Rochester, New York 14617
Phone: 585-***-****
OBJECTIVE: To serve as an Administrative Assistant with an opportunity for
EXPERIENCE: 4/17/2000-4/27/2015 General Education Instructor-Everest
Demonstrated instructional methods involving high-tech applications for
successful career placement in vocational fields in combination with
computerized keyboarding data; Utilized hands-on activities involving
computational math skills such as factoring, grouping, linear equations,
and mapping; created financial statements involved in accounting.
1994-2000 Keyboard Specialist-Brockport State College
Handled budget expense items and travel statements, ordered supplies
and kept track of inventory; implemented a specialized database for all
Inter-office production jobs done; provided backup assistance for the
Admissions Department.
1998 Educational Opportunity Mentor-Brockport State College
Tutored foreign exchange students enrolled as Business majors; created
study guides for rote-based learning; provided guidance, study skills, and
assessments for improvement.
EDUCATION: 2002-2009 Ms. Ed., State University of New York at
1994-1998 B.A., Brockport State College Cum Laude
1985-1993 A.A.S., Monroe Community College Suma Cum Laude
AFFILIATIONS: 2011-2015 Mathematical Association of America, American
Mathematical Teachers Association of New York
AWARDS: 2009-Teacher of the Year
Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society; Sigma Delta National Honor
Society; SAVE Certification
REFERENCES: Available Upon Request
Eva Wilcox
Academic Dean
Everest Institute
Dawn Mulcock
Department Chair
General Education
Everest Institute
Sally Donohue
Department Chair
Administrative Office Technology
Everest Institute