Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Mandarin Chinese
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
UA in China: Language and Culture
Faculty-led study abroad to Xiamen University, China
Steelcase Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, May - August 2015
Specials Engineering Internship
Designed custom furniture orders using PTC Creo (formerly Pro/ENGINEER)
Used Javascript to create image communication tools for use by customers and engineers
BMW Manufacturing Co., Plant Spartanburg, SC, Jan 2013 - August 2014
Engineering Co-op, TS-42, Assembly
First Rotation: Safety Initiative; Mutilation prevention task team, oversaw 8 inspectors
Second Rotation: Quality support, root cause analysis, defect containment; Facilitation of
Kaizans; Training in six sigma; Coordination with multiple departments
Third Rotation: Furthered skills learned in second rotation; Independent project
management; Completed live sustainable training aids for each process
Undergraduate Research, January 2016 – May 2016
Exotic fuels in compression ignition engine
Instantaneous flow meter device
ASME Human Powered Vehicle Challenge 2016, October 2015 – May 2016
Team Executive, project management and team coordination
Designed and built a 3 wheeled recumbent bike from sustainable materials
Mentor UPP, Undergraduate Peer Partnering, Jan 2014 – May 2016
Mentored groups of freshmen engineering students in order to help increase retention in the College of Engineering and to network with fellow students.
Received mentorship from professional alumnus
College of Engineering does Radical Amateur Theater, Aug 2011-Dec 2012
Chair of the social committee
Lead role in Reduced Shakespeare Company’s Completely Hollywood
FE Exam: Passed
National Merit Scholar
University of Alabama Presidential Scholar
Honors College
Phi Sigma Theta Honor Society