work Experience

Project Engineer at Detroit Engineered Products, Inc. – Troy, MI January 2014-Present

Provided engineering solutions using CFD/CAE techniques starting from problem discussion, CAD geometries collection, mesh generations, simulations and optimizations to presentations, providing design suggestions and guidelines for future improvements.

Managing a Team for completing the projects.

Assisted in engine component design and development process

Built various 1D engine models for system level simulations. Provided boundary conditions for 3D CFD analysis

Analyzed and evaluated combustion engine thermal prediction and also the components stress levels

Performed design and analysis of parts, components, and systems

Assisted senior engineers in engine calibration tests

Performed engineering calculations to increase the combustion ratio and also the piston bowl design.

Identified peak temperatures in Engine head and block and suggest changes to overcome potential issues.

Developed various pre & post processing macros to automate and standardize entire conjugate heat transfer simulation and report creation procedures.

Created scripts to automate the process of running DOE for optimizing gasket holes to minimize pressure drop and control temperatures.

Created procedure for mapping solid temperatures from conjugate heat transfer engine simulation for CAE Analysis using the java macros in STARCCM+

Performed deicing analysis on windshield and side windows. Recommended the location of the demisters for the side windows from the analysis and also the angle of vanes for the windshield defroster.

Optimized Air induction system of a automobile engine to minimize the pressure drop and maximize the flow uniformity through air cooler. Achieved uniform mass flow rate across the runners.

Involved in modeling of entire coolant loop including radiator, heater cores, engine, and thermostat.

Recommended locations to ensure the required flow requirements are met for each component.

Involved in widely appreciated development of procedure for simulation of crankcase consisting of entire engine cavity with rotating crankshaft and moving pistons.

Evaluated the effect of geometry features on drain back flow, pumping work etc.

Suggested geometry modifications like drain back location; windage tray hole sizing and location etc.

Worked on various sheet metal forming and mold flow techniques for different sheet metal components.

Performed modal analysis on IP, BIW and console.

Observed all the Global IP Modes and related frequency to check the stiffness of the model. Added design enablers, shape parameters and gauge parameters to meet the frequency targets to baseline model.

Research Assistant at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Dec2012-Jan2014

Research mainly focused on the fuel slosh in propellant tanks

Examined fuel sloshing in spacecraft and launch vehicle propellant tanks by adding different type of baffles and asperities

Observed the variation in damping frequency and the tangential forces due to addition of baffles & asperities to the fuel tank

Validated the results by fabricating and conducting experimental testing at the fuel slosh test facility in Embry Riddle

Software used: CATIA V5, ANSYS CFX 14.5, ANSYS Transient Structural 14.5, LABVIEW and POINTWISE V17

Graduate Intern at Defense Research Development Laboratories (DRDL), India May –July, 2009

Performed various engineering calculations to come up with design measurements by meeting all the safety constraints

Designed a Surge Tank with top plate, bottom plate and bolts and modeled Shape and Parametric design by using PRO-E Software

The objective is to find the value of force which will initiate failure from fracture or yield using the Von Misses Failure Theory

Observed the stresses and deformation in the frame using ANSYS 11

Design got approved for production


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University- Daytona Beach, F.L (U.S.A) May 2013

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering GPA – 3.6

Institute of Aeronautical Engineering - Hyderabad, AP (INDIA) May 2010

Bachelor of Technology in Aeronautical Engineering GPA – 3.7

Academic Projects

CFD Evaluation of wind flow condition between two prisms of the identical model by varying the width using LES

●Project mainly dealt about the turbulence created around the prisms by the wind flow

●A large eddy simulation CFD model based on the compressible flow equations were used to simulate the wind fields around the prisms

●Modeled two identical prisms which were placed side by side and the flow analysis is done to study the behavior of the fluid around the two buildings

●Observed the behavior of the micro air vehicle when it enters the urban areas

●Analysis was done using Ansys Fluent and the mesh was generated using Pointwise v17 software

Cooling system for a Turbo fan engine using vortex tube

●The project dealt with the idea of using vortex tubes as a cooling system for the aircraft gas turbine engine

●Designed a Turbofan Engine by pass duct with turbine blades in CATIA software and placed the vortex tube near that for the analysis

●Performed fluent analysis using K epsilon cfd model equations in order to analyze the flow in vortex tube

●Observed the velocity and the temperature contours of the vortex tube according to the duct conditions

Powder stream characteristics in cold spray

The main objective of the project was to see the behavior of the flow when it was sprayed

Performed fluent analysis on the particle flows along with the gas to see the behavior of the particles when they are injected with high velocities into a convergent divergent nozzle

Studied the flow behavior of the particles and observed the velocity and temperature contours of the particle flow so that they reach the requirements of the device analyzed


Research on ‘Asperities and Baffles design on Slosh Behavior in Spacecraft and Launch Vehicle Propellant Tanks’ was published in 55th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/SC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2014

Published paper on Design Optimization of Defrost Grills to Reduce Condensation in STAR CCM+ World conference on March 2015 in San Diego.

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