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Assistant C

Newark, NJ
July 22, 2016

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Christopher J. Trabbic

Center for Drug Design and Development

Department of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry

College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of Toledo (Toledo, Ohio)

Cell:419-***-**** EDUCATION

Post-doctoral fellow on Grant R01 CA115494, University of Toledo (2012-2016) o Advisors: Prof. Paul W. Erhardt and Prof. William A. Maltese

Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Toledo (2006-2012) o Advisor: Prof. James T. Slama

o Dissertation entitled “Chemoenzymatic synthesis of NAADP derivatives: Probing the unknown NAADP receptor”.

Bachelors of Science and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toledo (2003-2006) o Advisor: Prof. L.V.M. Tillekeratne


Expertise in synthetic medicinal chemistry, including the purification and identification of synthesized molecules and the resulting structure-activity relationship studies.

Experience in the biological and pharmacological aspects of drug design and development, as well as the process of protecting intellectual property.

Experience working on multidisciplinary team research projects.

Application of chemoenzymatic strategies to circumvent difficulties associated with total synthetic methods.

Experience in the design and synthesis of chemical probes aimed at isolating and characterizing unique protein receptors.

Understand and prefer leadership roles.

Precise oral and written communication skills.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

o Routine maintenance and probe tuning

o 1D/2D NMR and interpreting complex data

Mass spectrometry (ESI and MALDI-TOF); associated sample preparation and data interpretation


o Equipment troubleshooting skills

o Application of a variety of resins, including ion-exchange, reverse-phase and normal-phase resins; Preparation of columns with unique resins

LC-MS/MS applied to pharmacokinetic studies and compound characterization

FTIR/UV spectroscopy


Design and development of small molecules as potential therapeutic agents in the treatment of Glioblastoma multiforme.

Synthesis of small molecule inhibitors of ERCC1-XPF, a DNA repair protein complex, to overcome Cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer.

1. Development of NAADP analogs to further define the structure-activity relationship for NAADP; 2. Synthesis of NAADP probes to identify binding protein(s).

Synthesis and evaluation of bilirubin analogs as PPARα agonists. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE

2006 – 2012 Teaching assistant for Advanced Organic Synthesis Lab and Microbiology and Immunology Lab (both taught to 3rd,4th year professional students). Responsible for delivering lectures, guiding students in experiments and grading their work.

2010 – 2012 Supervised and instructed undergraduate research interns (4), one of which is a Ph.D. student at Purdue University.

2012 – Present Instructed 4 undergraduate interns within the CD3. Two of these students have graduated with a Master’s degree. I served as committee member for both of these students. Additionally, one other student accepted a position in the University of Minnesota Ph.D. program. These students have all been secondary authors on my papers. I also have provided a number of guest lectures to professional students on topics regarding drug design and development (MBC 3880 & MBC 5100).


2006 - 2012 Graduate teaching assistant, Department of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry, University of Toledo.

2012 - Present Post-doctoral fellow in the Center for Drug Design and Development (CD3).



Trabbic, C.; Walseth, T.; Slama, J. "Derivatives of NAADP probing the poorly characterized NAADP receptor". 32nd Annual National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, University of Minnesota, June 6 - 9th 2010.

Trabbic, C.; Slama, J.; Walseth, T. “Chemoenzymatic synthesis of NAADP derivatives: Probing the unknown NAADP receptor”. ACS National Conference, San Diego, CA, March 25 - 29th 2012.

Trabbic, C.; Robinson, M.; Maltese, W.; Erhardt, P. “Indole-based chalcones as inducers of Methuosis”. ACS National Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 7 - 11th 2013.

Trabbic, C. J.; Overmeyer, J. H.; Maltese, W.A.; Erhardt, P. W. “Structural requirements for indolyl-pyridinyl-propenones to induce either methuosis, microtubule disruption or cytoplasmic vacuolization”. 35th National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Palmer House, Chicago, IL, June 26th-29th, 2016. Oral:

Trabbic, C.; Walseth, T.; Slama, J. "Derivatives of NAADP probing the poorly characterized NAADP receptor". UT Midwest Graduate Research Symposium, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, March 20th, 2010.

Trabbic, C.; Walseth, T.; Slama, J. "Derivatives of NAADP probing the poorly characterized NAADP receptor". Midwest Atlantic Graduate Student Symposium

(MAGGS), Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, July 18 – 20th 2010.

Trabbic, C.; Walseth, T.; Slama, J. “Chemoenzymatic synthesis of NAADP derivatives: Probing the unknown NAADP receptor”. 43rd Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dearborn, MI, June 5 - 9th 2012.

Trabbic, C. J.; Maltese, W. A. “Subtle chemical substitutions on indolyl-pyridinyl- propenones reveal diverse mechanisms of cytotoxicity in glioblastoma cells”. BRIM Connection Conference (Organizer: Keith Crist), University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, May 14th, 2014.

Trabbic, C. J.; Maltese, W.A., Overmeyer, J. H.; Erhardt, P. W. “Subtle chemical substitutions on indolyl-pyridinyl-propenones reveal diverse mechanisms of cytotoxicity in glioblastoma cells”. 20th Anniversary of the CD3 Research Symposium, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, June 22, 2014. HONORS/AWARDS

Graduated with undergraduate honors (2006).

ACS Division of Biological Chemistry Travel Award to the National ACS Conference in San Diego (2012).

Advanced Leadership Academy nominee and participant (organized by the College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo, 2012).

Invited speaker to the BRIM Connection Conference and the 20th Anniversary CD3 celebration (see Oral presentations, 2014).


American Chemical Society

Adjunct member on the University of Toledo Graduate Faculty PUBLICATIONS

1. Trabbic, C.J.; George, S.M.; Alexander, E.M.; Du, S.; Offenbacher, J.O.; Crissman, E.J.; Overmeyer, J.H.; Maltese, W.A.; Erhardt, P.W. Synthesis and biological evaluation of isomeric substitutions on anti-cancer indolyl-pyridinyl-propeneones: Effect on potency and mode of activity. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2016, 122, 79-91.

2. Stec, D.E.; Kezia, J; Trabbic, C.J.; Luniwal, A.; Hankins, M.W.; Baum, J.; Hinds, Jr., T.J. Bilirubin binding to PPARα inhibits lipid accumulation. PLoS One 2016, 11, e0153427. 3. Hinds Jr., T. D.; Kezia J.; McBeth, L.; Trabbic, C. J.; Sanchez, E. R. Timcodar (VX-853) is a non-FKBP12 binding macrolide that inhibits PPARγ and suppresses adipogenesis. PPAR Research 2016, 6218637.

4. Trabbic, C. J.; Zhang, F.; Walseth, T. F.; Slama, J. T. Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate analogues substituted on the nicotinic acid and adenine ribosides. Effects on receptor-mediated Ca2+ release. J. Med. Chem. 2015, 58, 3593-3610. 5. Trabbic, C.J.; Overmeyer, J. H.; Alexander, E. M.; Crissman, E. J.; Kvale, H. M.; Smith, M. A.; Erhardt, P. W.; Maltese, W. A. Synthesis and biological evaluation of indolyl-pyridinyl- propenones having either methuosis or microtubule disruption activity. J. Med. Chem. 2015, 58, 2489-2512.

6. Trabbic, C. J.; Dietsch, H. M.; Alexander, E. M.; Nagy, P. I.; Robinson, M. W.; Overmeyer, J. H.; Maltese, W. A.; Erhardt, P. W. Differential induction of cytoplasmic vacuolization and methuosis by novel 2-indolyl-substituted pyridinylpropenones. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 73-77.

7. Ali, R. A.; Zhelay, T.; Trabbic, C. J.; Walseth, T. F.; Slama, J. T.; Giovannucci, D. R.; Wall, K. A. Activity of nicotinic acid substituted nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) analogs in a human cell line: Difference in specificity between human and sea urchin NAADP receptors. Cell Calcium 2014, 55, 93-103.

8. Trabbic, C.; Slama, J. T.; Walseth, T. F. Synthesis, biochemical activity, and structure- activity relationships (SAR) among NAADP analogs. Messenger 2012, 1, 108-120. PATENTS

1. Hinds, Jr., T. D., Stec, D.E., & Trabbic, C.J. 2016. Thin Molecules for the Treatment of Obesity and Type II Diabetes.US 62/301,134.

2. W.A. Maltese, P.W. Erhardt, J. H. Overmeyer, C. Trabbic. Materials and Methods Useful to Induce Vacuolization, Cell Death or a Combination Thereof. US 9,061,994 B1. Issued June 23, 2015. (Second CIP from previously issued parent).

3. S.M. Patrick, P.W. Erhardt and C. Trabbic. Inhibitors of ERCC1-XPF and Methods of Using the Same. WO2015/077753 A1. Published May 28, 2015. 4. W.A. Maltese, P.W. Erhardt, C. Trabbic and J.H. Overmeyer. Materials and Methods Useful to Induce Vacuolization, Cell Death or a Combination Thereof. US 9,023,871 B2. Issued May 5, 2015.


NIH R01 Grant

Title: Thin Molecules for the Treatment of Diabetes Total Direct Cost: $2,500,000

Submitted July 1, 2016

Role: Collaborator


ADA Pathways to Stop Diabetes Research Project Grant (Funding Agency: American Diabetes Association)

Title: Novel Activators of Nuclear Receptors in the Attenuation of Diabetes Total Direct Cost: $1,625,000

Submitted July 1, 2015

Role: Collaborator


Susan G. Komen Post-Doctoral Fellowship Grant (Funding Agency: Susan G. Komen) Title: Small Molecules Having Novel Mechanisms of Cytotoxicity in Breast Cancer Total Direct Cost: $180,000

Submitted July 17, 2014

Role: PI


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