Curriculum Vitae
Phone: (available on prior appointment thru’ email, thanks)
Email: **********.*********@*****.***
Over 10 yrs of experience in IT Industry as Software Professional
Involved in all phases of SDLC
Experience in SW Architecture, Management
Expertise in Assembly Language/ C/ C++/VC++/ Java ….
Implementation of Algorithms, Data structures, Maths
Exposure to SEI- CMM Standards
International experience with client interaction
Ability to work independently/ lead a team
Delivered many Technical Presentations, training sessions, technical documentation
An enthusiastic and project – owner with good communication skills, to develop creative solutions for challenging client needs
Experience in complete Product Development
BSC (Electronics), MCA from Osmania University
Technical Skills :
Languages : Assembly, C, C++, VC++, Java, .Net
Webserver : Apache – Tomcat, Boa
Web application server : Bea web logic 7.1
Middleware/ Distributed
Databases : Oracle 7.x/9i, MySQL
Operating Systems : Irix, Linux, WinNT/ 2k/ 95/ 98, Dos, Solaris, Mac OS
Rtos : Linux, RzkGen, VxWorks, TheOs
Device Drivers : Linux, Firmware
Modeling Languages : Uml, SpecExplorer
Case Tools : Rational Rose, Vss, Svn
Scripting : Shell, Xml, Html, JavaScript
Development Methodology : SDLC
Additional : Erdas, Orcad, Vlsi, Cgi, Opengl/ Gtk, Com, Ms- project, Snmp,
Ajax, Ethereal, Netmon, Gdb, Eclipse, Objective –c, Html5,
Design Patterns, Linux Internals, Stl, Css, PHP, Python, Ruby,
Hadoop/ Bigdata
Professional Training : Zilog Tools, Ixp2400, Fortran
Mobile Tech. : Android (Arm, Mini2440), iPhone
Education :
MCA, Master’s from Osmania University with Distinction
With Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science
BSC, Bachelor’s from Osmania University
With Electronics, Physics, Mathematics
Work Profile :
Note: Detailed description will be available @interview
*Presently, working as Independent Consultant …..
- ….. ….
- ….. …..
- ….. many projects on different platforms are under development
- ……
- *projects on android, iphone under development
- *analytics based tool development (R, c++, high precision, )
- *scam detection for cloud, mobile, website development (c, php, mysql, )
- *monitoring tool for cloud based, social media (c, php, mysql, python )
- proposal for embedded system, UI, cloud, medical devices i/f ( python, mysql, )
- android based wireless gateway virtual repeater ( c, java, )
- ems, firmware for embedded arm based Fuel Management System(c, php, mysql, )
- ems/ nms for optical networks (java, mysql,);
- on middle layer for android platform( c, jni, java, )
- proposals for web based portal(java, php, mysql,); mobile appli, games …..
*Nexus/Priscilla/M1/M2 – Wireless Digital Repeaters; LTE Base Station; Element Management System/ Network Management System
Organization : Powerwave Tech, India
Software : C/C++, Linux, Html, JScript, Cgi, Snmp, VC++, Ems/ Nms, WinXP,
Webcraft, Java, Http, Legacy Repeaters – Sonet/ SDH
Duration : 15 mnths
Hardware : Mpc5200, 8051, Usb, Ethernet Switch, Cdma/ Gprs modems ….
Overview :
It is an R& D product. I am involved in re- design of the system for performance improvement, involved in making Implementation Proposal’s (IP) for Product line series. Worked on Usb interfaces. Re – design of UI for EMS/ NMS issues. UI tools development for Antenna Configuration, ATE. Study on LTE 4g. Made Implementation Proposals, test environment for IPv4, IPv6, Sctp protocols.
*Protocols – Inspection, UI - test suite development
Organization : Wipro Tech, India; USA
Client : Microsoft Inc.
Software : C, C++/ VC++, XML, Linux, RPC, COM, WinXP/ 2K3, Netmon,
SpecExplorer, Wireshark, IPSec
Duration : 18 mnths
Team Size : 10
Overview :
The Project is about validating the contents of the RFC/ Technical Documents made by Microsoft. It implies checking for reliability, authenticity, inter operability of the description.
Role : I was involved in making Implementation Proposal’s (IP) for validation of protocols - SMB, WKST and RDP – Enhanced Graphics Device Interface. And, in making analysis, gathering requirements, design, development, and testing. I was leading a team, supporting onsite team and clients.
*Wild, Telematics – WiFi, UI; EMS
Organization : Wipro Tech, B’lore, India
Client : Continental Sys.
Software : C, C++, MySql, Nlos, Linux, WinXP
Hardware : Can, Usb, WiLD, Jtag
Duration : 5 mnths
Team Size : 6
Overview :
It acts as a base for upcoming technology where in, fast moving automobiles will communicate with each other to avoid collision and, traceable at any time. The entire health status of the automobile can be monitored through remote control unit.
Role : I was involved in analysis, requirement spec., design, development and testing. I made study on refinements to Nlos. I was point of contact for client.
*Tigris – Media Gateway; EMS/ NMS
Organization : Wipro Tech, Hyd, India
Client : Ericsson Comm.
Software : C, C++, Java, VxWorks, Snmp, Ems/ Nms, Solaris, Webcraft, Http
Hardware : Tigris/ MG, MGC, Pstn, CallGenerator, IPSec
Duration : 16 mnths
Team Size : 20
Overview :
It is a matured complex system. Multiple mp, Os, Protocols run on it. It is under sustenance.
Role : I was resolving the complex issues raised on it. I was handling Rtp, Rtcp, MeGaCo, H323, MGCP, Isdn, Snmp, Sip and VoIp…. Protocols. study of complete system, issues, analysis to resolve them, testing the system in different scenarios. Eventually, I was involved in re- design of the system. I made Technical Papers, Implementation Proposal’s to enhance the system. I was leading a team and point of contact for client.
*CLR – WiFi: Real- time Operation
Organization : Cwave Tech, India
Software : C, Linux, .Net, WinCE
Hardware : Ixp4xx
Duration : 12 mnths
Team Size : 6
Overview :
It is a development project for new mp. The environment was made to support real – time applications.
Role : I was involved in developing application, tools, profiling and testing.
*Interax – WiFi: PGatewayD (Access point)/ AGD (Station)
Organization : Actinium Network, S’pore (thru’ Yaska)
Software : C, C++, Rtos – linux
Hardware : Motorola857, Bdi2000, Pstn, Jtag, PowerPC
Duration : 5 mnths
Team Size : 4
Overview :
The project was done from scratch. Its about supporting multiple devices through common sharing wireless medium. PGD acts as a Server, connected to Pstn line and AGD acts as a Client, connected to telephone/ fax.
Role : I was involved in analysis, design, development, testing. I have implemented spi – driver, application, performance tuning, code optimization and debugging the kernel. Worked on wifi stack, drivers.
*Digital Display Device – WiFi
Organization : Yaska Tech, India
Software : C, C++, Linux
Hardware : Intel XScale – Ixp425, Jtag, Coyote
Duration : 6 mnths
Team Size : 5
Overview :
It is a reverse – engg. project.
Role : I was involved in development, performance tuning, optimization, testing the drivers and, application in adhoc and infrastructure mode.
*UI – OSD; Firmware for Display Device
Organization : Digix Tech, SKorea (thru’ Yaska)
Software : C, Kiel, VC++, WinXP
Hardware : 8051 –Micom, Mvdp100- Macro Image Processor, STB, Optometer
Duration : 12 mnths
Team Size : 6
Overview :
The project is done from scratch. It is a multi- purpose display device.
Role : I was involved in analysis, design, development and testing. I made a menu- driven Gui with controls like: brightness, contrast, zoom, colortemp, language fonts (english/ korean/ japanese), source signal, audio and others. Developed firmware, tools for validating the image processor, graphical operations. I was supporting the client.
*TCP/IP protocol stack, Firmware, Algos, Real- time Kernel for eZ80 mp
Organization : Yaska Tech., India
Client : Zilog Inc, USA
Software : Assembly, C, Zds, Rtos – RZKGen, Win95, Linux, Protocol Analyzer,
Hardware : eZ80__eval board, Zpak, PC
Duration : ~8 mnths
Team Size : 8
Overview :
The project is done from scratch. Development of new environment for the new mp.
Role : I was involved in analysis, design, development and testing. I am involved in drivers for Spi, I2C, Gpio, Uart16550, Zdi, Rtc- Dallas1302, Flash memory – MT28F008B5, Ethernet Controller –CS8900A, Debug Monitor. I was involved in low level layers for Ethernet to top application layers of protocol stack. I was involved in porting the RZKGen, the real- time kernel and application to provide the telnet interface and, debugging the compiler. I was point of contact for client.
*Isdn protocol stack, Firmware, Algos, Real- time kernel for z382, z183 mp
Organization : Yaska Tech., India
Client : Zilog Inc, Germany
Software : Assembly, C, Zds, Rtos – RZKGen, VC++, Win95, Linux, Protocol
Analyzer, HyperTerminal
Hardware : Z382__eval board, Ils2000, Zpak, PC
Duration : 12 mnths
Team Size : 8
Overview :
The project is done from scratch. Its about developing kernel, protocol stack.
Role : I was involved in analysis, design, development and testing. I was involved in drivers for Csio, Prt, Asci, Dma, Pcmcia, Hdlc, Gci and Flash. Debug Monitor (the most powerful s/w tool to test the performance and efficiency of the processor at 100% utilization. It has a mini- bootloader and Os, provides user interface to low- level operations. Ui has the following features – instruction disassembly, load hex- file, execute, step- in, copy, move, core – dump, stack- check and others), Ethernet Controller- CS8900A ( an intelligent controller, driver is capable to send and receive packets on local network), RZKGen ( Real – time Zilog kernel is a real- time, pre- emptive, multi- tasking kernel designed for time- critical embedded applications. It has a well- defined scheduler, memory management, ipc, timers), Isdn Protocol Stack (the features are as follows: it provides a set of interface primitives to applications for – setting up, releasing the circuit switched isdn call with the remote user, listen to incoming calls, sending and receiving of data over isdn b channel, suspend and resume calls, various control operations like alerting). I was involved in stack development and testing. I was point of contact for client.
*VRM2x – UI for Interactive Voice Response System
Organization : Yaska Tech., India
Client : Ttd, Hmwsb, ureach
Software : VC++, Oracle7.x, Win95, VxDs
Hardware : Vrm2x, Vrm2c, Pstn, Usb, PC
Duration : ~7 mnths
Team Size : 6
Overview :
It is an R&D product. Project consists of three modules – front end, yaska dll, i/o manager. When application is loaded, dll is attached to it and intern dll loads the memory resident process i.e, i/o manager. Ipc between appl. and mngr. is implemented through shared memory. I/o mngr. creates threads to talk to comm. Port. Callflow: an end user interacts to the system thru’ a telephone pad. It includes detecting ring, getting connected, playing messages, getting digits, recording messages and disconnect.
Role : I was involved in analysis, design, development and testing. Developed diagnostics utility, event logging utility, voice editor and handling clients.
*FIRE240 – UI for Histogram based image enhancement
Organization : NRSA, Dept. Of Space, India
Client : Isro; Dept. of space, Iran
Software : C, Dos, VC++, Win95, Erdas, Irix
Hardware : Film Recorder Fire- 240, PC
Duration : 6~10 mnths
Team Size : 4
Overview :
The project is made under national interest in critical situation. Its about enhancement to the satellite image.
Role : I was involved in analysis, development and testing. I was involved in making an mdi application, to display the “raw” and “enhanced” image and their histograms, line- graph for evaluation of the image quality before filming, implemented piece –wise linear stretch algo. Testing the parallel port i/f to the Fire240.
Personal Details
Spoken Languages : English, Hindi, Telugu, French(basic), Korean(basic)
International Experience : India, SKorea, Malaysia, S’pore, USA, Canada, //France