Thatched Cottage, The Wood, Maesbrook, Shropshire, SY10 8QT.
Home +44(0) 169*-***-*** Cell +44(0) 759*-***-***) A capable professional looking to move out of the volatile and unpredictable oil and gas sector and into more sustainable and secure employment. During a career spanning in excess of twenty years, I have accumulated a wealth of valuable transferable skills, particularly a strong and proactive ‘Safety First’ focus on health and safety; I am experienced with Permit to Work, Job Safety Analysis, Risk Analysis and safety reporting card systems. I have frequently operated as a supervisor and have strong man-management and leadership skills. I have performed well in award winning multi-disciplinary teams and can adapt to the demands of working away form home for extended periods of time.
• Strong written and oral communication.
• Proactive health and safety commitment.
• Creative problem solving.
• Integrates and performs well in multi-disciplinary team.
• Supervisor with strong man-management abilities.
• Ability to prioritise a workload.
• Time management.
• Basic first aid and fire-fighting.
• Full clean driving license.
• Clean bill of health (OPITO approved medical).
• Logistics (manifesting, invoicing, stock taking)
• Computer literate (Mac and PC)
Agent : RPS Energy Ltd (Director of Stewart Geological Services from April 2012)
• Performed a lead role in successful multi-disciplinary teams, ‘setting up’ jobs in isolated international locations.
• Field Supervisor ensuring QC of Third Party data acquisition & transmission, providing written assessments when needed. Meeting demanding targets in a high-pressure environment.
• Proactive oral and written communication skills, submitting daily reports and draft End of Well Reports.
• Contributing to, and management of, remote ‘live’ data base ensuring correct streaming of data.
• Continuous problem solving, team building and management of others in a challenging multi-cultural environment where English was not often the first language.
• Real time assessment, evaluation and prompt communication of data to provide the best live ‘in the field’ interpretation.
LaserStrat Geoscientist, Data Engineer, Logging Geologist
• Monitoring, collating and the prompt communication of drilling parameters and geological data to optimise safe and efficient drilling operations.
• Complete management of remote laboratories, including stock checks and database management, to ensure the safe and efficient running of the Service.
• Preparation of daily technical and operational reports while supervising the collection and analysis of data. CHEMOSTRAT LTD (2000 – 2001)
Geologist/ Junior Chemostratigrapher
• Part of the LaserStrat R & D Team developing cutting-edge analytical geochemical instruments for use at well site.
• Collaborating in the writing of reports.
• Analysing and correlating data to determine best sampling strategies. NICHOLLS COLTON GEOTECHNICAL LTD (1997 – 1999)
Junior Geotechnical Engineer
• Accurate positioning of test pits and recording of services therein and description of samples to BS5930.
• Supervision of two man (cable percussion) drill crews to ensure the accurate positioning of bore holes and that correct sampling and testing regimes were adhered to. KINGSTON GEOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD 1991 - 1995
Geologist, Senior Technician
• Assisting in the logging of cores and cuttings and the collating of data for final reports.
• Supervision of a small technical team to ensure the smooth running of both wet and dry laboratories.
• Preparation of samples for analysis.
• Field assistant to Professor Moody, collecting specimens and drafting lithological logs, Northern Tunisia. EDUCATION
Kingston Polytechnic, 1988 - 1991, BSc (hons) GEOLOGY (2ii) Professional Non Petroleum Geology Training Courses COSHH Basic and Intermediate 05/2001 Data Engineer School 09/2005 Mudlogging Unit Management 02/2007 Introduction to ODM 03/2007 SOFTWARE
Databases and Log Drawing
Gravitas PetroLink LiveLink ODM GeoLite INSITE InterAct Comfortable with both Microsoft and Apple operating systems, Office programmes and related products. INTERESTS
I have enjoyed running a 2 acre small holding, producing a range of fruits & vegetables while simultaneously planting out a deciduous woodland and orchard. I enjoy travel, music, cinema and socialising with friends. As well as reading both fiction and non fiction, I have also enjoyed writing verse and short stories. I also care for two children (1 & 2 y/o), and, as a ‘stay at home Dad’, I have been acquiring a whole other set of unique transferrable skills. PERSONAL DETAILS
Non smoker Married, 2 children Clean Driving License Passport Yellow Fever Certificate, FOET BOSIET References are available.