Debbie Barnes, CPC, COC
Beavercreek, Ohio 45431
Objective: I am a focused and assertive professional with over 20 years experience in the Health Information Technology field. I maintaining compliance in the healthcare industry. My career goal is to continue to review and interpret clinical documentation to assign accurate and complete codes, modifiers, discharge dispositions and any other clinical elements necessary to see the completion of the claims to be paid.
Professional Accomplishments:
Emergency Room And Clinicals
Apply the correct ICD-9, CPT, ICD-10 codes to accounts pertaining to lacerations, splints, casts etc.
Code pediatric and adults that may experience fevers, common colds, allergies, asthma attacks, chest pains, migraines etc.
Code wound cares, recurrent accounts, physical therapy, occupational therapy, neurology and family medicine.
Code sepsis,myocardial infarctions,pregnancy, newborn,organ failures etc.
Apply the correct ICD-9, CPT,HCPCS, ICD-10 charges to same day accounts.
Code critical care, colonoscopy,hernia repairs,dental,injections and infusions,EGD,joint replacements,catheter insertions and removals,device obstructions,eye procedures,complications of care,spine procedures,fracture care.
Code Ultrasounds, x-rays, interventional radiology.
Apply the correct ICD-9, CPC,HCPCS,ICD-10 codes to observation accounts.
Patients that experience chest pains, pneumonia,asthma attacks,fevers,nausea and vomiting,cancer patients,scoliosis,behavior/psychiatric disorders,sleep apnea.
Patients receiving Infusions/injections,chemotherapy and tube malfunctions.
Abstract ICD-9/ICD-10 codes based on CMS Outpatient coding guidelines. Medical Terminology. Compliant with HIPAA. Able to code using 1995 & 1997 CMS guidelines. FASCETS. EPIC. EMR. GoSolutions.